The ninth season of the animated television series Aqua Teen Hunger Force, alternatively titledAqua Something You Know Whatever (or ASYKW), originally aired in the United States on Adult Swim. This season had a total of ten episodes, premiering with "Big Bro" on June 24, 2012 and ending with "Totem Pole" on August 26, 2012. The show is about the surreal adventures and antics of three anthropomorphicfast food items: Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad, who live together as roommates and frequently interact with their human next-door neighbor, Carl in a suburban neighborhood Seattle, New Jersey, a fictional location which is completely identical to their other previous homes seen in past seasons. In May 2015, this season became available on Hulu Plus, and in May 2020, it became available on HBO Max.
Episodes in this season were written and directed by Dave Willis and Matt Maiellaro. Almost every episode in this season features a special guest appearance, which continues a practice used in past seasons. This season has been released in various forms of home media, including on demand streaming.
Every episode in this season was written and directed by series creators Dave Willis and Matt Maiellaro, who have both written and directed every episode of the series. All episodes originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. The theme music for this season was written and performed by Mariachi El Bronx and Schoolly D.[1]