Overview of 2020 Russian Figure Skating Championships
The 2020 Russian Figure Skating Championships (Russian : Чемпионат России по фигурному катанию на коньках 2020 ) were held from 24 to 29 December 2019 in Krasnoyarsk . Medals were awarded in the disciplines of men's singles, ladies' singles , pair skating , and ice dancing . The results were among the criteria used to select the Russian teams for the 2020 European Championships and 2020 World Championships .
In the 2019–20 season , Russian skaters competed in domestic qualifying events and national championships for various age levels. The Russian Cup series led to three events – the Russian Championships, the Russian Junior Championships, and the Russian Cup Final.[ 1] [ 2]
Medalists of most important competitions
Senior Championships
The 2020 Russian Championships was held in Krasnoyarsk , Krasnoyarsk Krai from 24 to 29 December 2019.[ 4] Competitors qualified through international success or by competing in the Russian Cup series' senior-level events.
There are three separate basis for qualification.[ 5]
1. Qualification based on receiving 2019–20 Grand Prix assignment.
2. Qualification based on qualifying for the 2019–20 Junior Grand Prix Final . However, skaters must have been born in 2005 or earlier to be qualified for the Russian senior championships. In addition, junior ice dance teams do not compete at senior national championships due to different program requirements between the junior and senior levels. Consequently, ice dance teams cannot use their junior level programs for senior competition.
3. Qualification based on Russian Cup series' results.
Listed in local time (UTC +7).[ 6]
Day 1
26 December
Short program
Ice dance
Rhythm dance
Opening ceremony
Short program
Day 2
27 December
Ice dance
Free dance
Free skating
Short program
Day 3
28 December
Free skating
Free skating
Day 4
29 December
Victory ceremonies
Exhibition gala
Preliminary entries
[ 5]
Changes to preliminary entries
Ice dance
Junior Championships
The 2020 Russian Junior Championships (Russian : Первенство России среди юниоров 2020 ) was held in Saransk , Mordovia on 4–8 February 2020.[ 21] Competitors qualified through international success or by competing in the Russian Cup series' junior-level events. The results of the Junior Championships were part of the selection criteria for the 2020 World Junior Championships .
There are two separate basis for qualification.[ 22]
1. Qualification based on competing at the 2019–20 Junior Grand Prix series.
2. Qualification based on Russian Cup series' junior-level results.
Preliminary entries
[ 22]
Changes to preliminary entries
Ice dance
International team selections
Winter Youth Olympics
The list with preliminary entries of the Russia's team to the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics was published on 16 December 2019.[ 32] The final list was approved on 24 December 2019.[ 33]
European Championships
Russia's team to the 2020 European Championships was published on 29 December 2019.[ 34]
World Championships
Russia's team to the 2020 World Championships was published on 31 January 2020.[ 35]
World Junior Championships
Russia's team to the 2020 World Junior Championships was published on 10 February 2020.[ 36] [ 37]
^ "Russian domestic competitions in 2019" .
^ "Russian domestic competitions in 2020" .
^ a b "Внимание! Изменение в Календаре соревнований в сезоне 2019-2020 гг.!" [Attention! The changes in the calendar of competitions of the 2019–20 season!] (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia. 16 March 2020.
^ Ростелеком - Чемпионат России 2020 [2020 Rostelecom Russian Championships] (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia.
^ a b "List of preliminary participants of the 2020 Russian Championships" . Figure Skating Federation of Russia. Archived from the original on 2019-09-27. Retrieved 2019-09-21 .
^ «Ростелеком-Чемпионат России»2020г. по фигурному катанию на коньках [Competition schedule of the 2020 Russian Championships] (PDF) (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia.
^ "Фигуристки Сотскова и Леонова не выступят на чемпионате России в Красноярске" [Figure skaters Sotskova and Leonova will not complete at the Russian Championships in Krasnoyarsk] (in Russian). TASS . December 3, 2019.
^ "Алина Загитова заявила, что приостанавливает участие в соревнованиях" [Alina Zagitova declared that she suspends own participation in competitions] (in Russian). TASS . December 13, 2019.
^ "Фигурист Коляда не выступит на чемпионате России в Красноярске" [Figure skater Kolyada will not complete at the Russian Championships in Krasnoyarsk] (in Russian). TASS . December 14, 2019.
^ "Столбова и Новоселов пропустят чемпионат России из-за травмы партнера" [Stolbova and Novoselov will miss the Russian Championships due to injury of male partner] (in Russian). R-Sport . December 14, 2019.
^ a b "Список участников Ростелеком - Чемпионата России по фигурному катанию на коньках 2020 (г. Красноярск, 24-29 декабря 2019" [The list of participants of the Rostelecom - 2020 Russian Figure Skating Championships (Krasnoyarsk, 24–29 December 2019)] (PDF) (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia . December 16, 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 16, 2019.
^ "Фигурист Дмитриев может пропустить сезон" [Figure skater Dmitriev may miss the season] (in Russian). R-Sport . October 7, 2019.
^ "Забияко и Энберт пропустят чемпионат России по фигурному катанию" [Zabiiako and Enbert will miss the Russian Figure Skating Championships] (in Russian). R-Sport . December 16, 2019.
^ "Диана Мухаметзянова - Илья Миронов. Финал Гран-при. Юниоры. Пары. Турин. 2019" [Diana Mukhametzianova - Ilya Mironov. Grand Prix Final. Juniors. Pairs. Turin. 2019] (in Russian). YouTube . December 7, 2019.
^ "Список участников Ростелеком - Чемпионата России по фигурному катанию на коньках 2020 (г. Красноярск, 24-29 декабря 2019)" [The revised list of participants of the Rostelecom - 2020 Russian Figure Skating Championships (Krasnoyarsk, 24–29 December 2019)] (PDF) (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia . December 20, 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 20, 2019.
^ "Васильева пропустит юношеские ОИ из-за проблемы с суставами" [Vasilieva will miss the Youth Olympics due to joint problems] (in Russian). R-Sport . January 6, 2020.
^ a b "Список участников Ростелеком - Чемпионата России по фигурному катанию на коньках 2020 (г. Красноярск, 24-29 декабря 2019" [The list of participants of the Rostelecom - 2020 Russian Figure Skating Championships (Krasnoyarsk, 24–29 December 2019) (Updated on December 21, 2019)] (PDF) (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia . December 21, 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 21, 2019. Retrieved December 22, 2019 .
^ "Как Туктамышевой бороться с ученицами Тутберидзе на чемпионате России, и кто должен ехать на чемпионат Европы. Интервью Татьяны Мишиной" [How Tuktamysheva to struggle with Tutberidze's students at the Russian Championships, and who should go to the European Championships. Interview with Tatiana Mishina] (in Russian). Спорт день за днём. December 24, 2019.
^ "Тренер: Попова и Мозгов пропустят ЧР из-за травмы спины партнера" [The coach: Popova and Mozgov will miss the Russian Championships due to back injury of male partner] (in Russian). R-Sport . December 23, 2019.
^ "Тараканова снялась с чемпионата России из-за травмы" [Tarakanova withdrew from the Russian Championships due to injury] (in Russian). Rambler . December 24, 2019.
^ Первенство России среди юниоров 2020 [2020 Russian Junior Championships] (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia.
^ a b "List of preliminary participants of the 2020 Russian Junior Championships" .
^ a b c d e f "Список участников первенства России среди юниоров 2020 г. по фигурному катанию на коньках (г. Саранск, 4-8 февраля 2020)" [The list of participants of the 2020 Russian Junior Championships (Saransk, 4–8 February 2020)] (PDF) (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia . January 31, 2020. Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 January 2020. Retrieved 31 January 2020 .
^ "Даниелян пропустит юниорское первенство России по фигурному катанию" [Danielian will miss the Russian Junior Championships] (in Russian). R-Sport . January 29, 2020.
^ "Фигуристка Васильева тренируется в щадящем режиме" [Figure skater Vasilieva trains in a sparing mode] (in Russian). R-Sport . January 31, 2020.
^ "Панова: Тараканова пропустит первенство России из-за повреждения ноги" [Panova: Tarakanova will miss the Russian Junior Championships due to leg injury] (in Russian). R-Sport . January 31, 2020.
^ "Тараканова и Васильева пропустят первенство России" [Tarakanova and Vasilieva will miss the Russian Junior Championships] (in Russian). Sport Express . January 31, 2020.
^ "Пепелева и Плешков пропустят первенство России из-за проблем партнерши" [Pepeleva and Pleshkov will miss the Russian Junior Championships due to problems of female partner] (in Russian). R-Sport . February 4, 2020.
^ "Ангелина Лазарева - Максим Прокофьев. Танцы. КМС. Финал Кубка России. 2020" [Angelina Lazareva - Maksim Prokofiev. Ice dance. Candidates for Masters of Sport. Russian Cup Final. 2020] (in Russian). YouTube . February 19, 2020.
^ "Подопечный Тутберидзе снялся с юниорского чемпионата России" [Tutberidze's student withdrew from the Russian Junior Championships] (in Russian). Sport Express . February 6, 2020.
^ "Первенство России среди юниоров. Саранск. Жеребьевка. Фоторепортаж" [Russian Junior Championships. Saransk. Draw. Photo report] (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia . February 6, 2020.
^ "Figure skater Samsonov has been included into entry of Russia's national team to the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics (In Russian)" . December 16, 2019.
^ "Состав олимпийской команды России для участия в III зимних юношеских Олимпийских играх 2020 года в г. Лозанна (Швейцария)" [The entry of the Russia's team for participation at the III Winter Youth Olympic Games 2020 in Lausanne, Switzerland] (PDF) (in Russian). Russian Olympic Committee. 26 December 2019.
^ "Состав сборной команды России на чемпионат Европы в Граце" [Russia's team to the European Championships in Graz] (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia. 29 December 2019.
^ "Состав российской команды на чемпионат мира в Монреале" [Russia's team to the World Championships in Montreal] (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia. 31 January 2020.
^ "Состав российской команды на чемпионат мира среди юниоров в Таллинне" [Russia's team to the World Junior Championships in Tallinn] (in Russian). Figure Skating Federation of Russia. 10 February 2020.
^ "ISU World Junior Championships 2020. World Junior Championships. Tallinn / EST" . International Skating Union. 12 February 2020.