A Fox's Tale
A Fox's Tale is a 2008 animated film. The film's original Hungarian title is Kis Vuk. It is the sequel to the 1981 film The Little Fox. The English-language voice cast includes Freddie Highmore, Miranda Richardson, Bill Nighy and Sienna Miller.[1] It was theatrically released in Hungary on April 17, 2008 and in the United States in late 2009. For ten years, the English dub of the film was never officially released to the general public as it was unavailable, with the only publicly released media to feature the English dub being the international trailer. Until it was uploaded on YouTube on March 9, 2017 by its director György Gát particularly due to the mass popularity of one of its actresses Sienna Miller had following her critically acclaimed roles in Foxcatcher, American Sniper and High-Rise.[2] PlotThe animated film is about Little Jack (Freddie Highmore), a young fox who spends his time enjoying a wonderful life in the forest with his loving family. During the film, Little Jack's world changes drastically when his father, Jack, is captured and forced to join the circus.[3] The film's villain, a shrewd circus owner named Anna Conda (Miranda Richardson), desperately wants bigger and better performances. This leads her to kidnap many forest animals, including Little Jack's father. With the help of her magician husband, The Ringmaster (Bill Nighy), Anna is able to hypnotize the animals into performing in her shows.[3] On his rescue mission, Little Jack gets help from many unlikely heroes, including a incapacitated nature-loving boy named Alex (Matthew McNulty) and a young acrobat named Arabella. Little Jack's mission to rescue his father leads him to make new friends, including a circus fox named Darcey (Sienna Miller). Together, they set out to free the animals so they can return home to the beautiful forest.[3] Cast
ReceptionThe film became controversial for the extremely negative criticism from its Hungarian audience, which was mainly disappointed by the film's failure to capture the style and spirit of the original 1981 film.[4] References
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