ولد في 1885 بمقاطعة مكلين (إلينوي) و حصل على دكتوراه سنة 1916.[3] درس في جامعة تينيسي و قضى معظم حياته الأكاديمية في جامعة شيكاغو. كان أحد الاقتصاديين الرائدين في العالم بعد أن قدم مساهمات كبيرة في العديد من المجالات كعلم الاقتصاد والاجتماع والفلسفة. وقد عرف بكتابه Risk Uncertainty and Profit.
كان نايت مؤسسا ونائبا لرئيس مجتمع مونت بيليرين لمفكرين الاقتصاديين.[4]
المنشورات الرئيسية
"The Concept of Normal Price in Value and Distribution", 1917, QJE.
"Science, Philosophy and Social Procedure", 1942, Ethics
"Fact and Value in Social Science", 1942, in Anshen, editor, Science and Man
"Some Notes on the Economic Interpretation of History", 1942, Studies in the History of Culture (repr. in 1999, II)
"Social Causation", 1943, American Journal of Sociology (repr. in 1956)
"Diminishing Returns Under Investment", 1944, JPE.
"Realism and Relevance in the Theory of Demand", 1944, JPE (repr. in 1999, II)
"The Rights of Man and Natural Law", 1944, Ethics (repr. in 1999, II)
"Human Nature and World Democracy", 1944, American J of Sociology.
"Economics, Political Science and Education", 1944, AER
The Economic Order and Religion, with T.W. Merriam, 1945.
"Immutable Law in Economics: Its reality and limitations", 1946, AER.
"The Sickness of Liberal Society", 1946, Ethics (repr. in 1999, II)
"Salvation by Science: The gospel according to Professor Lundberg", 1947, JPE (repr. in 1956)
Freedom and Reform: Essays in economics and social philosophy, 1947.
"Free Society: Its basic nature and problem", 1948, Philosophical Review (repr. in 1956)
"The Role of Principles in Economics and Politics", 1951, AER (repr. in 1956 & 1999, II)
"Institutionalism and Empiricism in Economics", 1952, AER.
On the History and Methods of Economics: Selected essays, 1956, (ردمك 978-0-226-44689-9).
Intelligence and Democratic Action, 1960.
"Methodology in Economics", 1961, Southern EJ
"Abstract Economics as Absolute Ethics", 1966, Ethics.
"Laissez Faire: Pro and con", 1967, JPE (repr. in 1999, II)
"The Case for Communism: From the Standpoint of an Ex-liberal." (published posthumously) in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, edited by Warren J. Samuels, archival supplement 2 (1991): 57–108.
Selected Essays by Frank H. Knight, Volume 1: "What is Truth" in Economics?, (ed. by Ross B. Emmett), 1999, (ردمك 978-0-226-44695-0)
Selected Essays by Frank H. Knight, Volume 2: Laissez Faire: Pro and Con, (ed. by Ross B. Emmett), 1999, (ردمك 978-0-226-44697-4)
Burgin, Angus (November 2009). “The Radical Conservatism of Frank H. Knight,” Modern Intellectual History, 6:513–38.
Emmett, Ross B. (1999). "Introduction", in Selected Essays by Frank H. Knight, 2 vols., (ed. by Ross Emmett).
Emmett, Ross B. (2009). "Did the Chicago School Reject Frank Knight?", in Frank Knight and the Chicago School in American Economics, (ردمك 978-0-415-77500-7).
Kasper, Sherryl (2002). The Revival of Laissez-Faire in American Macroeconomic Theory: A Case Study of Its Pioneers. ch. 2.
Stigler, G. (1985). “Frank Hyneman Knight”, University of Chicago Press – Center for the Study of the Economy and the State, Working Papers Series, Working Paper No. 37.
White, Harrison C. (2002). Markets from Networks: Socioeconomic Models of Production, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.