The length of the shell varies between 14 mm and 22 mm, its diameter between 4 mm and 5.5 mm.
(Original description in Latin) The shell features a barely visible fissure and has a fusiform, swollen shape with small ribs, broad in form, and a brownish-horn color. The aperture is wide and rounded-pyriform, with a swollen spire and a crested base. The peristome is continuous, with a solitary, reflexed, reddish edge. The lower lamella is set apart, and there are two upper palatal folds, with the lower posterior fold being very short. A crescent-shaped fold is incomplete, and the columellar fold is slightly submerged. The area surrounding the umbilicus is hemispherical. [2]
This species occurs in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
Bank, R. A.; Neubert, E. (2017). Checklist of the land and freshwater Gastropoda of Europe. Last update: July 16th, 2017.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Sysoev, A. V. & Schileyko, A. A. (2009). Land snails and slugs of Russia and adjacent countries. Sofia/Moskva (Pensoft). p. 102.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)