Albert Salvadó i Miras (1 February 1951 – 3 December 2020)[1] was an Andorran writer and industrial engineer. He wrote children's stories, essays and novels, in both Catalan and Spanish, often focusing on historical fiction. He has been described as breathing new life into the historical novel in the Catalan language.[citation needed]
In the crime fiction genre, he has written El rapte, el mort i el Marsellès (Serie Negra Prize 2000), and Una vida en joc, dedicated to the former Casino de la Rabassada (1910).
In the suspense novel genre, he has written Un vot per l'esperança, a novel that won the title of "Selected Work" in the Plaza & Janés International Novel Prize in 1985 and L'informe Phaeton, which has received unanimous acclaim [according to whom?] from the public, who say this is his most impressive novel.
In historical fiction he has written books set in different eras: The Teacher of Cheops (Néstor Luján Prize Historical Novel 1998); L'anell d'Àtila (Fiter i Rossell Prize 1999); Els ulls d'Anníbal (Charlemagne Prize 2002); La Gran Concubina d'Egipte (Nestor Lujan Prize 2005); the trilogy dedicated to James I the Conqueror (2000s) comprising: El punyal del sarraí, La reina hongaresa and Parleu o mateu-me; the trilogy dedicated to Ali Bey comprising: Maleït català, Maleït musulmà and Maleït cristià; and Obre els ulls i desperta, set in 17th-century Prague.
1997: L’enigma de Constantí el Gran
1998: El mestre de Kheops (The Teacher of Cheops, trans. Marc Duckett, 2017)
1999: L’Anell d’Atila
2000: El rapte, el mort i el marsellès
2000–01: Jaime I el Conquistador series
El punyal del sarraí
La reina hongaresa
Parleu o mateu-me
2001: L’ull del diable
2001: El relat de Gunter Psarris
2002: Un vot per l'esperança
2002: Els ulls d’Anníbal
2004: L’ombra d’Alí Bei series
Maleït català!, translated as The Mysterious Balloon Man (2011)
Maleït musulmà!
Maleït cristià!
2006: La gran concubina d’Amon
2007: L’informe Phaeton
2010: Una vida en joc
2011: Obre els ulls i desperta
2016: El ball de la vida co-author Anna Tohà
2018: Vols viure?
1982 - Premi Xerric-Xerrac de contes infantils for La imaginació del nen
1985 - Obra seleccionada per al premi Plaza & Janés for Libertad para Satanás
1997 - Finalista del Premi Nèstor Luján de novel·la històrica for L'Enigma de Constantí el Gran
1998 - Premi Nèstor Luján de novel·la històrica for The teacher of Cheops
1999 - Premi Fiter i Rossell for L'anell d'Àtila
2000 - Premi Sèrie Negra de Planeta for El rapte, el mort i el marsellès
2002 - Premi Carlemany for Els Ulls d'Anníbal
2005 - Premi Nèstor Luján de novel·la històrica for La Gran concubina de Amon
2016 - Premi Internacional El Vi Fa Sang for his body of work
2018 - Premi Àgora Cultural del Principat d'Andorra 2017 for his contribution to the enrichment of the literature from Andorra, particularly in the domain of the Historical Novel