Batman Is Riled
"Batman Is Riled" is the sixth episode of the Batman television series in its first season, originally airing on ABC January 27, 1966 and repeated on May 26, 1966, and May 25, 1967. Plot synopsisJoker is about to remove Batman's mask, but the Caped Crusader escapes using a small Batmissile in his utility belt to set off the water sprinklers. Joker uses a smoke bomb to make his escape. As they are chasing him on the catwalks above, Joker uses trick streamers from his utility belt that wrap around Batman and Robin. He gets away before Batman and Robin can get themselves out of the confetti. When the Duo returns to the Batcave to attempt to divine the clown's next move, Joker temporarily hijacks a TV studio to broadcast another riddle as to his next crime. After solving it with Alfred's help, they track Joker to a warehouse and while in a struggle, Joker switches Batman's utility belt with his to enable his escape in the most humiliating way possible. Batman is selected to christen the S.S. Gotham. The Joker decides to fill a champagne bottle with paralyzing gas. On the day of the christening, a crowd gathers. Joker's henchwoman hands Commissioner Gordon the bottle who in turn hands it to Batman. As Batman looks over the bottle, he notices the cork has been tampered with. After taking a pill and saying he had a headache, he hands Robin one as well and tells him to take it because it may be catching. As the bottle is broken, it releases the gas and everyone is knocked out. Joker takes Batman and Robin back to his hideout (thinking they're knocked out) and broadcasts his ultimatum on television—either he gets the S.S. Gotham or Batman and Robin will be executed like the famous display in the wax museums. Batman and Robin spring into action having taken their Universal Drug Antidote Pill. The Joker is caught and brought to justice. Notes
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