7Senses (in Chinese: 国际小分队, often stylized as Sen7es, 7SENSES or SEN7ES) is a sub-unit of the Chinese girl groupSNH48[1] and its first global unit.
7Senses debuted on the 24th ERC Chinese Top Ten Awards on March 27, 2017 in Shanghai, China with the song “Girl Crush” and their debut showcase on April 7, 2017 at the Mixing Room, Shanghai. 7Senses is currently made up of 5 members: Zhao Yue (Akira), Dai Meng (Diamond), Xu-Yang Yuzhuo (Eliwa), Xu Jiaqi (Kiki), Chen Lin (Lynn), with two former members Kong Xiaoyin (Bee) and Zhang Yuge (Tako). They were trained by an international team of professionals, including special training in South Korea along with other K-pop trainees, absorbing and learning from the Korean idol system. The number 7 stands for perfection, luck and infinite possibilities on stage.
After their debut in 2017, 7Senses gained popularity outside of mainland China. They started their first reality show/documentary titled "Lucky Seven Baby" on May 2, 2017.[2]The second season[3] released on December 18, 2017. Season three[4] was released on December 20, 2018 and the fourth season was released on November 8, 2019.[5][6]