Konvensi Kerangka Kerja Perubahan Iklim Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
Konvensi Kerangka Kerja Perubahan Iklim Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (UNFCCC ) adalah perjanjian lingkungan internasional yang dirundingkan pada KTT Bumi di Rio de Janeiro tanggal 3 sampai 14 Juni 1992 dan diberlakukan tanggal 21 Maret 1994. Tujuan UNFCCC adalah "menstabilkan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca di atmosfer sampai tingkat yang mampu mencegah campur tangan manusia dengan sistem iklim ".[ 2] Kerangka kerja ini tidak menetapkan batas emisi gas rumah kaca yang mengikat terhadap setiap negara dan tidak mencantumkan mekanisme penegakan hukum. Kerangka kerja ini menentukan bagaimana perjanjian internasional tertentu (disebut "protokol") dapat mengatur batas gas rumah kaca yang benar-benar mengikat.
Awalnya, Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee menulis teks Konvensi Kerangka Kerja dalam pertemuan di New York tanggal 30 April sampai 9 Mei 1992. UNFCCC diadopsi tanggal 9 Mei 1992 dan dapat ditandatangani sejak 4 Juni 1992.[ 3] UNFCCC melibatkan 196 penandatangan per Maret 2014. Konvensi ini mendapat legitimasi luas karena keanggotaannya yang hampir universal.[ 4]
Penandatangan konvensi ini bertemu setiap tahun sejak 1995 dalam Konferensi Penandatangan (COP) untuk menilai kemajuan terkait perubahan iklim . Pada tahun 1997, Protokol Kyoto disepakati dan mewajibkan negara-negara maju untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca.[ 5] Perjanjian Cancún 2010 menyatakan bahwa pemanasan global di masa yang akan datang harus dibatasi di bawah 2,0 °C (3,6 °F) relatif terhadap tingkat suhu pra-industri.[ 6] COP ke-20 dilaksanakan di Peru tahun 2014.[ 7]
Salah satu tugas pertama yang ditetapkan UNFCCC adalah pembentukan inventaris gas rumah kaca nasional yang berisikan emisi dan pengurangan gas rumah kaca (GRK) oleh setiap negara penandatangan. Inventaris tersebut akan digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat suhu yang diperlukan agar negara-negara Aneks I Protokol Kyoto bisa bergabung dan berkomitmen mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca. Inventaris harus selalu dimutakhirkan secara rutin oleh negara-negara Aneks I.
UNFCCC juga merupakan nama Sekretariat Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa yang ditugaskan mendukung pelaksanaan Konvensi ini. Kantornya terletak di Haus Carstanjen , dan UN Campus (Langer Eugen ) di Bonn, Jerman . Sejak 2006 sampai 2010, sekretariat ini dipimpin oleh Yvo de Boer . Tanggal 17 Mei 2010, Christiana Figueres dari Costa Rica menggantikan de Boer. Sekretariat yang dibantu oleh program paralel Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ini bertujuan mencapai kesepakatan melalui rapat dan pembahasan sejumlah strategi.
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Catatan kaki
^ "Status of Ratification of the Convention" . United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Diakses tanggal 2013-06-25 .
^ "Article 2" . The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change . Diakses tanggal 15 November 2005 .
^ Status of Ratification of the Convention , United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, diakses tanggal 10 May 2015
^ R. Stavins, J. Zou, et al., "International Cooperation: Agreements and Instruments." Chapter 13 in: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change . Cambridge University Press, 2014.
^ "What is the UNFCCC & the COP" . Climate Leaders . Lead India. 2009. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2009-03-27. Diakses tanggal 5 December 2009 .
^ King, D.; et al. (July 2011), "Copenhagen and Cancun", International climate change negotiations: Key lessons and next steps , Oxford, UK: Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, hlm. 12, doi :10.4210/ssee.pbs.2011.0003 , diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-08-01, diakses tanggal 2015-12-16 PDF version is also available Diarsipkan 2012-01-13 di Wayback Machine .
^ FEATURE: Peru will look for global progress on climate change in 2014 Climate & Development Knowledge Network Downloaded 31 July 2013
Andrew Allan and Marton Kruppa (10 December 2012), "Belarus negotiator hints at Kyoto exit, says others could follow" , REUTERS , Reuters, diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-12-14, diakses tanggal 2012-12-18
COP (6 June 1995), FCCC/CP/1995/7/Add.1: Report of the Conference of the Parties (COP) on its first session, held at Berlin from 28 March to 7 April 1995. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its first session (PDF) , Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Office [pranala nonaktif permanen ] . Available as a PDF in the official UN languages.
COP (14 March 2008), Report of the Conference of the Parties (COP) on its thirteenth session, held in Bali from 3 to 15 December 2007. Addendum. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its thirteenth session , Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Office . Reference: FCCC/CP/2007/6/Add.1.
COP (30 March 2010), FCCC/CP/2009/11/Add.1: Report of the Conference of the Parties on its fifteenth session, held in Copenhagen from 7 to 19 December 2009. Addendum. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth session (PDF) , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office . Library record.
COP (15 March 2011), FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1: Report of the Conference of the Parties (COP) on its sixteenth session, held in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office
COP (15 March 2012), FCCC/CP/2011/9/Add.1: Report of the Conference of the Parties on its seventeenth session, held in Durban from 28 November to 11 December 2011. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office
COP (28 February 2013), FCCC/CP/2012/8/Add.1: Report of the Conference of the Parties on its eighteenth session, held in Doha from 26 November to 8 December 2012. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its eighteenth session. (PDF) , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office . Library record.
Figueres, C. (15 December 2012), "Environmental issues: Time to abandon blame-games and become proactive - Economic Times" , The Economic Times / Indiatimes.com , Times Internet, diakses tanggal 2012-12-18
IPCC SAR WG3 (1996), Bruce, J. P.; Lee, H.; and Haites, E. F., ed., Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change (PDF) , Contribution of Working Group III (WG3) to the Second Assessment Report (SAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-56051-9 , diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2017-10-11, diakses tanggal 2015-12-16 (pb: ISBN 0-521-56854-4 )
IPCC AR4 WG3 (2007), Metz, B.; Davidson, O. R.; Bosch, P. R.; Dave, R.; and Meyer, L. A., ed., Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change , Contribution of Working Group III (WG3) to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-88011-4 , Archived from the original on 2014-10-12, diakses tanggal 2015-12-16 (pb: ISBN 978-0-521-70598-1 ). Archived.
IPCC AR4 SYR (2007), Core Writing Team; Pachauri, R.K; and Reisinger, A., ed., Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report , Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva , Switzerland : IPCC, ISBN 92-9169-122-4 .
King, D.; et al. (July 2011), International climate change negotiations: Key lessons and next steps , Oxford, UK: Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, doi :10.4210/ssee.pbs.2011.0003 , diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-08-01, diakses tanggal 2015-12-16 PDF version is also available Diarsipkan 2012-01-13 di Wayback Machine .
UNFCCC (25 February 2011a), Information provided by Annex I Parties relating to Appendix I of the Copenhagen Accord (quantified economy-wide emissions targets for 2020) , UNFCCC .
UNFCCC (18 March 2011b), FCCC/AWGLCA/2011/INF.1: Compilation of information on nationally appropriate mitigation actions to be implemented by Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (PDF) , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office . Library record.
UNFCCC (7 June 2011c), FCCC/SB/2011/INF.1/Rev.1: Compilation of economy-wide emission reduction targets to be implemented by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Revised note by the secretariat (PDF) , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office . Library record.
UNFCCC (16 May 2012a), Meetings: Copenhagen Climate Change Conference - December 2009 , UNFCCC .
UNFCCC (21 May 2012b), Information provided by non-Annex I Parties relating to Appendix II of the Copenhagen Accord (nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties) , UNFCCC .
UNFCCC (23 August 2012c), FCCC/TP/2012/5: Quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets by developed country Parties to the Convention: assumptions, conditions, commonalities and differences in approaches and comparison of the level of emission reduction efforts. Technical paper (PDF) , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office . Library record.
UNFCCC (18 February 2013a), FOCUS: Mitigation - Nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions by developed country Parties , UNFCCC
UNFCCC (28 May 2013b), FCCC/SBI/2013/INF.12/Rev.2: Compilation of information on nationally appropriate mitigation actions to be implemented by developing country Parties. Revised note by the secretariat , Geneva, Switzerland: UN Office . Library record.
UNFCCC (1 July 2013c), FOCUS: Mitigation - NAMAs, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions , UNFCCC
United Nations (9 May 1992), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , New York
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