The fifth season of the American television sitcom 2 Broke Girls premiered on CBS on November 12, 2015, and concluded on May 12, 2016. The series was created and executively produced by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings. The season focuses on Max Black, a sarcastic below-the-poverty-line waitress, and Caroline Channing, a disgraced New York socialite turned waitress, as they continue their cupcake business venture.
As Max Black (Kat Dennings) and Caroline Channing (Beth Behrs) continue moving forward with Max's Homemade Cupcakes, their relationships become more complicated, and new opportunities are presented when a producer is interested on Caroline's rights to her life story to turn into a movie. Meanwhile, Sophie and Oleg start thinking about their future when Sophie realizes she might be pregnant.
A developer plans to demolish the diner, Max's Homemade Cupcakes, and all the other businesses on the block to make way for an IMAX theater, leading to a very brief Caroline-Han friendship and a search for historical evidence that will allow everything to remain standing. Meanwhile, believing she is an expectant mother, Sophie takes many pregnancy tests.
Han lets Max and Caroline use his one-day guest passes at his health club, where two housewives get angry at Caroline for stealing the attention of Brian, the hot yoga instructor. Max learns the gym's juice bar needs help, so she and Caroline get jobs there to retain their club privileges. Meanwhile, Sophie vows to eat only healthy food while trying to conceive but, like the girls' jobs at the juice bar, it does not last long.
Caroline is thrown for a series of loops when she encounters her old boyfriend "Candy" Andy, from being in denial about still having feelings for him, to being stunned to learn that he's getting married, to being horrified when she somehow agrees to make their wedding cake. Max finds most of this hilarious, but even she is both moved and shocked by the two later revelations. Elsewhere, Sophie has decided to use a life-like robot baby to prepare for her inevitable pregnancy.
When Caroline and Max are putting together an order for an LGBT client named "I", a misunderstanding involving the packaging for the cupcakes and the out of context comment "we cannot sell these cupcakes to you" leads to an angry community boycott against the allegedly bigoted cupcake shop. This also begins to ruin the diner's business, and Han's attempt to help doesn't work once the protesters realize he's straight. A friendly guy places a huge cupcake order for his organization and invites Caroline and Max to come to a convention, only for the girls to realize in horror that the meeting is for an anti-gay "family values" group. They then figure out a way to let everyone know what they really stand for.
Caroline learns that Max has been overcharging her $25 on her share of the rent every month. Max barely apologizes and gets mad when Caroline won't drop the matter. Caroline then refuses to help with the clues on a Han-mandated group outing to an escape room, until Max shows she really is sorry and they patch things up. Meanwhile, Oleg and Sophie's plans to conceive a child gross everyone out. Guest starring John Milhiser.
Max meets a handsome man named Owen and takes him home, but to her shock, he refuses sex with her. Owen says he wants to get to know Max first, and also reveals an interesting feature of his male anatomy. Meanwhile, Sophie insists that Oleg get his sperm count tested, then walks out on her own gynecologist appointment because she's afraid to find out that she might be the reason that Oleg cannot give her a baby. Guest starring Steve Talley as Owen.
Caroline's Grandma Astrid (Judith Roberts) awakes from a five-year coma. Astrid's butler says she does not know about Caroline's father going to prison, nor is she aware that her own fortune was lost in the scandal. Things get complicated when Caroline learns Astrid expects a lavish "coming out" party. Elsewhere, Oleg seeks fertility drugs for Sophie, and Han tries to come up with a WiFi password that Max can't figure out.
Oleg's cousin, who plays basketball for the Brooklyn Nets, has two tickets to an upcoming game which he gives to Oleg and Max. When Oleg backs out, Caroline takes his place. Because the game time conflicts with a local food festival at which Caroline hoped to distribute flyers for the cupcake business, she sneaks in a flyer to post at the Nets' arena, over Max's objections.
Earl's old jazz ensemble, The Early Birds, is having a reunion concert at Ruby's, but Earl is not invited. The girls confront the club's owner, Ruby (Jackée Harry), who is also a former flame of Earl's, and learn that she is the one who refuses to invite him. After some convincing, Ruby finally relents and lets Earl play his sax with the group, but there's another problem: Earl, who has been off hard drugs for 30 years, claims he has never played while sober.
When Max's old friend Becky White (Diona Reasonover) stops by the cupcake window, Caroline realizes she hasn't made any new friends other than Max since coming to Williamsburg. Caroline immediately befriends two young women sitting in the diner, and is invited to their weekend event. Max goes there with Caroline and jokes that the women might be in a cult, which turns out to be prophetic. Max and Caroline leave and are taken home by Oleg and Sophie.
When Max and Caroline work a promotional booth at a gaming convention that Han is attending, they discover that an avatar for a new game has been made in Max's image. Meanwhile, Oleg's cousin is remodeling Sophie's apartment, forcing her and Oleg to temporarily move into the girls' apartment, where they make themselves at home.
Caroline meets a handsome man at the diner who asks her out, but the "date" turns out to be viewing his presentation at a story telling show. Though put off by the event, Caroline is encouraged by the MC to return to the club to tell her story. A representative from Warner Brothers hears Caroline's real-life tale and thinks it will make a good movie. She arranges a first class flight for Caroline to travel to Hollywood, which Caroline exchanges for two coach seats so Max can go too. Meanwhile, Sophie and Oleg search for a surrogate to carry their baby.
Max and Caroline arrive in Hollywood, though Max's luggage does not. While Caroline waits for a chance to talk to producer Perry Tyler (Chris Williams), Max is upset that Randy (Ed Quinn), the lawyer she met at the hotel bar and later slept with, has not called or texted the next day. Sophie arrives in town, seeking doctors who have performed fertility treatments for over-40 celebrities.
Caroline gets her meeting with the head writer for the movie, who tells her that they don't want a "Max" character in the film at all. Caroline is upset until the writer says they are thinking of Jennifer Lawrence for her role. Max goes on a date with Randy, who tries to set up Caroline with his elderly friend Bob (George Hamilton), and later Max and Sophie go to an audition for The Price Is Right. In the end, Caroline tells Max she refused to agree to the film unless the Max role stays in.
While Caroline awaits a meeting with Jennifer Lawrence, who is interested in playing her role in the movie, Max offers to stay at Randy's house and watch his dog while he travels to Miami. But the dog runs away, putting the girls in the path of a serial killer. Meanwhile, Sophie is convinced that bad karma is preventing her from becoming pregnant, so she tries in vain to stop insulting Caroline.
The deal for the movie on Caroline's life story is a go, though she won't see a check for a month. As the girls prepare to head home, Randy meets with Max and breaks up with her through his therapist (John Michael Higgins). As the girls take a party bus to the airport, Caroline insists they stop at Randy's house to get closure. Randy then tells Max he likes her too much, and knows how long-distance relationships usually end. Meanwhile, Sophie's spiritual healer says she can't help her get pregnant...because Sophie already is pregnant.
Caroline and Max decide to expand their cupcake business with the $250,000 that Caroline will receive for the movie about her life. They visit Caroline's father in prison to see a musical that he has written, where he tells Max that Caroline will not be happy and this is her big chance to move back to Manhattan, infuriating Max. Meanwhile, Sophie receives a letter identifying the sex of her baby but wants it to be revealed using a "gender reveal cake".
Caroline has received her money and she and Max search for a place to set up the dessert shop after Han refuses to allow them to expand in the diner. Randy shows up in town and Caroline urges Max to resist him, given the way Randy handled things in California, but Max cannot. In the end, Han relents and allows the girls to use their old cupcake space for their dessert shop.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $250,072
Randy decides he wants to spend a night in the girls' apartment to see how Max lives, but he soon steps on a floorboard nail and has to go to the hospital. He later uses the incident and his lawyer skills to force the landlord into putting the girls' name on the apartment lease, and he also fine-tunes their application for the dessert shop's liquor license.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $250,072
Randy is invited to a dinner by potential new law partners who have offered him a job in Manhattan, and he asks Max to come along. Max feels out of place at the trendy new restaurant and throws up multiple times after eating the exotic food, making her feel that she and Randy aren't right for each other. Also, Sophie and Oleg ask Max and Caroline to be the godparents for their baby.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $250,072
Max and Caroline learn Han is in trouble with a gang when he can't pay substantial debt he amassed from gambling on women's tennis. The girls decide to pay off Han's $30,000 debt in exchange for part ownership in the diner.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $1,000
Viewership and ratings per episode of 2 Broke Girls season 5