Innes Indreswari Soekanto

Innes Indreswari Soekanto (lahir: 1968) adalah pematung Indonesia yang karyanya telah tersebar di banyak Negara (Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Korea, China dll), demikian juga di kota-kota Indonesia. Karya-karyanya banyak pula dimuat di media massa, di mana beberapa artikel yang telah terlacak.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]

Dia menjadi staf pengajar Jurusan Seni Murni, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung sejak tahun 1993. Karya terakhirnya terpilih pula dalam Olympic of Fine Art (OFA 2008) di Beijing.[17][18][19][20]

Karya pameran

Beberapa karya yang telah dipamerkan di dalam dan luar negeri sdb:

  1. 'Row, row your boat' at The 13th Asian Art Biennale 2008 Dacca, Bangladesh (Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy: National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts) in 22 October - 20 November 2008.
  2. 'Colours of Harmony' at The Olympic Fine Arts 2008 (OFA 2008) Beijing, China in August - September 2008
  3. 'The key of Perfection is LOVE' (Artwork #32-1-1) at The Third Beijing International Art Biennale China, Beijing, July 7th - 11th, 2008.
  4. "My Son = My Sun" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Bronze casting and wood carving Size: d.40 cm l.40 cm h.27.5 cm Date: 18 December 2007 Result: Finalish at the Oita 9th Asian Sculpture Competition, Oita city, Japan
  5. "Jesus is alive" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Bronze casting Size: 1.85 meter Date: July 2007 Collector: Mariani Ojong, Jakarta
  6. "Egg" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Brass casting Size: l. 60 cm, w. 35 cm, h. 45 cm Date: 2004 Exbition: Indonesian Sculptors Association Exhibition, Padi Art Ground, Bandung January 2005
  7. "Couple" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: wood Collector: Kanjoji park, Inami city, Toyama, Japan Date: 1995
  8. Contras IV Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: stone Size: h. 45 cm, l. 10 cm, w. 30 cm Date: 1993 Total editions: 1 edition Collector: Dra. Sandra Sri Hariadi, Bandung, Indonesia
  9. Contras V Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: stone Size: h.100 cm, w. 50 cm, l. 50 cm Date: 1993 Total editions: 1 edition Collector: Drs. Yustiono, Fine Art Department, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia
  10. "…" (3 in 1) Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: mahogany Size: h.160 cm, r.65 cm Date: 1993 Total editions: 1 edition Collector: Drs. Wayan G’de G’redeg Penson, Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia
  11. "Egg, egg, egg !" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Terracotta and wood rack Size: terracotta: d.5 cm (2,500 pieces) Date: 2004 Exbition: Plaza Senayan 8th Anniversary, The soul of Art exhibition, April 2004
  12. "0 (Nol)" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Stone Size: d.45 cm Date: 2001 Exbition: Plaza Senayan 8th Anniversary, The soul of Art exhibition, April 2004

Karya pesanan (Commission Works)

Beberapa karya original Innes yang telah didesain khusus untuk para kolektor sdb:

  1. "Ascension of Jesus Christ " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Stained Glass Size: 7 square meter Date: Desember 2006 Collector: El Shaddai Injil Sepenuh Church, Lembang, West Java
  2. Copper relief Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: copper Collector: Scuza Italian restaurant, Intercontinental Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia Date: 2004
  3. Standing Sculpture Lamp Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: Stone and stainless steel Collector: Scuza Italian restaurant, Intercontinental Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia Date: 2004
  4. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman ( Artemis - Diana) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  5. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Athena - Minerva) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  6. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Demeter - Ceres) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  7. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Hestia - Vesta) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  8. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman ( Poseidon - Neptune) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  9. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Zeus - Jupiter) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  10. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Hermes - Mercurio) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  11. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Hera - Juno) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  12. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Athena - Apollo) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  13. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Aphrodite - Venus) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  14. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Ares - Mars) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  15. "Twelve Gods and Goddess of Roman (Hephaestus - Vulcan) " Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin Size: h 1.85 - 2.35 meter Collector: House of Roman Tangerang, Indonesia Date: 2003 Number of editions: 1 edition
  16. "Sea Horse Creature " Artist: *** Innes Indreswari Soekanto as Human Resources Department Manager at Sunaryo studios for workshop on making out-door statue Collector: Planet Hollywood, Jakarta, Indonesia Date: 1994
  17. Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Collector: Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) 1946, Jatinegara Branch, Jakarta Date: 1993

Karyanya yang terkoleksi (Collected artworks)

Beberapa karya seni karya Innes yang telah dikoleksi oleh kolektor dalam dan luar negeri sdb:

  1. "Torso I" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: brass casting Size: h.100 cm, r.45 cm Date: 1989 Total editions: 1 edition Collector: Ir. Eddy Sugiri., Dipl. Arch., Director of ARCON Architecture Consultant, Bandung, Indonesia
  2. "Torso III" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material: polyester resin plated with copper Date: 1993 Total editions: 3 editions Collector: 1/3 Ir. Andi Sutioso, M.Arch, Bandung, Indonesia; 2/3 Mrs. Rita Widagdo, Bandung, Indonesia; 3/3 Dra. Vidhiasanti Sahari, Jakarta-Indonesia
  3. "Mother" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Bronze casting Exbition: SENPIA Gallery, Togane Town, Chiba, Japan Size: h.65 cm Date: 1999
  4. "Love" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Three kind of Japanese woods Exbition: Inami Craft and Wooden Sculpture 37th, Inami Ward Office, Toyama, Japan Size: l.40 cm w.30 cm h.35 cm Date: 1999 Collector: private collection by the artist
  5. "About human - egg edition #2" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Terracotta Size: d.5 cm (2,500 pieces) Date: 2002 Exbition: Plaza Senayan 8th Anniversary, The soul of Art exhibition, April 2004 Collector: Roestiati Budiningsih, Jakarta
  6. "Mother" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Bronze Size: l.15 cm w.15 cm h.30 cm Date: 9 September 2006 Number of editions: 5 editions Price: contact to our office Collectors: 1/5 Ms. Francesco O.S.U, St. Santa Ursula, Jakarta; 2/5 Dra. Henny Salindeho, Jakarta; 3/5 Dra. Innocentia Ine Sutioso, Bandung
  7. "Cute" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Brass Size: d.15 cm Date: 9 September 2006 Number of editions: 5 editions Price: contact to our office Collectors: 1/5 Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, Japan; 2/5 Mr. Harry Pryohoetomo Haryono, Indonesian Ambassador in Portugal 2001-2004; 3/5-5/5 Mr. Vikram Reddy, General Manager Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta.
  8. "Vision" Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: Bronze Size: l.23 cm w.18 cm h.18 cm Date: 9 September 2006 Number of editions: 10 editions

Perancangan piala (trophy design)

Karya original Innes bersama kolega di bawah Innes Sculpture Studio telah dinikmati oleh berbagai instansi di Indonesia sdb:

  1. Designer: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: resin with electroplating stainless steel Client: British Council - IYCE (International Young Creative Entrepreneur Award) 2008-2009 Date: July 2008
  2. Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: copper wires Client: Indonesian Ministry of Construction (Departemen Pekerjaan Umum) Date: 2008
  3. Artist: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Material & technique: marbel powder with resin Size: 30 cm Date: 2007 Client: Piala Pesta Paduan Suara, Keuskupan Bandung 2007
  4. Designer: A. Baskoro J. Material & technique: polyester resin with electro plating and acrylic Client: University of Pelita Harapan, Indonesia Date: 2006


  1. ^ Nuansa Baru Seni Rupa Indonesia (New Indonesian Art), Japan Foundation Art Exhibition, Jakarta, 14 October 1994
  2. ^ Pameran Pembawa Impian Kaum Wanita (Exhibition for Women's Dreams), Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper, pp. 10, 26 February 1995
  3. ^ Wanita Pembawa Impian (Dream Carrier's Women), The Australian Embassy, Dewi Magazine, pp.90-92, Jakarta, 6 March 1995
  4. ^ Impian Tujuh Wanita (Seven Women's Dream), The Australian Embassy, Femina Maganize, Jakarta, pp.97, 6 March 1995
  5. ^ Paintings exploare dreams of Indonesian women artists, The Australian Embassy, The Jakarta Post, 10 March 1995
  6. ^ Impian Tujuh Wanita (Seven Women's Dream), The Australian Embassy, Jakarta, Sinar Magazine, 18 March 1995
  7. ^ Impian Tujuh Wanita (Seven Women's Dream), The Australian Embassy, Jakarta, Sinar Magazine, pp. 58, 18 March 1995
  8. ^ Membawa Kenikmatan Impian (Bringing Dreams), The Australian Embassy, Jakarta, Tiras Magazine, pp. 78, 23 March 1995
  9. ^ Japan - Iname City Public Art Guide, Japan 1995
  10. ^ Japan Inami International Wooden Sculpture Camp 1995
  11. ^ Japan - Inami City Newsletter 1996
  12. ^ Sculptors unite in show to regain lost pride, The Jakarta Post,21 November 2001
  13. ^ Pameran Keramik dan Instalasi di Plaza Senayan (Ceramic and Installation Exhibition at Plaza Senayan), Budaya column, Koran Tempo (Tempo Newspaper), 19 April 2004
  14. ^ Seni Bukan Milik Kalangan Tertentu (The Soul of Arts), Seni & Hiburan column, Sinar Harapan Newspaper, 19 April 2004
  15. ^ Guncangan Seni Gabah di Mal, Kompas Newspaper, 24 April 2004
  16. ^ Sejarah tak bisa dihindari (History couldn't be forget), Indonesian Sculptors Association Exhibition, Padi Art Ground, Bandung January 2005
  17. ^ The Jakarta Post Newspaper: Innes Indreswari Soekanto Sculpting Her Own Comeback [1]
  18. ^ The Jakarta Post Newspaper: Notes Beijing Art Biennale
  19. ^ "Picasa website". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-06-11. Diakses tanggal 2008-11-18. 
  20. ^ Dunia adalah Galeri (World is Gallery), Pesona Keluarga Magazine, February 2007

Karya terakhir adalah untuk 13th Bangladesh Asian Art Biennale 2008

Pranala luar


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