
King of Shakambhari
Reignc. 1164–1165 CE
PredecessorVigraharaja IV
SuccessorPrithviraja II
DynastyChahamanas of Shakambhari

Amaragangeya (r. c. 1164–1165 CE), also known as Aparagangeya, was an Indian king from the Chahamana dynasty. He ruled parts of north-western India, including present-day Rajasthan.

Amaragangeya was a son of the Chahamana king Vigraharaja IV. He appears to have ascended the throne as a minor, and ruled for a very short period.[1] He was succeeded by his paternal cousin Prithviraja II, who was a son of Vigraharaja's brother Jagaddeva. According to an inscription found at the Ruthi Rani temple at Dhod, Prithviraja defeated the king of Shakambhari. This indicates that Prithviraja de-throned Amaragangeya, and became the Chahamana king.[2] According to the 15th century Kashmiri historian Jonaraja, Amaragangeya died unmarried.[3]



  • Dasharatha Sharma (1959). Early Chauhān Dynasties. S. Chand / Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 9780842606189.
  • R. B. Singh (1964). History of the Chāhamānas. N. Kishore. OCLC 11038728.