Caspar Neumann (o Neuman) (1683 – 1737) va ser un químic i apotecari alemany/polonès.
Neumann nasqué a Zullichau,[1] en l'Electorat de Brandenburg. Va aprendre farmàcia del seu padrí, Johannes Romke. Completà el seu aprenentatge el 1701, començà a practicar a Unruhstadt, o Kargowa, a Polònia.[2]
Anà a Berlín el 1704, i va ser apotecari del rei de Prússia Frederic I ,.[3][2]
Marxà a Anglaterra el 1713, treballà per Abraham Cyprianus, un Fellow of the Royal Society i es va familiaritzà amb Isaac Newton i Hans Sloane.[2]
El 1716 Neumann tornà breument a Alemanya entutorat pel rei George I d'Anglaterra.[1][4] Va ser elegit Fellow of the Royal Society el 1726.[5]
Conegut per
Obres de Neumann
- Disquisitio De Ambra Grysea, Dresden, 1736. [1]
- Praelectiones chemicae seu chemia medico-phamaceutica experimentalis & rationalise oder grünndlicher Unterricht der Chemie … Berlin, 1740.
- Chymiae medicae dogmatico-experimentalis… oder der gründlichen and mit Experimenten erwiesenen Medicinischen Chymie …, 4 vols. Züllichau, 1749–1755.
- The Chemical Works of Caspar Neumann, M. D. Trans. & ed. William Lewis. London, 1759. 2nd Ed. 1773: Vol. 1 [2]; Vol.2 [3]
Contribucions als Transactions of the Royal Society(London)
- Disquisitio de camphora.
- De experimento probandi spiritum vini Gallici, per quam usitato, sed revera falso et fallaci.
Fonts secundàries
- Peter Berghaus u.a.: Der Arzt: Graphische Bildnisse des 16.–20. Jahrhunderts aus dem Porträtarchiv. Landschaftsverband-Lippe, Münster 1978, No. 85.
- Biographical Notice of Caspar Neuman: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. London, 1809, Vol. 7, p. 93.
- Alexander Chalmers: General Biographical Dictionary. London, 1812, Vol. 23, p. 103.
- Alfred Exner: Der Hofapotheker Caspar Neumann (1683–1737). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des ersten pharmazeutischen Lehrers am Collegium Medico-Chirurgicum in Berlin.(A contribution to the history of the first pharmaceutical professor at the Berlin Collegium Medico-Chirurgicum.) Dissertation, University of Berlin, 1938.
- Fritz Ferchl: Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Bio- und Bibliographikon. Nemayer, Mittenwald 1938, p. 381.
- Charles Gillispie (Ed.): Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol. 10, p. 25 f.
- Wolfgang-Hagen Hein (Ed.): Deutsche Apotheker-Biographie. 2 Vols. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1975/78, Vol. 2, pp. 465–467.
- Christoph Heinrich Kessel: Lebens-Beschreibung D. Caspar Neumanns. In: Caspar Neumann: Chymiae medicae dogmatico experimentalis. Vol. 1, part 1. Johann Jacob Dendeler, Züllichau 1749 (online).
- Noretta Koertge: Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York, 2008: Entry on Caspar Neumann.
- Alexander Kraft: On Two Letters from Caspar Neumann to John Woodward Revealing the Secret Method for Preparation of Prussian Blue. Bulletin of the History Chemistry, Vol. 34, No. 2 (2009), pp. 134–140. [4]
- Hermann Ludwig: Caspar Neumann (Biographisches Denkmal). In: Archiv der Pharmazie. Vol. 132 (1855), part 2, pp. 209–217, doi:10.1002/ardp.18551320243.
- Johann Christian Poggendorff (Ed.): Biographisch-literarisches Handwörterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften. Vol. 2 (1863), p. 273 (online).
- Otto Zekert: Berühmte Apotheker. 2 Vols. Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag, Stuttgart 1955/62, Vol. 2, p. 35 f.
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 Alexander Chalmers: General Biographical Dictionary. London, 1812, Vol. 23, p. 103.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 Alexander Kraft: On Two Letters from Caspar Neumann to John Woodward Revealing the Secret Method for Preparation of Prussian Blue. p.137.
- ↑ Noretta Koertge:Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography
- ↑ Alexander Kraft: On Dues cartes de Caspar Neumann a John Woodward revelen el secret del Blau de Prússia. p.138.
- ↑ «Fellow Details». Royal Society. [Consulta: 27 gener 2017].[Enllaç no actiu]
Enllaços externs
- Obres de o sobre Caspar Neumann a Internet Archive
- Biographical Notice of Caspar Neuman: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. 7, London, 1809. [5]
- Alexander Chalmers: General Biographical Dictionary.[6]
- Noretta Koertge: Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York, 2008. [7]
- Alexander Kraft: On Two Letters from Caspar Neumann to John Woodward Revealing the Secret Method for Preparation of Prussian Blue.[8]