Richard John Alexander Talbert (lahir 26 April 1947) merupakan seorang sejarawan dan klasik keturunan Amerika Inggris kontemporer kuno di fakultas Universitas Carolina Utara, Chapel Hill, di mana dia adalah William Rand Kenan, Jr., Profesor Sejarah Kuno dan Klasik. Talbert adalah pakar geografi kuno dan gagasan ruang angkasa di dunia Mediterania.
Terbitan terpilih
Volume editan
- 2000. Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (Princeton, 2000). ISBN 9780691031699. Reviews: Journal of Roman Archaeology 14.454[pranala nonaktif permanen]; Athena Review 2.4 Diarsipkan 4 March 2016 di Wayback Machine.; JRS 94 (2004): 183–90; additional reviews Diarsipkan 2017-08-25 di Wayback Machine.. 2013 app version Diarsipkan 2013-11-01 di Wayback Machine..
- 2004. with Kai Brodersen. Space in the Roman World, its Perception and Presentation (LIT, Munster). ISBN 9783825874193. Reviews: BMCR 2005.09.41
- 2004. with M.T. Boatwright and D. Gargola. The Romans: From Village to Empire (Oxford). ISBN 0195118758. Review: BMCR 2006.04.29. Czech edition (2012). Dějiny římské rise: od nejranějších časů po Konstantina Velikého ISBN 978-80-247-3168-1.
- 2005. trans. Plutarch on Sparta new ed. ISBN 9780140449433.
- 2006. with M.T. Boatwright and D. Gargola. A Brief History of the Romans (Oxford). ISBN 9780195187151.
- 2008. with R.W. Unger Cartography in antiquity and the Middle Ages: fresh perspectives, new methods (Brill). ISBN 9789004166639. Reviews: BMCR 2009.06.07.
- 2010. with Kurt A. Raaflaub.Geography and Ethnography: Perceptions of the World in Pre-Modern Societies (Wiley-Blackwell). ISBN 9781405191463. Reviews: Journal of Roman Archaeology 25.763[pranala nonaktif permanen].
- 2011. with David S. Potter. Classical Courts and Courtiers (American Journal of Philology vol. 132.1, special issue).
- 2012. with M.T. Boatwright, N. Lenski and D. Gargola The Romans: From Village to Empire: A History of Rome from Earliest Times to the End of the Western Empire 2nd expanded edition (Oxford). ISBN 978-0199730575.
- 2012. with Susan E. Alcock and John P. Bodel. Highways, Byways, and Road Systems in the Pre-Modern World. (Wiley-Blackwell). ISBN 9780470674253.
- 2012. Ancient Perspectives: Maps and Their Place in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. (University of Chicago Press). ISBN 9780226789378. Reviews: BMCR 2013.10.63; AJA 117.4 (2013)
- 2013. New introduction to re-print of William Smith. An atlas of ancient geography, biblical and classical: maps of the ancient world. London: I. B. Tauris. ISBN 9781848853522.
- 2013. Boatwright, M. T., D. J. Gargola, N. Lenski, and R. Talbert. A Brief History of the Romans. Second Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199987559
- 2014. F. S. Naiden and R. Talbert. American Journal of Philology 135.2 (Whole number 538) Special Issue: Moses Finley in America: The Making of an Ancient Historian.
- 2017. with Fred Naiden. Mercury's Wings: Exploring Modes of Communication in the Ancient World. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195386844.
- 2018. Challenges of Mapping the Classical World Routledge. ISBN 9781472457820
- Forthcoming (2021). Travel in the Roman Mind (with Grant Parker). Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-50470-6.
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