Honor et munus / Česť a povinnosť ("Honour and Duty")
Current commander
1 star general Slavomír Verčimák
Military unit
The 2nd Mechanized Brigade of general Rudolf Viest is a subordinate component of the Ground Forces of the Slovak Republic. The headquarters of the 2nd Mechanized Brigade is located in Prešov.
Main task
The main task of the 2nd Mechanized Brigade is to "participate in the tasks of defense and protection of vital interests of Slovak republic and its allies against military and non-military threats by conducting military and non-military operations. With regard to organizational structure and armament, the 2nd MechBde is designed to fulfill full spectrum operations against lightly armored enemy units in high battle rhythm."[3][4]
The insignia of the 2nd mechanized Brigade and its individual battalions includes coat of arms style emblems for each of the major components. The 2nd Mechanized Brigade also has an honorary battle flag.[9][10]
^"Poslanie 2. mechanizovanej brigády" (in Slovak). 2.mb Prešov. Archived from the original on 2016-06-16. Retrieved 2016-06-11. podieľať sa na plnení úloh obrany a ochrany životných záujmov Slovenskej republiky a jej spojencov pred vojenskými a nevojenskými hrozbami vedením bojových a nebojových operácií. S ohľadom na organizačnú štruktúru a výzbroj je predurčená na vedenie ofenzívnych, defenzívnych a stabilizačných aktivít proti ľahko obrneným jednotkám nepriateľa vo vysokom tempe
Štaigl, J. a kolektív: Generáli - slovenská vojenská generalita 1918 – 2009 ("Generals: Slovak Military Generals 1918 - 2009"), Magnet Press, Slovakia 2009, str. 68