^Meeske still wins: "Billy Meeske (13.2) scored his fourth consecutive victory at the Bohemia Stadium on Saturday night, defeating the Russian, Kippasto Razgon (14.0), by two falls to one. It was not a spectacular contest, mainly owing to Razgon's preference for straight wrestling. The Russian lacks the generalship and cleverness of Meeske, and some of his attempts to apply well known holds were very crude. Meeske Was pinned by a double armbar and body press in the third round, but he gained a submission fall with the "octopus" hold in the fifth session, and clinched the match by putting the Russian's shoulders on the mat for the stipulated three seconds with a halch and body press in the seventh term.", The Courier-Mail 12 March 1934 Page 8
^Razgon Outclassed., The Courier-Mail 19 March 1934 Page 6