Badger (TV series)
Badger is a British television police procedural drama series, broadcast between 11 July 1999 and 1 September 2000. Produced by Feelgood Films, and broadcast on BBC One, a total of thirteen episodes were broadcast over the course of two series. The series stars Jerome Flynn as lead character Tom McCabe, a police wildlife liaison officer, who is tasked with fighting wildlife crime in his home county of Northumberland.[1] The series was created by Ballykissangel creator Kieran Prendiville, and the character of McCabe was based upon a close associate of Prendiville, Paul Henery, who was himself a police wildlife liaison officer at the time of recording.[2] In April 2000, Craster became the set for the second series, with many of the local buildings taking on new identities, and the Harbour Cottage being transformed into a local jail, complete with bars across the window. The yard was also used as the back of the police station. Flynn said of the series; "I've always felt passionate about animals, so loved the script when it was sent to me. I also have family and friends in Northumberland and have a particular affinity with the North East." Regarding Henery, Flynn said; "Paul was a large inspiration because he was the real thing. I connected with him right away, understood what's driving him to do the job. It's not really police work, it's a passion with him, trying to keep the animals wild ... he's just passionate about preventing needless suffering." An official book based on the series was issued by BBC Books on 6 July 2000.[3] Notably, the series has never been released on DVD. Cast
EpisodesSeries 1 (1999)
Series 2 (2000)
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