Districte de Carrickfergus
El districte de Carrickfergus és un districte al comtat d'Antrim d'Irlanda del Nord . La seu és a Carrickfergus . El consell administra la zona del marge dret del Belfast Lough i les àrees dels voltats que s'estenen de Greenisland al sud-oest a Whitehead a l'est. El burg té una extensió de 83 kilòmetres quadrats i una població de 39.114 habitants el 2011.
El consell del burg de Carrickfergus es divideix en tres àrees electorals: Carrick Castle, Kilroot i Knockagh Monument. En les eleccions locals de 2011 foren escollits 17 representants dels següents partits: 8 Partit Unionista Democràtic (DUP) - Billy Ashe, Jim McClurg, Lynn McClurg, Terry Clements, Charles Johnston, Deborah Emerson, Davy Hilditch, May Beattie. 4 Partit Unionista de l'Ulster (UUP) - Andrew Wilson, John Stewart, Beryl McKnight, Eric Ferguson, 3 Alliance Party - Sean Neeson, Noel Williams, Isobel Day i 2 Independents - Jim Brown i Billy Hamilton. L'alcalde de Carrickfergus és Alderman Billy Ashe (DUP). Les últimes eleccions havien de tenir lloc en maig de 2009, però el 25 d'abril de 2008, Shaun Woodward , Secretari d'Estat per a Irlanda del Nord anuncià que les eleccions previstes per al 2009 es posposarien al 2011 per coincidir amb l'entrada en vigor dels 11 nous consells.[ 1] Les reformes proposades foren abandonades en 2010 i les eleccions locals previstes van tenir lloc en 2011.[ 2]
El consell municipal de Carrickfergus fou creat amb la reorganització del govern local d'Irlanda del Nord de 1973 i era format per l'antic burg de Carrickfergus, el districte urbà de Whitehead i part del districte rural de Larne. El consell de Carrickfergus, juntament amb el de North Down , són els únics on no hi ha presència política del nacionalisme irlandès .
Alcaldes de Carrickfergus
Llista d'alcaldes i xèrifs de la corporació de Carrickfergus des de 1523 fins a l'aprovació de la Llei de Corporacions Municipals de 1840
Enric VIII
1523 William Fythe Thomas Unchile, Henry Fythe, anomenats bayliffs
Eduard VI
1568-1569 Thomas Stephenson John Teade, Nicholas Wilis
1569-1570 John Teade Nicholas Rogers, John Flude
1570-1571 Rychard Sendall Wolston Elderton, Cornell O'Kane
1571-1572 Edward Brown William Dobbin, Patrick Savadge, Junior
1572-1573 Captain William Piers Wolston Elderton, John Dyer
1573-1574 Thomas Stephenson Gregory Grafton, William Field, Senior
1574-1575 William Piers, Junior Humphrey Potts, John Cockrill
1575-1576 William Piers, Junior John Cockrill, John Dishford
1576-1577 William Dobbin John Dyer, John Dishford
1577-1578 William Piers, Junior Robert Magye, Robert Warcope
1578-1579 Nicholas Wills Humphrey Johnston, Mychaell Savadge
1579-1580 Captain Thomas Sackforde Barnabic Ward, Thomas Stephenson
1580-1581 William Dobbin Humphrey Johnston, John Dyer
1581-1582 Captain Thomas Sackforde and Nicholas Wills John Savadge, Phellimy Magye
1582-1583 Captain William Piers John Dishford, James Dobbin
1583-1584 William Dobbin John Dyer, Rychard Thomas
1584-1585 Captain Nicholas Dawtrey Mathew Jones, John Scully
1585-1586 William Dobbin John Dishford, Mychael Savadge
1586-1587 Thomas Stephenson Humphrey Johnston, John Scully
1587-1588 John Savadge John Dyer, James Dobbin
1588-1589 William Dobbin Thomas Vaughan, John Lugg
1589-1590 Charles Eggerton James Dobbin, Roger Cooper
1590-1591 Matthew Jones William Savadge, Henrie Ockforde} John Dyer, dep
1591-1592 Humphrey Johnston Moyses Hill, Roger Cooper
1592-1593 John Dallwaye Alexander Haynes, James Dobbin
1593-1594 Nicholas Wills i M. Savadge John Hooper, James Rice
1594-1595 John Savadge Robert Wills died, John Dyer, Richard Thomas
1595-1596 Thomas Stephenson Roger Cooper, Rychard Conlon
1596-1597 Charles Eggerton Thomas Vaughan, Thomas Wytter
1597-1598 Humphrey Johnston Rychard Thomas died, Henry Ockford, Thomas Gravott
1598-1599 John Savadge Rychard Newton, Owen Magye
1599-1600 Humphrey Johnston Henrie Spearpointe, Sydney Russel
1600-1601 John Dallwaye Rychard Newton, Rychard Faythe
1601-1602 Gregorie Norton Rychard Newton, Rychard Faythe
Jaume I
1602-1603 John Hooper Mychaell Whyte, Ralph Storie died, Thomas Gravott
1603-1604 Moyses Hill Dudley Yearworth, Robert Lyndon
1604-1605 John Savadge Thomas Wytter, Clement Foard
1605-1606 James Byrte Thomas M'Manus, Thomas Cooper
1606-1607 James Byrte, Thomas Wytter, deputy Owen Magye, Leonard Gale
1607-1608 Thomas Wytter Nicholas Dobbin, Dermot Haynes
1608-1609 Sir Foulke Conway Robert Elice, Walter Hilman
1609-1610 Sir Foulke Conway Jasper Happer, Thomas Powell
1610-1611 Rychard Tanffe Bartholomewe Johnston, Rychard Wytter
1611-1612 Mychaell Whyte William Hurley, Edward Hodgsone
1612-1613 Robert Lyndon Thomas Bashford, Ezechiel Davis
1613-1614 Thomas Cooper William Dobbin dismissed, Carew Hart
1614-1615 Captain Hercules Langford William Stephenson, Clement Foard
1615-1616 Humphrey Johnston Thomas M'Manus, Thomas Papes
1616-1617 Captain Humphrey Norton William Hurley, Thomas Kirkpatrick
1617-1618 Sir Moyses Hill Matthewe Johnston, John Redworth
1618-1619 Thomas Witter and Mychaell Whyte Nicholas Dobbin, Cornell O'Kane
1619-1620 Sir Hugh Clotworthy Edward Wilkinson, Edward Hodgsone
1620-1621 James Byrte Inghram Horsman, Cornell O'Kane
1621-1622 Thomas Cooper James Savadge died, William Story
1622-1623 Mychael Whyte i William Storr Robert Savadge, John Davis
1623-1624 Sir Hercules Langford Rychard Spearpoynte, William Cloughe
1624-1625 Sir Roger Langford Marmaduke Newton, Edwarde Mason
Carles I
1625-1626 Thomas Kirkpatrick Edwarde Hodgsone, Andrewe Dixon
1626-1627 Anthony Dobbin Cornelius Hermans, John Howsell
1627-1628 Inghrame Horsman and Mathewe Johnston Thomas Richison, Ralph Kilman
1628-1629 Mathewe Johnston Thomas Turner, John Edgar
1629-1630 Sir Moyses Hill William Penrie, William Cankarth
1630-1631 James Byrte Thomas Whitager, Anthony Haull
1631-1632 Sir Hercules Langford Joshua Wharton, Clement Bashford
1632-1633 Cornelius Hermans and Mathewe Johnston Rychard Spearpoynte, Marmaduke Newton
1633-1634 Thomas Kirkpatrick John Davies, John Parkes
1634-1635 William Penrye William Happer, William Ayshworth
1635-1636 Thomas Whitager Thomas Gravott, William Bashforde
1636-1637 Richard Spearpoynt Thomas Richison, William Williams
1637-1638 Richard Spearpoynt Edward Johnston, John Hall
1638-1639 Roger Lyndon William Happer, William Penrie, Junior
1639-1640 Sir Roger Langford Thomas Gravott, Humphrey Johnston
1640-1641 John Davies Robert Savadge, George Happer
1641-1642 John Davies T. Baker, Mychaell Savadge
1642-1643 Captain Roger Lyndone John Bullworthy, William Bashforde
1643-1644 Captain Roger Lyndone Patrick Fitzjames Savadge
1644-1645 Thomas Kirkpatrick Patrick Fitz-James Savadge, James F. N. Dobbin
1645-1646 Mathewe Johnston John Savadge, William Bashforde
1646-1647 Richard Spearpoynt Thomas Tennison, John Orpin
1647-1648 Richard Spearpoynt John Boyd, James Dobbin
1648-1649 Captain Roger Lyndone John Boyd, James Dobbin
1649-1650 William Happer William Cathcart, John Orpin
1650-1651 William Happer James Crooks, Robert Welsh
1651-1652 Captain Roger Lyndone Rowland M'Quillan, Edmond Davies
1652-1653 Captain John Dallway Thomas Dobbin, John Bullworthy, Junior
1653-1654 Captain Roger Lyndone Anthony Hall, Rowland M'Quillan
1654-1655 John Bullworthy John Hall, John Birte
1655-1656 John Bullworthy Peter Taylour, Thomas Dobbin
Carles II
1656-1657 John Orpin Robert Wytter, William Dobbin
1657-1658 John Orpin Thomas Griffeth, Andrew Gardner
1658-1659 Joseph Harris Jasper Haper, John Wadman
1659-1660 John Davies Samuel Trecherne, William Thomson
1660-1661 John Dallway, Esq Michaell Kerr, Richard Johnston
1661-1662 Captain John Dallway Thomas Dobbin, Rowland M'Quillan
1662-1663 James Dobbin William Thomson, Rowland M'Quillan
1663-1664 Hercules Davies Thomas Dobbin, Rowland M'Quillan
1664-1665 John Dallway, Esq Rowland M'Quillan Thomas Dobbin
1665-1666 Anthony Hall Richard Johnston, John Magee
1666-1667 William Dobbin Cornelius Bashforde, Richard Westbrook
1667-1668 Edmond Davies Henry Burnes, Ezekiel Davies
1668-1669 Robert Welsh Richard Pendleton, William Hilditch
1669-1670 Anthony Horsman Samuel Trehecue, John Stubbs
1670-1671 Anthony Horsman John Henderson, Symon Richardson
1671-1672 Richard Dobbs Symon Richardson, William Bennett
1672-1673 Henry Davies and Edmond Davies, dep Thomas M'Manus, John Smyth
1673-1674 William Hill i Anthony Horsman, dep James M'Cullogh, John Davies
1674-1675 William Hill i Anthony Horsman, dep George Walsh, Edward Hall
1675-1676 John Byrte Thomas Harper, Adam Dennison
1676-1677 John Byrte John Smyth, John Tyso
1677-1678 Soloman Faith James M'Cullogh, William Dawson
1678-1679 Ezekell Davies Robert Williams, Cornelius Bashford
1679-1680 Hercules Davies Richard Pendleton, John Magee
1680-1681 Henry Clements Andrew Clements, John Byrtt
1681-1682 Samuel Webby John Dobbin, Henry Burnes
1682-1683 Richard Dobbs John Davies, William Johnston
1683-1684 Andrew Willoughby John Kerr, Edward Hall
Jaume II
1684-1685 Edmond Davies Symon Richison, John Henderson
1685-1686 Author Earl of Donegall and Soloman Faith, dep James M'Cullogh, John Kerr
1686-1687 John Davies John M'Cullogh, Richard Kane
1687-1688 Richard Dobbs Richard Horsman, Marmaduke Newton
1688-1689 Richard Dobbs Richard Horsman, Marmaduke Newton
Guillem i Maria
1689-1690 Richard Dobbs Richard Horsman, Marmaduke Newton
1690-1691 Henry Davys Samuel Davys, William Tisdall
1691-1692 Andrew Clements Soloman Bashford, John Brown
1692-1693 Marmaduke Newton David Hood, John M'Cully
1693-1694 Marmaduke Newton William Dawson, James Erwin
1694-1695 Richard Horsman William Tisdall, Cornelius Crymble,
1695-1696 Samuel Davys Robert Williams, Cornelius Bashford
1696-1697 Henry Clements and Samuel Davys Roger Horseman, Soloman Bashford
1697-1698 Hon. John E. Chichester David Hood, James Erwin
1698-1699 Henry Davys Captain Arthur Davys, Captain John Davys
1699-1700 Sir Thomas Dancer John Chaplin, Captain James Gibbons
1700-1701 Cornelius Crymble Soloman Bashford, James Erwin
1701-1702 Captain John Davys and Samuel Davys, dep John Bashford, Nathaniel Byrtte
1702-1703 Andrew Clements and Samuel Davys, dep David Hood, Thomas Bashford
1703-1704 Andrew Clements and Cornelius Crymble, dep David Hood, Thomas Bashford
1704-1705 Edward Clements John Chaplin, Thomas Bashford
1705-1706 Edward Clements John Chaplin, Thomas Bashford
1706-1707 Richard Horsman Thomas Young, Nicholas Brown
1707-1708 Richard Horsman Thomas Young, Nicholas Brown
1708-1709 Cornelius Crymble John Bashford, Thomas Bashford
1709-1710 Cornelius Crymble John Bashford, Thomas Bashford
1710-1711 Edward Clements Thomas Young, William Bashford
1711-1712 John Chaplin Rigby Dobbin, Nicholas Brown
1712-1713 Samuel Davys Charles Howard, James Wilson
1713-1714 Samuel Davys Ezekiel Davys Wilson, John Brown, Junior
Jordi I
1714-1715 John Davys, Jun i Samuel Davys, dep Thomas Young, Thomas Bashford
1715-1716 Andrew Clements i Samuel Davys, dep Rigby Dobbin, Nicholas Brown
1716-1717 Francis Ellis David Morrison, William Bashford
1717-1718 Francis Ellis David Morrison, William Spencer
1718-1719 John Chaplin Rigby Dobbin, Andrew Newton
1719-1720 Francis Clements i Francis Ellis, dep David Morrison, William Bashford
1720-1721 Arthur Dobbs i Francis Ellis, dep David Morrison, William Magee
1721-1722 John Lyndon and John Chaplin, dep William Bashford, James Erwin
1722-1723 Ezekiel Davys Wilson David Morrison, Thomas Bashford
1723-1724 Anthony Horsman David Morrison, Thomas Bashford
1724-1725 Rigby Dobbin John Chaplin and Anthony Horsman, deputies David Morrison, Thomas Bashford
1725-1726 Valentine Jones and Ezekiel D. Wilson, dep Willoughby Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
1726-1727 Francis Ellis David Morrison, John Coleman
George II
1727-1728 Francis Clements John Chaplin, George Spaight
1728-1729 Arthur Dobbs and Francis Clements, dep Nathaniel Byrt, William Magee
1729-1730 Francis Lord Conway and Francis Clements, dep Henry Gill, George Spaight
1730-1731 John Lyndon i Francis Clements, dep Willoughby Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
1731-1732 Francis Ellis i Francis Clements, dep David Morrison, Clements Courtney
1732-1733 Arthur Dobbs i George Spaight, dep John Chaplin, Clements Courtney
1733-1734 Willoughby Chaplin John Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
1734-1735 George Spaight Clements Courtney, John Coleman
1735-1736 Willoughby Chaplin Clements Courtney, John Coleman
1736-1737 Francis Ellis Nathaniel Byrt, John Coleman
1737-1738 Henry Ellis Nathaniel Byrt, John Coleman
1738-1739 George Spaight Nathaniel Byrt, Hercules Clements
1739-1740 Henry Gill Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
1740-1741 Francis Clements i George Spaight, dep John Davys, John Seeds
1741-1742 Arthur Dobbs Nathaniel Byrt, Richard Chaplin
1742-1743 Willoughby Chaplin Davys Wilson, Richard Chaplin
1743-1744 Willoughby Chaplin Edward Jones, Davys Wilson
1744-1745 Willoughby Chaplin Edward Jones, Davys Wilson
1745-1746 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
1746-1747 Willoughby Chaplin William Macartney, Nathaniel Byrt
1747-1748 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, Davys Wilson
1748-1749 Edward Brice Edward Jones, William Macartney
1749-1750 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
1750-1751 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
1751-1752 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
1752-1753 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, Ezekiel Wilson
1753-1754 Valentine Jones i Willoughby Chaplin John Seeds, Ezekiel Wilson
1754-1755 Henry Ellis John Seeds, Ezekiel Wilson
1755-1756 Henry Ellis John Seeds, Ezekiel Wilson
1756-1757 Henry Ellis Henry Burleigh, John Seeds
1757-1758 Willoughby Chaplin i Henry Ellis Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
1758-1759 Hill Wilson Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
1759-1760 Francis Price i William Chaplin, dep Ezeliel Wilson, Thomas Ludford
1760-1761 Francis Price i William Chaplin, dep Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
Jordi III
1761-1762 Francis Price i William Chaplin, dep Ezeliel Wilson, John Seeds
1762-1763 Francis Price i William Chaplin, dep Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
1763-1764 Francis Price i William Chaplin, dep Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
1764-1765 Francis Price i William Chaplin, dep Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
1765-1766 Rt. Hon. Arthur comte de Donegall Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
1766-1767 Rt. Hon. Arthur comte de Donegall i Henry Ellis, dep Stewart Banks, John Seeds
1767-1768 Rt. Hon. Arthur comte de Donegall i Ezekiel D. Wilson, dep Stewart Banks, John Seeds
1768-1769 Rt. Hon. Arthur comte de Donegall i William Chaplin, dep Stewart Banks, John Seeds
1769-1770 Ezekiel D. Wilson John Seeds, Wiiliam Craig
1770-1771 Hercules Ellis John Seeds, William Craig
1771-1772 Kenneth A. Price John Seeds, William Craig
1772-1773 Ezekiel D. Wilson John Seeds, William Craig
1773-1774 Henry Ellis John Seeds, William Craig
1774-1775 Hercules Ellis Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
1775-1776 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
1776-1777 Edward Price Dobbs Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
1777-1778 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
1778-1779 Edward Price Dobbs Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
1779-1780 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
1780-1781 William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
1781-1782 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
1782-1783 William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
1783-1784 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
1784-1785 William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
1785-1786 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
1786-1787 William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
1787-1788 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
1788-1789 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
1789-1790 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
1790-1791 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
1791-1792 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Thomas Legg
1792-1793 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
1793-1794 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
1794-1795 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
1795-1796 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
1796-1797 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, William Craig
1797-1798 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1798-1799 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1799-1800 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1800-1801 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1801-1802 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1802-1803 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1803-1804 Marquès de Donegall i Sir William Kirk, dep Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1804-1805 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1805-1806 Marquès de Donegall i Sir William Kirk, dep Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1806-1807 Noah Dalway Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1807-1808 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1808-1809 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1809-1810 Noah Dalway Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
1810-1811 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert M'Gowan
1811-1812 Noah Dalway i Sir William Kirk, dep Thomas Kirk Robert M'Gowan
1812-1813 Ezekiel D Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert M'Gowan
1813-1814 Marquès de Donegall i Sir William Kirk, dep Thomas Kirk, Robert M'Gowan
1814-1815 Sir William Kirk Thomas Millar John Campbell
1815-1816 Marquès de Donegall i Sir William Kirk, dep Thomas Millar, John Campbell
1816-1817 Noah Dalway i Sir William Kirk, dep Thomas Millar, John Campbell
1817-1818 Marquès de Donegall Sir William Kirk, dep Charles V. Joyce, Andrew M'Nevin
1818-1819 Rev. Richard Dobbs Thomas Millar, George Burleigh
1819-1820 Ezekiel D. Wilson James A. Farrel, Hugh Kennedy
Jordi IV
1820-1821 Rev. Richard Dobbs James Owens, David Gorden} George P. Price, Deputy
1821-1822 Marquès de Donegall i Rev. Richard Dobbs, dep Thomas Millar, Hon. J. Joycelyn
1822-1823 Lord Belfast i Rev. Richard Dobbs, dep Peter Kirk, Henry Adair
1823-1824 Marquès de Donegall i Rev. Richard Dobbs, dep Thomas Millar, Marriot Dalway
1824-1825 Sir Arthur Chichester, Bart i Rev. Richard Dobbs, dep Peter Kirk, Marriot Dalway
1825-1826 Rev. Edward Chichester i Rev. John Dobbs, dep John Campbell, Thomas Millar
1826-1827 Marquès de Donegall i Rev. John Dobbs, dep John Campbell, Thomas Millar
1827-1828 Sir Arthur Chichester, Bart John Campbell, Thomas Millar
1828-1829 Sir Arthur Chichester, Bart Thomas Millar, John Campbell
1829-1830 Rev. Samuel Smith, dep i Marquès de Donegall John Campbell, John M'Cance
Guillem IV
1830-1831 Marquès de Donegall i Rev. Lord Edward Chichester, dep John Campbell, John M'Cance
1831-1832 Marquès de Donegall John Campbell, Marriott Dalway
1832-1833 Thomas B. Adair John Campbell, Marriott Dalway
1833-1834 Peter Kirk George Forsythe, John Legg
1834-1835 Peter Kirk George Forsythe, John Legg
1835-1836 Peter Kirk George Forsythe, John Legg
1836-1837 Peter Kirk i Henry Adair, dep George Forsythe, John Legg
1837-1838 Peter Kirk i Henry Adair, dep George Forsythe, John Legg
1838-1839 Marriott Dalway George Forsythe, John Legg
1839-1840 Marriott Dalway George Forsythe, John Legg
1840-1841 Marriott Dalway George Forsythe, John Legg
1841-1842 Marriott Dalway (Last Mayor of the Old Corporation) George Forsythe, John Legg (Last Sheriffs of the Old Corporation)
El primer nom és l'alcalde, seguit dels xèrifs
S'ha preservat a la llista la pronúncia original.
Font: The History and Antiquities of the County of the Town of Carrickfergus by Samuel Mc.Skimin, Belfast: Mullan, J.Davidson & M'Cormac, 1909
Llista d'alcaldes del Consell municipal de Carrickfergus des de 1949
Jordi VI
1949-1951 Thomas John Patterson
1951-1952 William McCullough
Elisabet II
1952-1973 Thomas John Patterson
1973-1978 Hugh McLean
1978-1979 Samuel Murphy
1979-1981 Samuel Simms
1981-1983 Ken McFaul
1983-1984 Samuel Murphy
1984-1986 Charles Johnston
1986-1990 Jim Brown
1990-1991 Charles Johnston
1991-1992 W. A. Haggan
1992-1993 Stewart Dickson
1993-1994 Sean Neeson
1994-1995 J. Crowe
1995-1996 W. S. Hamilton
1996-1997 S. Y. McCamley
1997-1998 David Hilditch
1998-1999 B. J. Crampsey (primera dona)
1999-2000 T. Creighton
2000-2001 Jim Brown
2001-2002 Billy Ashe
2002-2003 Eric Ferguson
2003-2004 May Beattie (segona dona)
2004-2008 David Hilditch
2008-2010 Patricia McKinney (tercera dona)
2010-2012 Jim McClurg
2012 Billy Ashe
Font: Carrickfergus Borough Council