Ana María Millán Gasca (born 1964) is a Spanish historian of science, scholar of mathematics education, and book author. She works in Italy as a professor at Roma Tre University.[1]
At Roma Tre, she is a full professor in the department of science education,[1] where her laboratory focuses on primary-school mathematics education, especially for students with learning disabilities.[3]
The Biology of Numbers: The Correspondence of Vito Volterra on Mathematical Biology (with Giorgio Israel, Birkhäuser, 2002)[4]
Technological Concepts and Mathematical Models in the Evolution of Modern Engineering Systems: Controlling, Managing, Organizing (edited with Mario Lucertini and Fernando Nicolòm, Birkhäuser, 2004)[5]
Euclides: La fuerza del razonamiento matemático (Nivola, 2004)
All'inizio fu lo scriba: Piccola storia della matematica come strumento di conoscenza (Mimesis, 2004)
Fabbriche, sistemi, organizzazioni: Storia dell’ingegneria industriale (Springer, 2006)[6]
The World as a Mathematical Game: John von Neumann and Twentieth Century Science (with Giorgio Israel, Birkhäuser, 2009)[7]
Pensare in matematica (with Giorgio Israel, Zanichelli, 2012)
Numeri e forme: Didattica della matematica con i bambini (Zanichelli, 2016)
I bambini e il pensiero scientifico (with Paola Magrone, Carocci, 2018)