Pekuburan Qumran

Pekuburan Qumran (bahasa Inggris: Qumran cemetery) adalah serangkaian pekuburan kuno yang terletak di sebelah timur Qumran, di Tepi Barat, wilayah Israel. Merupakan area luas yang menuju jalan menurun titik mulainya ngarai-ngarai berbentuk empat jari menjorok ke arah timur. Di ngarai-ngarai inilah lebih banyak pekuburan ditemukan. Diperkirakan ada sekitar 1100 makam dalam pekuburan ini.


Meskipun ada banyak makam di daerah ini, Roland de Vaux hanya mengekskavasi 43 di antaranya, sementara Solomon H. Steckoll meneliti sepuluh.[1] sedangkan Broshi dan Eshel tiga.[2] Ekskavasi pekuburan Yahudi telah dihentikan. Dari 43 makam yang diteliti oleh de Vaux, ada 40 kerangka yang dapat dianalisis. Dua puluh tiga di antaranya sekarang berada di Jerman (Collectio Kurth) dan 18 ada di lembaga-lembaga Prancis (Musée de l’Homme, Paris dan École Biblique, Yerusalem).[2] Jenazah-jenazah itu dikuburkan tanpa barang-barang milik kecuali sejumlah kecil periuk dari zaman Bait Suci kedua pada kaki mereka, meskipun ada pula beberapa yang memakai perhiasan.[3]

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  1. ^ Schultz 2009, p.196.
  2. ^ a b Broshi 2004, p.139.
  3. ^ Shultz, Brian. Dead Sea Discoveries, Vol. 13, No. 2. (2006), pp. 198.


  • Bar-Adon, Pessah (1977), Another Settlement of the Judean Desert Sect at 'En el-Ghuweir on the shores of the Dead Sea, BASOR 227: 1-25 
  • Broshi, Magen, "The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Sciences and New Technologies", Dead Sea Discoveries 11:2 (2004) p. 133-142.
  • Eshel, Hanan, Magen Broshi, Richard Freund, and Brian Schultz. "New Data on the Cemetery East of Khirbet Qumran." Dead Sea Discoveries 9/2 (2002) 135-165.
  • Hachlili, Rachel, "The Qumran Cemetery: A Reconsideration" in The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years After Their Discovery, 1947-1997, Schiffman, Lawrence, Tov, Emanuel, & VanderKam, James, (eds.), (Jerusalem: IES, 2000), p. 661-672.
  • Kapera, Z. J., "How Many Tombs in Qumran?", The Qumran Chronicle 9.1 (August 2000), 35-49.
  • Politis, Konstantinos D., "The Discovery and Excavation of the Khirbet Qazone Cemetery and Its Significance Relative to Qumran" in The Site of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Archaeological Interpretations and Debates, (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Vol. 57), ed. by Katharina Galor, Jean-Baptiste Humbert, and Jurgen Zangenberg, (Leiden: Brill, 2006) p. 213-222.
  • Roehrer-Ertl, Olav, "Facts and Results Based on Skeletal Remains from Qumran Found in the Collectio Kurth--A Study in Methodology" in The Site of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Archaeological Interpretations and Debates, eds. Galor, Katharina, Humbert, Jean-Baptiste, and Zangenberg, Jurgen, (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Vol. 57), (Leiden: Brill, 2006) p. 181-194.
  • Schultz, Brian, "The Qumran Cemetery: 150 Years of Research" Dead Sea Discoveries 13/2 (2006) 194-228.
  • Sheridan, Susan, and Ullinger, Jaime, "A Reconsideration of the Human Remains in the French Collection from Qumran" in The Site of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Archaeological Interpretations and Debates, eds. Galor, Katharina, Humbert, Jean-Baptiste, and Zangenberg, Jurgen, (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Vol. 57), (Leiden: Brill, 2006) p. 195-212.
  • Zias, Joe, "The Cemeteries of Qumran and Celibacy"Confusion Laid to Rest?" Dead Sea Discoveries 7/2 (2000) 220-253.

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31°44′26.54″N 35°27′38.03″E / 31.7407056°N 35.4605639°E / 31.7407056; 35.4605639