^"Clarke is still Mayor", The Globe, January 6, 1891, pg 8. (Proquest)
^"The Mayoralty Contest", The Globe, January 6, 1891, pg 8. (Proquest)
^"Clarke is still Mayor", The Globe, January 6, 1891, pg 8. (Proquest)
^"The Aldermanic Contests", The Globe, January 6, 1891, pg 8. (Proquest)
^NOMINATED A FOURTH TIME: E. A. Macdonald Will Run Against Mayor Clarke THE SPEECHES YESTERDAY Speeches for the Mayor Aid Macdonald's Proposed The Mayor He Talks At The Globe Not a Boomster The Mayor's Opponent Report Had Been Defied Mayor Clarke's Denial THE ALDERMEN Contests Promised in Every Ward But St. Pauls St. Andrew's Ward St. David's Ward SCHOOL TRUSTEES Elections by Acclamation to Many of the Wards
The Globe (1844-1936); Toronto, Ont. [Toronto, Ont]. 30 Dec 1890: 4.