She joined the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park as a research assistant professor in 1998, and became a regular-rank faculty member in 1999. From 2006 to 2011 she directed the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the university, from 2010 to 2012 she was Associate Dean for Research, from 2011 to 2013 she was ADVANCE Professor, and from 2013 to 2015 she was chief futurist for the university.[2][4] She took a leave from Maryland to work for two years as Special Advisor for National Digital Strategy to the US National Park Service,[2][4][6] before joining the Pratt Institute as Associate Provost in 2017.[2][4]
Druin is the author or editor of:
Children’s Internet Search: Using Roles to Understand Children’s Search Behavior (with Elizabeth Foss, Morgan & Claypool, 2014)
Methods and Techniques for Involving Children in the Design of New Technology for Children (with Jerry Alan Fails and Mona Leigh Guha, Now Publishers, 2013)
Mobile Technology for Children: Designing for Interaction and Learning (ed., Morgan Kauffman, 2009)[7]
Robots for Kids: Exploring New Technologies for Learning (ed. with James Hendler, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000)
The Design of Children's Technology (ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 1999)
Designing Multimedia Environments for Children (with Cynthia Solomon, Wiley, 1996)[8]
^Rgoodwin (11 June 2012), "Dr. Allison Druin, Professor Emerita", iSchool, University of Maryland, College Park, College of Information Studies, retrieved 2018-10-15