Taman Nasional Mesa Verde

Taman Nasional Mesa Verde
IUCN Kategori II (Taman Nasional)
Mesa Verde dari timur laut, Mei 2007
Peta memperlihatkan letak Taman Nasional Mesa Verde
Peta memperlihatkan letak Taman Nasional Mesa Verde
LetakMontezuma County, Colorado,
Amerika Serikat,
Amerika Utara
Kota terdekatMancos, Colorado
Luas52.485 acres[convert: unit tak dikenal]
Didirikan29 Juni 1906 (1906-06-29)
Pengunjung583,527 (tahun 2016)[1]
Pihak pengelolaNational Park Service
Situs webMesa Verde National Park
Ditetapkan1978 (sesi ke-2)
No. referensi27
Partai NegaraAmerika Serikat
KawasanEropa dan Amerika Utara
Ditetapkan15 Oktober 1966
No. referensi66000251

Taman Nasional Mesa Verde adalah sebuah Taman Nasional dan Situs Warisan Dunia yang berada di County Montezuma, Colorado. Tempat tersebut melindungi beberapa situs arkeologi suku bangsa Pueblo kuno di Amerika Serikat.

Situs arkeologi yang ditemukan di Taman Nasional Mesa Verde salah satunya merupakan sebuah situs pemukiman yang berlokasi di puncak bukit atau lereng tebing, yang hanya dapat dilalui dengan jalan kecil seperti tangga. Dahulu, situs tersebut digunakan oleh orang-orang Indian Anasazi atau suku bangsa Pueblo kuno sebagai tempat pelarian untuk berlindung atau bersembunyi dari serangan orang-orang Eropa yang tiba di Amerika Serikat Barat Daya.[2]


Daftar pustaka
  • Adams, Karen R. (2006), "Through the Looking Glass", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 1–7, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Bell, Julie (2006), "Fire and Archeology on Mesa Verde", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 118–21, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Benson, L.V.; Griffin, E.R.; Stein, J.R.; Friedman, R.A.; Andrae, S.W. (2014), "Mummy Lake: An Unroofed Ceremonial Structure Within a Large-scale Ritual Landscape", Journal of Archaeological Science, 44, hlm. 164–79, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2014.01.021 
  • Cameron, Catherine M. (2006), "Leaving Mesa Verde", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 139–47, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Casey, Robert L. (1993) [1983], High Journey to the Southwest, The Globe Pequot Press, ISBN 978-1-56440-151-9 
  • Charles, Mona (2006), "The First Mesa Verdeans: Hunters, Foragers, and First Farmers", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 8–17, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Cole, Sally J. (2006), "Imagery and Tradition: Murals of the Mesa Verde Region", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 92–99, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Cordell, Linda S.; Van West, Carla R.; Dean, Jeffrey S.; Muenchrath, Deborah A. (2007), "Mesa Verde Settlement History and Relocation: Climate Change, Social Networks, and Ancestral Pueblo Migration", Kiva, 72 (4), hlm. 379–405 
  • Fitzgerald, Michael (March 14, 2009), The Majesty of Mesa Verde: In Colorado, canyons and ancient dwellings still awe, The Wall Street Journal, hlm. W12, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • Glowacki, Donna M.; Neff, Hector; Glascock, Michael D. (1998), "An Initial Assessment of the Production and Movement of Thirteenth Century Ceramic Vessels in the Mesa Verde Region", Kiva, 63 (3), hlm. 217–41 
  • Harden, Mark (2015), Colorado landmark named West's best cultural attraction, Denver Business Journal, diakses tanggal June 16, 2015 
  • Harris, Ann G.; Tuttle, Esther; Tuttle, Sherwood D. (2004), "Mesa Verde National Park", Geology of National Parks (edisi ke-6), Kendall Hunt Publishing, hlm. 91–102, ISBN 978-0-7872-9971-2 
  • Hurst, Winston; Till, Jonathan (2006), "Mesa Verdean Sacred Landscapes", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 74–83, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Kantner, John (2004), Ancient Puebloan Southwest, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-78880-9 
  • Kohler, Timothy A. (2006), "Simulation and Imagination: Fistfight in the Mesa Verde", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 66–73, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Kuckelman, Kristen A. (2006), "Ancient Violence in the Mesa Verde Region", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 127–35, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Lang, Richard W. (2006), "Craft Arts of the Mesa Verde", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 58–65, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Lekson, Stephen H. (2015) [1999], The Chaco Meridian: One Thousand Years of Political and Religious Power in the Ancient Southwest (edisi ke-Second), Rowman and Littlefield, ISBN 978-1-4422-4645-4 
  • Lipe, Willian D. (2006), "The Mesa Verde Region during Chaco Times", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 28–37, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Malville, J. McKim (2006), "The Cosmic and the Sacred at Yellow Jacket Pueblo and Mesa Verde", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 84–91, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Naranjo, Tessie (2006), ""We Came from the South, We Came from the North": Some Tewa Origin Stories", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 49–57, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • National Park Service (1986), Petroglyph Trail Guide, Mesa Verde Museum Association and Mesa Verde National Park 
  • Nordby, Larry V. (2006), "Understanding Mesa Verde's Cliff Dwelling Architecture", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 110–17, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Ortman, Scott (2006), "Ancient Pottery of the Mesa Verde Country: How Ancestral Pueblo People Made It, Used It, and Thought About It", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 100–109, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • National Park Service (a), Mesa Verde, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • National Park Service (b), Mesa Verde: Balcony House, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • National Park Service (c), Mesa Verde: Long House, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • National Park Service (d), Mesa Verde: Timeline, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • National Park Service (e), Mesa Verde: Spruce Tree House, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • National Park Service (f), Mesa Verde: Self-guided tours; Chapin Mesa, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • National Park Service (g), Mesa Verde: New 2011 Backcountry Hikes, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal June 1, 2015 
  • National Park Service (h), Mesa Verde: Geology, United States Department of the Interior, diakses tanggal August 11, 2015 
  • Noel, Thomas J. (2015), Colorado: A Historical Atlas, University of Oklahoma Press, ISBN 978-0-8061-5353-7 
  • Reynolds, Judith; Reynolds, David (2006), Nordenskiöld of Mesa Verde, Xlibris Corporation, ISBN 978-1-4257-0484-1 [sumber terbitan sendiri?]
  • Robertson, Janet (2003) [1990], The Magnificent Mountain Women: Adventures in the Colorado, University of Nebraska Press, ISBN 978-0-8032-3892-3 
  • Varien, Mark D. (2006), "Turbulent Times in the Mesa Verde World", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 39–47, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Watson, Don (1961), Indians of the Mesa Verde, Mesa Verde Museum Association 
  • Webb, Robert H.; Boyer, Diane E.; Turner, Raymond M. (2010), Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Natural Sciences, Island Press, ISBN 978-1-59726-712-0 
  • Wenger, Gilbert R. (1991) [1980], Story of Mesa Verde National Park, Mesa Verde Museum Association, ISBN 978-0-937062-15-9 
  • Wilshusen, Richard H. (2006), "The Genesis of Pueblos: Innovations between 500 and 900 CE", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 18–27, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Wright, Kenneth R. (2006), "Water for the Mesa Verdeans", dalam Nobel, David Grant, The Mesa Verde World: Explorations in Ancestral Puebloan Archaeology, School of American Research Press, hlm. 122–25, ISBN 978-1-930618-75-6 
  • Diamond, Jared (2017). The World Until Yesterday. Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. ISBN 9786024241926. 

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