Pertempuran Gaza (2007)

Pertempuran Gaza
Bagian dari Konflik Fatah—Hamas

Map of the Gaza Strip
Tanggal10–15 Juni 2007
LokasiJalur Gaza (Otoritas Nasional Palestina)
Hasil Kemenangan Hamas
Hamas mengambil alih Jalur Gaza
Pihak terlibat
Hamas Negara Palestina Fatah


Negara Palestina Fatah

120 combatants
39 civilians[1]
2 UNRWA personnel[2]

Pertempuran Gaza adalah sebuah konflik militer antara Fatah dan Hamas yang terjadi di Jalur Gaza dari tanggal 10 hingga 15 Juni 2007. Ini adalah peristiwa penting dalam konflik Fatah-Hamas, yang berpusat pada perebutan kekuasaan setelah Fatah kalah dalam pemilihan umum legislatif Palestina 2006. Pertempuran ini mengakibatkan pembubaran Pemerintahan Haniyeh Kedua.[3] dan pembagian de facto wilayah Palestina menjadi dua entitas: Tepi Barat yang diperintah oleh Otoritas Nasional Palestina (PNA), dan Jalur Gaza yang diperintah oleh Hamas. Pejuang Hamas menguasai Jalur Gaza, sementara para pejabat Fatah ditawan, dieksekusi, atau diusir.[3][4] Pusat Hak Asasi Manusia Palestina melaporkan bahwa setidaknya 161 orang terbunuh dan lebih dari 700 orang terluka selama pertempuran.[1]

Latar belakang

Peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi menjelang pemilihan umum legislatif Palestina tahun 2006

Pada tahun 2003, Hukum Dasar Palestina dari PNA diamandemen[5] dan bentuk pemerintahan semi-presidensial didirikan, di mana sebuah konstitusi menciptakan seorang presiden dengan masa jabatan tetap yang dipilih secara langsung, ditambah dengan perdana menteri dan kabinet yang secara kolektif bertanggung jawab kepada legislatif.[6]

Dokumen yang diterbitkan dalam Makalah Palestina mengungkapkan bahwa pada tahun 2004, Dinas Intelijen Rahasia MI6 Inggris membantu menyusun rencana keamanan untuk PNA yang dipimpin oleh Fatah. Rencana tersebut mengusulkan sejumlah cara untuk menurunkan kemampuan kelompok-kelompok oposisi seperti Hamas, Jihad Islam Palestina (PIJ), dan Brigade Martir al-Aqsa. Strategi ini akan melibatkan gangguan terhadap kemampuan Komando dan kendali, penahanan pejabat-pejabat penting, dan penyitaan senjata dan sumber daya keuangan mereka.[7][8] Rencana ini diserahkan kepada Jibril Rajoub, seorang pejabat senior Fatah di PNA, dan sebagian besar tujuan yang dinyatakan dicapai oleh aparat keamanan PNA yang berbasis di Tepi Barat.[9][10]

Yasser Arafat, Presiden Otoritas Nasional Palestina, meninggal dunia pada tanggal 11 November 2004. Sebuah Pemilihan umum presiden Palestina untuk mengisi posisi tersebut diadakan pada tanggal 9 Januari 2005 di Tepi Barat dan Gaza. Pemilihan ini - yang diboikot oleh Hamas dan PIJ - menghasilkan Organisasi Pembebasan Palestina (PLO) dan ketua Fatah Mahmoud Abbas sebagai presiden untuk masa jabatan empat tahun.[11][12]

Pada tanggal 8 Februari 2005, Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas dan Perdana Menteri Israel Ariel Sharon mengumumkan gencatan senjata,[13] yang disahkan oleh Hamas pada tanggal 17 Maret 2005.[14] Pada tanggal 19 Maret 2005, dua belas faksi Palestina, termasuk Fatah, Hamas, PIJ, Front Rakyat untuk Pembebasan Palestina (PFLP) dan Front Demokratik untuk Pembebasan Palestina (DFLP) menandatangani Deklarasi Kairo Palestina, yang menegaskan kembali status PLO sebagai satu-satunya perwakilan sah rakyat Palestina, dan mengimplikasikan reformasi PLO dengan mengikutsertakan Hamas dan PIJ.[15]

Israel menyelesaikan pelepasan sepihak dari Jalur Gaza pada tanggal 12 September 2005, memindahkan semua penduduk dan personel keamanan Israel, dan menghancurkan semua bangunan tempat tinggal yang terkait.[16] Pada tanggal 26 September 2005, pasukan Israel menangkap atau menahan 450 anggota partai Hamas karena melanggar larangan unjuk rasa, rapat umum dan kampanye pemilu di Yerusalem. Sebagian besar dari mereka yang ditahan sedang mencalonkan diri untuk jabatan terpilih atau secara aktif berkampanye untuk para kandidat dalam pemilihan legislatif Palestina 2006.[17]

Pemilihan legislatif Palestina 2006

Pemilu legislatif Palestina berlangsung pada tanggal 25 Januari 2006 dan dinilai bebas dan adil oleh pemantau internasional.[18][19] Hasilnya adalah kemenangan Hamas, yang mengejutkan Israel dan Amerika Serikat, yang telah memperkirakan bahwa mitra favorit mereka, Fatah, akan mempertahankan kekuasaan.[20] Pada tanggal 27 Januari, Presiden AS George Bush mengatakan "kemenangan telak kelompok Islam militan Hamas merupakan penolakan terhadap "status quo" dan penolakan terhadap "penguasa lama" yang telah gagal menyediakan pemerintahan dan pelayanan yang jujur".[21]

Pada tanggal 30 Januari 2006, Kuartet Timur Tengah (Amerika Serikat, Rusia, PBB, dan Uni Eropa) mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi yang mengucapkan selamat kepada rakyat Palestina atas proses pemilihan umum yang bebas, adil, dan aman. Dalam pernyataan tersebut, Quartet juga menetapkan bahwa "bantuan di masa depan kepada pemerintah baru akan ditinjau oleh para donor terhadap komitmen pemerintah tersebut terhadap prinsip-prinsip non-kekerasan, pengakuan Israel, dan penerimaan perjanjian dan kewajiban sebelumnya, termasuk peta jalan perdamaian."[22] Hamas menolak syarat-syarat tersebut, dengan mengatakan bahwa "kondisi yang tidak adil akan membahayakan kesejahteraan warga Palestina". Pandangan ini juga diamini oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Arab Saudi Saud al-Faisal, yang mengatakan: "Uni Eropa bersikeras untuk mengadakan pemilu di Palestina, dan ini adalah hasil dari apa yang mereka minta. Sekarang untuk datang dan mengatakan bahwa [mereka] tidak menerima kehendak rakyat yang diekspresikan melalui cara-cara demokratis, tampaknya merupakan posisi yang tidak masuk akal untuk diambil." Koresponden diplomatik BBC, James Robbins, mengatakan bahwa tanggapan Kuartet dipilih dengan hati-hati: "Mereka tidak menuntut penghentian kekerasan atau pengakuan segera terhadap Israel, tetapi komitmen untuk melakukan hal-hal tersebut di masa depan".[23]

Pemerintahan Haniyeh Pertama

Setelah Hamas menolak syarat-syarat Kuartet, Fatah dan faksi-faksi lain menolak untuk bergabung dalam pemerintahan persatuan nasional. Pada tanggal 29 Maret 2006, Hamas membentuk Pemerintahan Haniyeh Pertama, yang sebagian besar terdiri dari anggota Hamas, dengan pemimpin Hamas Ismail Haniyeh sebagai Perdana Menteri.[24] Komunitas internasional menanggapi dengan menjatuhkan sanksi ekonomi (PNA), dan Mesir serta Israel sebagian besar menutup penyeberangan perbatasan mereka dengan Gaza, dan melembagakan blokade Jalur Gaza.

Presiden Abbas berada di bawah tekanan komunitas internasional, yang menganggap kemenangan Hamas tidak dapat diterima karena dianggap merusak upaya internasional selama beberapa dekade untuk mengamankan resolusi damai atas konflik tersebut. Kuartet berusaha untuk melemahkan Hamas dan memaksanya turun dari kekuasaan sambil memperkuat posisi Abbas.[25][26] Disarankan bahwa Abbas dapat menggunakan kekuasaan konstitusionalnya untuk membubarkan pemerintah dan menyerukan pemilu baru, yang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan hasil yang berbeda dan mengembalikan Fatah ke tampuk kekuasaan dengan alasan bahwa para pemilih Palestina akan melihat Hamas sebagai sebuah kegagalan. Ancaman pemilu baru tidak pernah terlaksana karena muncul fakta bahwa Hamas mungkin akan kembali berkuasa meskipun tidak mampu mengimplementasikan manifestonya dan karena gerakan itu sendiri dengan tegas mengisyaratkan bahwa mengadakan pemilu baru, meskipun merupakan hak prerogatif konstitusional Presiden, akan menjadi 'kudeta terhadap legitimasi Palestina dan kehendak rakyat Palestina'.[6][27]

Pemerintahan Hamas yang baru berselisih dengan Presiden Abbas, yang berbagi kekuasaan dengannya berdasarkan Perjanjian Nasional Palestina. Melalui dekrit presiden, Abbas mengambil otoritas kepresidenan eksklusif atas beberapa kekuasaan administratif dan secara berkala mengancam untuk membubarkan pemerintahan Haniya.[6] Dia juga menempatkan pasukan keamanan Jalur Gaza di bawah kendali langsungnya[6] dan meningkatkan Pengawal Kepresidenan Palestina - yang seluruhnya terdiri dari para aktivis Fatah yang setia kepadanya - dari sekitar 90 menjadi 1.000 petugas.[28] Hamas menanggapi dengan membentuk pasukan keamanan paralel - Angkatan Eksekutif - yang terdiri dari anggota pasukan sayap, yang dipimpin oleh Jamal Abu Samhadana. Abbas mengecam langkah tersebut sebagai inkonstitusional, dengan mengatakan bahwa hanya presiden Palestina yang dapat memimpin angkatan bersenjata.[28] Kedua pasukan menolak untuk bekerja sama - pasukan Hamas mendukung perlawanan bersenjata terhadap Israel, sedangkan pasukan Fatah berkomitmen untuk menegakkan Perjanjian Oslo.[6]

Hamas menerima uang dan senjata dari Iran dan mungkin Suriah dan mengancam akan meningkatkan Pasukan Eksekutifnya menjadi 6.000 orang. Pada saat itu, AS mulai memberikan pelatihan teknik-teknik anti-teroris perkotaan kepada para anggota Pasukan Pengawal Presiden, dengan tujuan untuk memperkuat pasukan keamanan Abbas. Mesir, Yordania, dan Turki juga mulai memberikan pelatihan serupa untuk pasukan Fatah pada saat itu, dan Inggris, Spanyol, dan Uni Eropa mulai menyediakan peralatan komunikasi, kendaraan, dan dukungan logistik.[28] Ada juga rencana untuk menambahkan Brigade Badr yang berbasis di Yordania milik PLO ke dalam Tentara Yordania ke dalam Pasukan Pengawal Presiden.[29] Badan Keamanan Israel juga mendukung Presiden Abbas dan Pasukan Pengawal Presiden, namun prihatin dengan pengalaman mereka sebelumnya, di mana banyak petugas keamanan Palestina yang telah dilatih oleh CIA kemudian terlibat dalam serangan terhadap target-target Israel atau bergabung dengan Brigade Al Aqsa selama Intifadah Kedua.[28]

Menyusul penculikan Militan Hamas terhadap Gilad Shalit pada tanggal 25 Juni 2006 dalam sebuah serangan lintas batas melalui terowongan dari Gaza, Israel menangkap 49 pejabat senior Hamas, termasuk 33 anggota parlemen, hampir seperempat anggota PLC dan menteri di Tepi Barat. Mereka juga mengintensifkan boikot terhadap Gaza dan mengambil langkah-langkah hukuman lainnya.[17][30]

Second Haniyeh Government

President Abbas and the Fatah-dominated PLO developed a plan to replace the Hamas government with one acceptable to Israel and the international community. According to the plan, unveiled in Al Jazeera's Palestine Papers, a national unity government would be formed by mid-2007. If this new government failed to meet the Quartet's conditions, Abbas would dismiss the government and form an emergency government or call early elections.[31]

By October 2006, the United States, Israel, many Arab governments, and most of Abbas's key advisors still held the view that if Hamas did not unambiguously accept the Quartet's conditions, it should be forced out of power.[32] In December 2006, President Abbas called for new parliamentary and presidential elections, which members of both Hamas and Fatah rejected.[33][34]

The Fatah and Hamas factions finally signed an agreement to stop their military confrontations on 8 February 2007 and agreed to form a national unity government. That government was established in March 2007.


Templat:Copy edit section According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the June 2007 escalation was triggered by Hamas's conviction that the Palestinian Presidential Guard — expanded by the United States to 3,500 men and loyal to Mahmoud Abbas — was being positioned to take control of Gaza.[35]

On 10 June 2007, the Fatah–Hamas conflict culminated in clashes between Fatah-allied forces and Hamas-allied forces. The primary Fatah forces were the Palestinian National Security Forces, particularly the Presidential Guard. The main force of Hamas was the Executive Force. Hamas militants seized several Fatah members and threw one of them, Mohammed Sweirki, an officer in the elite Presidential Guard, off the top of the tallest building in Gaza, a 15-story apartment building. In retaliation, Fatah militants attacked and killed the imam of the city's Great Mosque, Mohammed al-Rifati. They also opened fire on the home of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. Just before midnight, a Hamas militant was thrown off a 12-story building.[36]

On 11 June, gunmen opened fire on the Palestinian cabinet building while the government was on a meeting inside. Fatah gunmen fired shots at the residence of Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, of Hamas, in Gaza City, but no casualties are reported.[37][38]

On 12 June, Hamas began attacking posts held by their Fatah faction rivals. Hundreds of Hamas fighters had moved on the positions after giving their occupants two hours to leave. A major Fatah base in the northern town of Jabalia fell to Hamas fighters, witnesses told AFP news agency. Heavy fighting also raged around the main Fatah headquarters in Gaza City, with Hamas militants attacking with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons.[39]

On 13 June, Hamas attacked the headquarters of the Palestinian National Security Forces in northern Gaza. Gunmen fought for control of high-rise buildings serving as sniper positions and Hamas said it had bulldozed a Fatah outpost controlling Gaza's main north-south road. Also on that day, an explosion wrecked the Khan Yunis headquarters of the Fatah-linked Palestinian Preventive Security, killing five people.[2]

On 14 June, President Abbas announced the dissolution of the unity government and declared a state of emergency as Hamas militants took over vehicles and weapons in the National Security headquarters compound — Abbas' residence.[40] The gunmen who entered the compound held a prayer there and waved a flag on the building's rooftop. At least 10 people were killed. Hamas TV broadcast a display of weapons inside the building, as well as jeeps, mortar shells and bulletproof vests seized in the compound, which, according to Hamas, were smuggled to Fatah by Israel and the Americans in the past few months through the border with Egypt.[41] Hamas also changed the name of the neighborhood where the building is located from "Tel al-Hawa" to "Tel al-Islam".[41] On the afternoon of 14 June, the Associated Press reported an explosion that rocked Gaza City. According to Fatah officials, security forces withdrew from their post and blew it up in order to not let Hamas take it over. The security forces later repositioned to another location. Later on 14 June, Hamas also took control of the southern Gaza Strip city Rafah, which lies near an already closed border crossing with Egypt that is monitored by Israeli, Palestinian and European Union security forces. The EU staff had, at that time, already been relocated to the Israeli city of Ashkelon for safety reasons.

On 15 June, Hamas completed taking control over the Gaza Strip, seizing all PNA government institutions and replacing all PNA officials in Gaza with Hamas members.[4][42]

Alleged military coup

Templat:Copy edit section As a result of the battle, Hamas took complete control of Gaza. The pro-Fatah view is, that it was a plain military coup by Hamas. The pro-Hamas view is, that the US drew up a plan to arm Fatah cadres with the aim of forcefully removing Hamas from power in Gaza. According to the pro-Hamas view, Fatah fighters, led by commander Mohammed Dahlan with logistical support from the US Central Intelligence Agency, were planning to carry out a bloody coup against Hamas.[43] Then, Hamas pre-emptively took control over Gaza.

In an April 2008 article in Vanity Fair magazine, the journalist David Rose published confidential documents, apparently originating from the US State Department, which would prove that the United States collaborated with the PNA and Israel to attempt the violent overthrow of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and that Hamas pre-empted the coup. The documents suggest that a government with Hamas should meet the demands of the Middle East Quartet, otherwise President Mahmoud Abbas should declare a state of emergency, which effectively would dissolve the current unity government, or the government should collapse by other means.[butuh rujukan] Rose quotes former Vice President Dick Cheney's chief Middle East adviser David Wurmser, accusing the Bush administration of "engaging in a dirty war in an effort to provide a corrupt dictatorship [led by Abbas] with victory". He believes that Hamas had no intention of taking Gaza until Fatah forced its hand. "It looks to me that what happened wasn't so much a coup by Hamas but an attempted coup by Fatah that was pre-empted before it could happen"[butuh rujukan]

According to Alastair Crooke, the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair decided in 2003 to tie UK and EU security policy in the West Bank and Gaza to a US-led counterinsurgency against Hamas. This led to an internal policy contradiction that pre-empted the EU from mounting any effective foreign policy on the "peace process" alternative to that of the US. At a political level, the EU "talked the talk" of reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, Palestinian state-building and democracy. At the practical level, the EU "walked the walk" of disruption, detention, seizing finances, and destroying the capabilities of one [Hamas] of the two factions and prevented the parliament from exercising any function.[44]

According to Crooke, the Quartet conditions for engagement with Hamas were developed precisely in order to prevent Hamas from meeting them, rather than as guidelines intended to open the path for diplomatic solutions. Then, British and American intelligence services were preparing a "soft" coup to remove Hamas from power in Gaza.[44]

Violations of international law

These attacks by both Hamas and Fatah constitute brutal assaults on the most fundamental humanitarian principles. The murder of civilians not engaged in hostilities and the willful killing of captives are war crimes, pure and simple.

— Sarah Leah Whitson,
Middle East director for Human Rights Watch.[45]

Human Rights Watch accused both sides of violating international humanitarian law, in some instances amounting to war crimes. For example, Fatah and Hamas fighters targeted and killed people not involved in hostilities, and engaged in gun battles inside and near hospitals. The accusations also included public executions of captives and political opponents, throwing prisoners off high-rise apartment buildings, and shooting from a jeep marked with press insignia.[45]

During the fighting many incidents of looting took place. A crowd took furniture, wall tiles, and personal belongings from the villa of the deceased Palestinian leader and founder of Fatah Yasser Arafat.[46] The home of former Fatah commander Mohammed Dahlan was also looted, as was Abbas's seafront presidential compound.[47]

More than 1,000 persons, mostly members of Fatah or the PNA, were illegally arrested or detained in the first months of Hamas rule. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and Amnesty International documented many instances of people being abducted and tortured by Hamas militants.[48]


Division of government

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On June 14, 2007, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reacted to the Hamas takeover by declaring a state of emergency. He dismissed the unity government led by Ismail Haniyeh, and by presidential decree installed Salam Fayyad as Prime Minister.[49][50][51] Haniyeh refused to accept his dismissal, accusing Abbas of participating in a US-led plot to overthrow him.[49] Experts in Palestinian law and independent members of the PLC have questioned the legitimacy of the Fayyad government.[52] According to the Palestinian Basic Law, the President can dismiss the prime minister but the dismissed government continues to function as a caretaker government until a new government is formed and receives a vote of confidence from an absolute majority of the Palestinian Legislative Council.[52][53] The Hamas-majority PLC has never met to confirm the Fayyad government.[52] President Abbas by presidential decree in September 2007 changed the voting system for the PLC into a full proportional representation system, bypassing the dysfunctional PLC.[54]

With the dissolution of the Hamas-led unity government, the territory controlled by the PNA was de facto divided into two entities: the Hamas-controlled government of the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, governed by the PNA.[55]

The international community recognized the emergency government. Within days, the US recognized the Fayyad government and ended the 15-month economic and political boycott of the PNA in a bid to bolster President Abbas and the new Fatah-led Fayyad government. The European Union similarly announced plans to resume direct aid to the Palestinians, while Israel released to Abbas Palestinian tax revenues that Israel had withheld since Hamas took control of the Palestinian Legislative Council.[56] The Middle East Quartet reiterated their continued support to Abbas and resumed normal relations with the Fatah-led PNA. The secretary-general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon urged international support for Abbas's efforts "to restore law and order".[49][57] Israel and Egypt began a blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Religious consequences

Islam is the official religion of the Palestinian Authority, and there are no Palestinian laws that specifically protect the religious freedom of non-Muslims.[58] After Hamas took complete control of the Gaza Strip, they declared the "end of secularism and heresy in the Gaza Strip".[59] The PLO and some Palestinian media outlets suggested that Hamas intended to establish an Islamic emirate and that Hamas employed a combination of violence, authoritarian rule, and Islamic ideology to control the residents of Gaza. Hamas political chief Ismael Haniyeh denied these accusations.[48] A Hamas spokesman in Gaza said that Hamas was imposing Islamic law in Gaza but this was denied by exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashal.[3]

With roughly 35,000 Palestinian Christians in the West Bank, 12,500 in East Jerusalem, and 3,000 in Gaza, Christians represent about 1.3 percent of the Palestinian population.[58] Two days after Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, a school and convent belonging to the Gaza Strip's tiny Roman Catholic community were ransacked, burned and looted in Gaza were attacked by Hamas militants.[60] An Islamist movement called Jihadia Salafiya began to enforce Islamic law in Gaza, including a ban on alcohol, internet cafes, pool halls, bars, and on women in public places without proper head coverings. Sheik Abu Saqer, the leader of Jihadia Salafiya, said that Christians could only continue to live in the Gaza Strip if they accepted Islamic law and that Christians in Gaza who engage in missionary activity would be dealt with harshly. He further stated: "I expect our Christian neighbors to understand the new Hamas rule means real changes. They must be ready for Islamic rule if they want to live in peace in Gaza."[61] Dozens of attacks against Christian targets, including barbershops, music stores, and schools soon followed.[48] The only Christian bookstore in Gaza was attacked and the owner was murdered on 7 October 2007.[62] In February 2008, gunmen blew up the YMCA library in the Gaza Strip.[48]


Templat:Copy edit section Hamas captured thousands of small arms and eight armored combat vehicles supplied by the United States, Egypt, and Jordan[63] According to Muhammad Abdel-El of the Hamas-allied Popular Resistance Committees, Hamas and its allies have captured quantities of foreign intelligence, including CIA files. Abu Abdullah of Hamas's "military wing", the al-Qassam Brigades, claims Hamas will make portions of the documents public, in an attempt to expose covert relations between the United States and "traitor" Arab countries.[butuh rujukan] While Hamas collected most of the 15,000 weapons registered to the former security forces, it failed to collect more than a fraction of the 400,000 weapons that are in the hands of various clans, and said that it would not touch weapons used for fighting Israel, only those that might be used against Hamas.[butuh rujukan]


  1. ^ a b "PCHR Publishes "Black Days in the Absence of Justice: Report on Bloody Fighting in the Gaza Strip from 7 to 14 June 2007"". PCHR News. Gaza City: Palestinian Centre for Human Rights. 9 October 2007. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 7 September 2008. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  2. ^ a b "Hamas battles for control of Gaza". London: BBC News Online. 13 June 2007. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  3. ^ a b c "Hamas controls Gaza, says it will stay in power". CNN. 14 Juni 2007. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 6 Juli 2007. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  4. ^ a b Black, Ian; Tran, Mark (15 Juni 2007). "Hamas takes control of Gaza". The Guardian. London. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2023. 
  5. ^ Ketua Komite Eksekutif Organisasi Pembebasan Palestina; Presiden Otoritas Nasional Palestina (4 March 2009). BASIC LAW OF THE PALESTINIAN NATIONAL AUTHORITY (Laporan). Strasbourg, France: European Commission for Democracy through Law. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2023. 
  6. ^ a b c d e Cavatorta, F.; Elgie, R. (2010). "The Impact of Semi-Presidentialism on Governance in the Palestinian Authority". Parliamentary Affairs. 63 (1): 22–40. doi:10.1093/pa/gsp028alt=Dapat diakses gratis. 
  7. ^ "Palestinian Security Plan" (PDF). Investigations. The Palestine Papers. Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera. Diakses tanggal 14 October 2023. 
  8. ^ "Palestinian papers: UK's MI6 'tried to weaken Hamas'". London: BBC News Online. 25 January 2011. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  9. ^ Ian Black; Seumas Milne (25 Januari 2011). "Palestine papers reveal MI6 drew up plan for crackdown on Hamas". The Guardian. London. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2011. 
  10. ^ Ian Black; Seumas Milne (25 Januari 2011). "Palestine papers: MI6 plan proposed internment – and hotline to Israelis". The Guardian. London. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2011. 
  11. ^ "2005: Abbas triumphs in Palestinian elections". London: BBC News Online. 9 Januari 2005. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  12. ^ Ben Wedeman (11 Januari 2005). "Abbas declared victor in Palestinian election". CNN. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  13. ^ Ben Wedeman (8 Februari 2005). "Palestinian, Israeli leaders announce cease-fire". CNN. Diakses tanggal 9 Juni 2018. 
  14. ^ Graham Usher (2005). "The New Hamas - Between Resistance and Participation". Middle East Research and Information Project. Diakses tanggal 9 Juni 2018. 
  15. ^ PFLP and DFLP urge Abbas to preserve the Cairo declaration, honour the call for PLO reform. Ma'an News Agency, 20 Juli 2007
  16. ^ Avishay Ben Sasson-Gordis (2016). "The Strategic Balance of Israel's Withdrawal from Gaza (2005-2016)" (PDF). Diterjemahkan oleh Bubis, Michelle. Jerusalem, Israel: Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2023. 
  17. ^ a b "The Arrest and Detention of Palestinian Legislative Council Members". Jerusalem: Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association. 15 Mei 2009. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  18. ^ Aaron D. Pina (9 Februari 2006). Palestinian Elections - February, 9 2006 (PDF) (Laporan). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  19. ^ Jimmy Carter (29 Januari 2006). "Palestinian Elections: Trip Report by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter". Atlanta, Georgia: Carter Center. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  20. ^ Steven R. Weisman (30 Januari 2006). "Rice Admits U.S. Underestimated Hamas Strength". The New York Times. New York City. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  21. ^ Glenn Kessler (27 Januari 2006). "Bush Is Conciliatory in Accepting Victory of Hamas". The Washington Post. Washington, D.C. Diakses tanggal 15 Omtober 2023. 
  22. ^ Secretary-General of the United Nations (30 Januari 2006). "Statement By Middle East Quartet (SG/2104-PAL/2042)". Department of Public Information. New York: United Nations. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  23. ^ "Hamas rejects 'unfair' aid demand". London: BBC News Online. 31 Januari 2006. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  24. ^ "Palestinian PM to quit after poll". London: BBC News Online. 26 Januari 2006. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  25. ^ Erlanger, Steven (30 Januari 2006). "U.S. and Israelis Are Said to Talk of Hamas Ouster". The New York Times. New York City. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  26. ^ Erlanger, Steven (18 Februari 2006). "Hamas Leader Faults Israeli Sanction Plan". The New York Times. New York City. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  27. ^ Sayigh, Yezid (2007). "Inducing a Failed State in Palestine". Survival. 49 (3): 7–39. doi:10.1080/00396330701564786. 
  28. ^ a b c d Kalman, Matthew (14 Desember 2006). "U.S. training Fatah in anti-terror tactics". SFGate. San Francisco. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  29. ^ Gene A. Cretz (23 Januari 2011). "US embassy cables: Israel discusses Gaza and West Bank with US". The Guardian. London. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  30. ^ Conal Urquhart (21 Agustus 2006). "25% of Palestinian MPs detained by Israel". The Guardian. London. Diakses tanggal 15 Oktober 2023. 
  31. ^ "Palestinian Vision for Resolving the Current PA Crisis (Draft #6)". Investigations. The Palestine Papers. Doha, Qatar: Al Jazeera. 30 October 2006. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  32. ^ International Crisis Group (5 October 2006). The Arab-Israeli Conflict: To Reach a Lasting Peace (Crisis Group Middle East Report N°58) (PDF) (Laporan). Brussels, Belgium: International Crisis Group. hlm. 3–4. 
  33. ^ Robert Barron (25 June 2019). "Palestinian Politics Timeline: Since the 2006 Election". Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace. Diakses tanggal 14 October 2023. 
  34. ^ Palestinian tensions run high after poll call. Reuters, 17 December 2006
  35. ^ Hamas coup in Gaza (pdf), International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Volume 13, Issue 5; June 2007. Also in html.
  36. ^ Haaretz/Associated Press, 10 June 2007, Palestinian gunmen target Haniyeh's home in Gaza. On
  37. ^ Abraham Rabinovich, Deadly escalation in Fatah-Hamas feud. The Australian, 12 June 2007. On
  38. ^ "Palestinian rivalry". CBC News. Diakses tanggal 2023-12-12. 
  39. ^ Hamas launches new Gaza attacks, BBC News Online, 12 June 2007.
  40. ^ "A pyrrhic victory". The Guardian. 16 June 2007. 
  41. ^ a b We'll execute Fatah leaders, Israel News, 14 June 2007.
  42. ^ Abrahams, Fred; Human Rights Watch (2008). Internal fight: Palestinian abuses in Gaza and the West Bank. Human Rights Watch. hlm. 14–15. 
  43. ^ This ‘Bombshell’ Took a Year Falling. Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani, Inter Press Service, 2 April 2008
  44. ^ a b Blair's counter-insurgency "surge". Alastair Crooke, Aljazeera, 25 January 2011
  45. ^ a b "Gaza: Armed Palestinian Groups Commit Grave Crimes". New York City: Human Rights Watch. 12 June 2007. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  46. ^ Ali Waked (16 June 2007). "Crowd loots Gaza home of Arafat". Ynet. Rishon LeZion, Israel: Yedioth Ahronoth. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  47. ^ "Hamas goes on Gaza looting spree". Independent Online. Cape Town, South Africa. 15 June 2007. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  48. ^ a b c d Jonathan Schanzer (2009). "The Talibanization of Gaza: A Liability for the Muslim Brotherhood" (PDF). Current Trends in Islamist Ideology. 9: 110–119. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 10 September 2021. 
  49. ^ a b c Gaza on the Boil, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), S. Samuel C. Rajiv, 21 June 2007
  50. ^ "Abbas Dissolves Palestinian Authority Government in Wake of Hamas-Fatah War". Fox News. 14 June 2007. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 16 June 2007. Diakses tanggal 14 June 2007. 
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  52. ^ a b c Abrahams, Fred; Human Rights Watch (2008). Internal fight: Palestinian abuses in Gaza and the West Bank. Human Rights Watch. hlm. 14. 
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  58. ^ a b David Raab (January 2003). "The Beleaguered Christians of the Palestinian-Controlled Areas". Jerusalem Letter. Jerusalem: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
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  61. ^ Aaron Klein (19 June 2007). "Christians must accept Islamic rule". Ynet. Rishon LeZion, Israel: Yedioth Ahronoth. Diakses tanggal 15 October 2023. 
  62. ^ Ormestad, Catrin (1 November 2007). "I know how to make you a Muslim". Haaretz. Tel Aviv. Diakses tanggal 23 October 2023. 
  63. ^ Hamas seizes US-financed weapons, equipment, Middle East Newsline, 14 June 2007.

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