The fourth season of the American television sitcom 2 Broke Girls premiered on CBS on October 27, 2014, and concluded on May 18, 2015. The series was created and executively produced by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings. The season focuses on Max Black, a sarcastic below-the-poverty-line waitress, and Caroline Channing, a disgraced New York socialite turned waitress, as they continue their cupcake business venture.
It is the first season to have 22 episodes instead of the regular 24 of the previous three seasons.
Max (Kat Dennings) and Caroline (Beth Behrs) continue to work at a Brooklyn diner where they still dish up sarcasm and smarts — and sell Max’s Homemade Cupcakes at the diner’s pop-up window. New opportunities are on the horizon, as the girls continue looking for ways to increase their revenue and end up applying for a loan to produce more; eventually they get a second job as pastry chef and hostess to pay for it. In the meantime, Max and Caroline's neighbor Sophie continues her relationship with Oleg, and they finally decide to take the next step when they get engaged.
A producer offers to shoot an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians at the cupcake shop, but backs out at the last minute. Caroline is forced to make a drastic change. In the end, Kim Kardashian pays the cupcake shop a visit.
Max learns her weekly booty call (Jesse Metcalfe) is a DJ at a Whole Foods store. At the store, Caroline has an unexpected reunion with a former high society friend. Sophie uses a Ouija Board to determine if she is meant to get back together with Oleg.
Max receives her old Teddy Ruxpin back from her mother. She and Caroline differ about whether to sell it when the latter accidentally loses the most valuable fish in Han's newly installed aquarium.
Caroline starts using an abandoned bike to make deliveries, but Max is unable to do her share because she cannot ride a bicycle. Sophie and Oleg run into difficulty rekindling their relationship.
As a result of Max's latest behavior, Caroline throws her a "business intervention" by booking two seats in a two-day business seminar. Things do not go according to plan, however, when the two are at odds over how to move forward with their business.
Max and Caroline rent their apartment via Airbnb to some models in town for the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. The two spend the weekend in Sophie's apartment as she goes on vacation, but are lured back to their own apartment when the models throw a huge party.
When their cupcake t-shirt sales begin to gain momentum, Caroline tries to convince Max to apply for a loan to produce more of their product to sell at a trendy, upscale store. Meanwhile, determined to win a decorating contest, Sophie enlists the help of the two girls and the diner crew to create a living Nativity display.
With their $10,000 loan in hand, Max and Caroline select a factory to produce their cupcake T-shirts. Max soon becomes suspicious of the work conditions there when she and Caroline meet the company's overly enthusiastic employees. Meanwhile, Sophie starts a new business.
Caroline has a birthday present delivered to the restaurant: a $450,000 Lamborghini Aventador that her father ordered in 2011, knowing it would take four years to build. But her joy is short-lived when she finds it will be seized in the morning. That does not stop Max from taking the car and a drugged Caroline on a joyride to The Hamptons. Meanwhile, Oleg proposes to Sophie.
Han helps Oleg move in with Sophie, but Sophie does not like any of Oleg's stuff and will not let him keep anything in her apartment. Sophie throws a party to mark the occasion of Oleg moving in, but the two have a fight. Sophie drives back Oleg's stuff, but gets in an accident when Caroline suggests that Sophie is being unreasonable. In the end, Oleg and Sophie make up when Sophie admits that she is scared of their new relationship status. Meanwhile, Caroline decides to buy heating lamps for outdoor seating at their cupcake window.
While trying to sell cupcake T-shirts at a club, Caroline is hit on by a handsome man and goes home with him, but later realizes she left jewelry of sentimental value at his place. When he does not return her texts for two weeks, Caroline has Max help her break into the man's apartment, but she picks the wrong apartment and the two get arrested. Meanwhile, Sophie had asked Max to be her maid of honor and was rejected, which gives her a bargaining chip when the girls need to be bailed out of jail.
The girls find out two rich high school girls are selling knock-offs of their cupcake T-shirts, so they "lawyer up" with Han playing their legal counsel. Meanwhile, Sophie is going overboard on her wedding planning.
When Max and Caroline learn that one of their customers is a successful photographer (Valerie Harper), they discover that the woman is keeping a secret from them, and the outcome lets Caroline down. Meanwhile, Sophie believes Oleg is cheating on her.
As Max and Caroline prepare for Sophie's bridal shower, the FBI orders them out of the building to search for a man who has held three women hostage in it. Max's Homemade Cupcakes then becomes newsworthy when the suspect emerges in police custody wearing one of the girls' cupcake T-shirts.
Max worries over her missing cat, Nancy. A handsome venture capitalist returns the feline to the apartment, but the girls soon discover that Nancy is pregnant. Caroline flirts with the man to interest him in investing in the cupcake business, but the man interprets it wrong.
When Caroline notices the girls' bank balance is less than zero, she and Max desperately look for ways to make enough money for the payments on their T-shirt loan. Soon after, John ("Big Mary") from Max's pastry school comes by to say he is working as a pastry chef at "The High", a new upscale restaurant in Manhattan. He encourages Max to apply for the other pastry chef position that needs to be filled, and Caroline tags along to apply for a waitress job.
Joedth finds a hot, young Irish man named Nashit (Austin Falk) on a bench outside The High, and hires him, asking Caroline to train him as a waiter. Max falls in love with him and vows to get Nashit into bed, but doing so would violate Joedth's strict "no hook ups among employees" policy. After the two are caught, Han hires Nashit to work as a dishwasher at the diner.
Caroline replaces Sophie's sister as her other bridesmaid. But she and Max hurt Sophie's feelings when they try to avoid receiving the dresses Sophie has selected for them.
Caroline finds an opportunity to set up Nash in a modeling career. After some painful preparation, Caroline and Max take Nash to an audition for a Cocoa Puffs commercial, but it is not what they expected.
Caroline scores Nash an underwear shoot, so Joedth rewards her with the manager position at a new location for The High, and the opportunity to take Max along. However, Nash's mother arrives unexpectedly to take him back to Ireland, forcing the girls to kidnap him back or lose their jobs at The High.
At Oleg's bachelor party, Han inadvertently discloses a secret that leads Sophie to cancel the wedding. The girls and Big Mary open up a new branch of The High that, much to their dismay, is located in an airport.
Sophie and Oleg get married, despite some challenges on their wedding day. Disappointing sales at the airport branch of The High put the girls' future there in doubt. The Girls then end up going to Paris using the tickets they got to get into the airport to kidnap Nash. The episode ends with Max and Caroline drinking champagne from their cabin crew friends.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $89
Viewership and ratings per episode of 2 Broke Girls season 4