546 BC—Pisistratus, supported by Thebes and Argos, finally takes power in Athens from the aristocratic party and imposes a moderate tyranny, respect, and even imposing against the oligarchy, the laws of Solon and leaving intact the magistracy (he "merely" to save his family). The same year Pisistratus cut taxes, grants of land and resources to the poor and caters for sick and old. It unifies the Attica, extending the influence of Athens, resuming Sigeion, who commanded the entrance of the Hellespont (Dardanelles), and acquires Taurica (Crimea).
546 BC—Sparta and Argos fight the Battle of the 300 Champions. Both sides had agreed beforehand to resolve their dispute with just 300 picked men on each side, in the end just one Spartan and two Argive soldiers remained alive. Both sides claimed victory.[2]
546 BC—The architect Eupalinos of Megara built aqueducts that supply water to Athens.
546 BC—The peace conference between the kingdoms in China. A treaty between Jin, Chu and some other kingdoms was signed.