The third season of the American television sitcom 2 Broke Girls premiered on CBS on September 23, 2013, and concluded on May 5, 2014. The series was created and executively produced by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings. The season focuses on Max Black, a sarcastic below-the-poverty-line waitress, and Caroline Channing, a disgraced New York socialite turned waitress, as they continue their cupcake business venture, with Max joining a pastry school.
Max (Kat Dennings) and sophisticated Caroline (Beth Behrs)—new best friends who met waitressing at the same Brooklyn diner—try to get their cupcake business further off the ground. Following the end of season two, the girls discover a hidden room in the diner—perfect to operate Max’s Homemade Cupcakes out of. Max joins a pastry school this season, as their business continues to slowly grow.
The third season employed a cast of six main actors. Actresses Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs return to portray their respective roles as Max Black, a sarcastic below-the-poverty-line waitress, and Caroline Channing, a former socialite who is bankrupt following her father's arrest for his involvement in a Ponzi scheme.[1][2]Jonathan Kite, Garrett Morris and Matthew Moy also return as Oleg, a foreign hypersexed cook; Earl, a wise but hip elderly cashier; and Han, the Korean proprietor of the diner where the girls continue to work.[3]Jennifer Coolidge reprises her role of Sophie Kaczynski as part of the main cast for the third season, a Polish cleaning businesswoman who lives in the same building as Max and Caroline.[4]Nick Zano returns as a guest to portray Johnny, a street artist and Max's potential love interest.
The night Caroline and Max reopen their cupcake shop in the back room at the diner, a legendary British rock star dies in front of the store, bringing them a windfall as his fans congregate there the next night. However, it also brings them into conflict with Han.
After seeing two customers successfully fund an improbable business venture through Kickstarter, Caroline decides to use it to raise money for some new clothes. Tensions over that and Max's new phone lead to a rift between the two.
Max and Caroline get a cappuccino machine for their business, but their inability to operate it leads them to get a job at Starbucks. Federico Dordei joins the cast as the new day waiter, Luis.
Seeing the success of cronuts, and fearing that they may displace cupcakes in popularity, Max and Caroline attempt to add them to their cupcake shop's product line.
Han lies in an email to his mother when he sends her pictures of a prostitute, saying she is his girlfriend. With his mother due to arrive from Korea, Han pays Max and Caroline to find the girl and convince her to pretend to be his girlfriend.
Caroline is anxious for a date with a surfer guy, but she becomes confused when she is stood up for the first time ever. Even after being stood up, Caroline and Max go to the exclusive restaurant Caroline's date got reservations for.
The girls hire Sophie's cleaning business to clean their apartment, and Caroline convinces Max to apply to the Manhattan School of Pastry. Gilles Marini's first appearance as pastry school head chef, and Caroline's love interest, Nicholas.
On her first day of pastry school, Max befriends the class-clown, while Caroline hopes to impress Max's instructor. Eric André's first appearance as class-clown, and Max's love interest, Deke.
Max realizes while studying for a test with Deke that their friendship may be something stronger. Meanwhile, Caroline is bothered by her continued strong feelings for Chef Nicholas, despite finding out that he is married.
When Deke takes Max to his place after a great first date, his "home" is nothing like she expected. Meanwhile, Caroline feels empowered – then scared for her life – after having a shady car towed from the front of their cupcake window.
Max rebuffs Deke's efforts to show her that his wealth should not change how she sees him, but she temporarily loses her way when he gifts her $1,000,000.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $560 (for a few seconds, the tally is $1,000,560)
Nicholas' wife gives Caroline permission to sleep with him via Skype, putting Caroline in a difficult situation as she no longer has any excuses not to. Max and Deke contemplate whether to take their relationship to the next level and start using contraceptives regularly.
Nicholas tells Caroline he intends to leave his wife for her, and that she is coming to New York so he can tell her personally. Caroline's efforts to break off the relationship grow more desperate. Gilles Marini's last appearance as Nicholas.
When Nicholas returns to France with his wife, the pastry school is shut down. Deke offers to buy it but needs to get the money from his parents. When Deke asks Caroline and Max to join him and his parents for a dinner, his mother shares a secret with Max. Eric Andre's last appearance as Deke.
Three days before her wedding, a customer at the cupcake stand (Lindsay Lohan) hires the girls to do a new wedding cake for her. However, she regularly changes her mind about what she wants and does not want.
When Max and Caroline learn the lease on their rent-controlled apartment needs to be renewed, they have to find the original tenant, as their names are not on the lease. They find the tenant, Lester (Hal Linden), at a retirement community. He goes to his old apartment and signs a new four-year lease, then refuses to leave until the girls convince Sophie to have sex with him. Sophie staunchly declines, prompting Max and Caroline to choose between moving out or having sex with Lester.
Caroline's love for horse racing gets out of hand when she and Max go to a racetrack as guests of Sophie's new bookie boyfriend. The two girls initially turn $200 into $600, but Caroline bets on more races to run up debts of $3,000. Things get worse when Sophie breaks up with the bookie, forcing Earl to briefly end his self-imposed moratorium on gambling in order to get Caroline out of the hole.
Caroline discovers that Max only needs to make up a final exam in American history to earn her high school diploma. She helps Max study for it, and the two take a bus trip to Max's old school in Rhode Island for the test. Carolina is angered by Max's mom being as worthless as Max said she was, but Max finds genuine joy in having a group of people in her life who love her and whom she loves--yes, even Han.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $2,572
Viewership and ratings per episode of 2 Broke Girls season 3