The election, like other local elections in 2024, follow the first-past-the-post system where the candidate with the most votes wins the election, even if they do not win a majority.[3] It is possible for a candidate to run uncontested, in which case the candidate is still required to win a majority of votes "against" an "empty box" option. Should the candidate fail to do so, the election will be repeated on a later date.[4]
Vision: Realizing Bali Dwipa Jaya to Support the Realization of Golden Indonesia
Realizing a Prosperous and Superior Bali to Support the Realization of the Four Pillars of Golden Indonesia, namely:
Human Development and Strengthening of Science and Technology
Sustainable Economic Development
Equitable Development
Strengthening National Resilience and Governance[6]
Previously, Made Muliawan Arya was often compared to various other political figures in Bali. Since last July, there has been a lot of support for the Mulia-PAS pair, starting with support from several prominent figures including famous artists. [7] Previously, Gerindra Party had confirmed that Made Muliawan Arya or De Gadjah would advance as a gubernatorial candidate in the Bali Pilbup, De Gadjah ultimately accompanied by Putu Agus Suradnyana who is the former Regent of Buleleng for two terms. with that the pair officially became competitors of the pair supported by PDI-P.[8] The pair were inaugurated on August 25, 2024, and continued with official registration at the KPUBali Province. The pair was supported by a coalition of member parties of KIM Plus such as Gerindra Party, NasDem Party, PKS, National Mandate Party, Golkar Party, Democratic Party, PKN, and PSI.[9]
Candidates from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
Vision: Building Sat Kerthi Loka Bali which means maintaining the sanctity and harmony of the Balinese environment and its contents, to realize a prosperous and happy Balinese life, both physically and mentally.[11]
This couple previously received many rumors from the public. The recommendation from the PDI-P Center was only issued on August 23, 2024, and was officially registered with the NEC on August 29.[12] Koster-Giri was supported by a coalition of political parties such as PDI-P, PKB, Gelora Party, Hanura Party, Perindo Party, Crescent and Star Party, Ummah Party, and Labor Party, the Koster-Giri pair also received support from the local Bali alliance, namely Bali Angunggah Shanti.
The General Elections Commission planned three debates to be attended by the 2024 Bali gubernatorial election participants. The first debate was held on October 30, the second debate on November 9, and the third debate on November 20. The KPU then announced a change in schedule, the second debate was postponed four days from the previous schedule, the second debate was postponed to November 9 because on the 13th all stations were required to follow the North Sumatra debate. The Bali gubernatorial election debate will be broadcast live on the Bali KPU YouTube channel. The exchange of ideas between the two candidate pairs will last for 120 minutes, consisting of 100 minutes of debate and 20 minutes of advertising. 19.00 to 21.00. In its inaugural discussion, the Bali KPU has set the theme of the tourism sector discussion with the theme "Formatting Bali Towards Sustainable Tourism" In addition, sub-themes in the inaugural debate include security, law and public order (kamtibmas), environmental issues and spatial planning, cultural resilience, infrastructure and transportation facilities, and tourism economy. Then, the second discussion will focus on regional autonomy with the theme "Responding to the Dynamics of Regional Autonomy in Bali". This theme will discuss the relationship between the central and regional governments, regional taxes and levies, collaborative or pentahelix governance, innovation in developing local revenue sources, and human resource development (Human Resources). Finally, in the third debate, the Bali KPU has set the theme "Ngardi Bali sané Shanti lan Jagadhita" ("Realizing a Peaceful and Prosperous Bali") which will discuss the issues of workers, women, children and marginalized groups. The third debate is also related to smart agriculture. digitalization of public services and education, as well as physical and mental health.[13]
In one of the debates, candidate pair number 1 Made Muliawan Arya and Putu Agus Suradnyana (Mulia-PAS) had touched on candidate pair number 2 I Wayan Koster and I Nyoman Giri Prasta for rejecting the presence of the Israeli national team in Bali at the 2023 FIFA U-20 World Cup, De Gadjah said that sport should not be mixed with politics, this immediately made the audience cheer and sparked chaos and disputes between the supporters of the two candidate pairs.[20]
Fraud voting video
In Karangasem Regency of Bali, right on the voting day, a viral video was circulating on social media, where in the video someone voted for four ballots for the Bali gubernatorial election alone and was recorded before the video was uploaded on social media so that it went viral and invited questions from netizens.
It is suspected that the video took place at one of the polling stations in Karangasem Regency.
From the results of the temporary investigation, it is suspected that the action of residents who voted for five ballots occurred at one of the polling stations in Sangkan Gunung Village, Sidemen, Karangasem District, Bali.[21]
Reports of Fraud from Each Candidate Pair
Candidate Pair Made Muliawan Arya-Putu Agus Suradnyana (Mulia-PAS) reported Candidate Pair I Wayan KosterI Nyoman Giri Prasta to the General Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu). Mulia-PAS through its legal team reported three alleged election violations to the General Elections Supervisory Body in the form of special financial assistance funds (BKK), meetings with community organizations during the quiet period, and alleged deployment of ASN. Koster-Giri's legal team also submitted a report to the Bali Police regarding the distribution of cheap rice and coupons in the 2024 Bali gubernatorial election.[22]
Inauguration schedule
Acting Governor of Bali Sang Made Mahendra Jaya insisted that the gubernatorial inauguration would still be held on February 7 even though there was still a lawsuit process at the Constitutional Court (MK) which inauguration will be held on March 13, 2025.[23]
Meanwhile, the Governor-elect and Deputy Governor-elect I Wayan Koster and I Nyoman Giri Prasta said that they had no problem if the governor's inauguration was postponed from February 6 to February 18-20 2025.[24]
Made Muliawan Arya revealed the results of his team's internal calculations. Muliawan said that the vote tally of Made Muliawan Arya-Putu Agus Suradnyana (Mulia-PAS) was far behind pair number 2, I Wayan Koster-I Nyoman Giri Prasta (Koster-Giri). De Gadjah then congratulated the Koster-Giri candidate. He hopes that the candidate pairs who are his rivals in the 2024 Bali gubernatorial election will fulfill the promises made during the campaign. De Gadjah did not detail the results of the internal calculations carried out by his winning team. Even so, he said the chance for the Mulia-PAS candidate to catch up with their rivals was very small. He also accepted gracefully the results of the 2024 Bali gubernatorial election even though there has been no official decision from the KPU. He respects and appreciates the decisions of the Balinese people.[25]