Anti-Katolik di Amerika Serikat

Anti-Katolik di Amerika Serikat sepanjang sejarah sangat berakar pada sikap anti-Katolik umat Protestan di Britania Raya dan Jerman setelah Reformasi. Para imigran yang membawakan sikap tersebut ke koloni-koloni Amerika. Dua jenis retorika anti-Katolik ada di masyarakat kolonial dan berlanjut pada abad-abad berikutnya. Yang pertama berasal dari warisan teologi Reformasi Protestan dan peperangan keagamaan pada abad keenam belas, yang terdiri dari anggapan Antikristus dan Pelacur Besar Biblikal dan pemikiran yang didominasi anti-Katolik sampai akhir abad ketujuh belas. Jenis kedua adalah ragam sekuler yang datang dari xenofobia dan sentimen Nativis etnosentris dan rasa terganggu terhadap meningkatnya arus imigran Katolik, terutama dari Irlandia dan negara-negara non-Eropa Barat Laut seperti Italia, dan sering kali tertuju pada tuduhan intrik negara-negara Katolik atau bangsa-bangsa Katolik melawan Amerika Serikat yang mayoritas Protestan.[1]

Setelah 1980, ketegangan sepanjang sejarah antara Protestan evangelikal dan Katolik berkurang drastis. Dalam politik, keduanya sering bergabung bersama dalam masalah-masalah kebudayaan dan sosial yang konservatif, seperti penentangan terhadap pernikahan sesama jenis. Pada 2000, koalisi Partai Republik meliputi hampir setengah orang Katolik dan sebagian besar evangelikal kulit putih.[2]


  1. ^ Mannard, Joseph G. (1981). American Anti-Catholicism and its Literature. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2002-10-21. Diakses tanggal 2017-05-16. 
  2. ^ William M. Shea, The Lion and the Lamb: Evangelicals and Catholics in America (Oxford University Press, 2004)

Bacaan tambahan

  • Anbinder; Tyler Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s 1992
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  • Billington, Ray. The Protestant Crusade, 1830–1860: A Study of the Origins of American Nativism (1938); online
  • Brown, Thomas M. "The Image of the Beast: Anti-Papal Rhetoric in Colonial America", in Richard O. Curry and Thomas M. Brown, eds., Conspiracy: The Fear of Subversion in American History (1972), 1–20.
  • Cogliano; Francis D. No King, No Popery: Anti-Catholicism in Revolutionary New England (1995) online edition
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  • Curran, Robert Emmett. Papist Devils: Catholics in British America, 1574–1783 (2014) pp 201–2
  • Davis, David Brion. "Some Themes of Counter-subversion: An Analysis of Anti-Masonic, Anti-Catholic and Anti-Mormon Literature", Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 47 (1960), 205–224. in JSTOR
  • Dumenil, Lynn. "The Tribal Twenties: 'Assimilated' Catholics' Response to Anti-Catholicism in the 1920s," Journal of American Ethnic History 1991 11(1): 21–49 in EBSCO
  • Greeley, Andrew M. An Ugly Little Secret: Anti-Catholicism in North America 1977.
  • Henry, David. "Senator John F. Kennedy Encounters the Religious Question: I Am Not the Catholic Candidate for President." in Contemporary American Public Discourse ed. by H. R. Ryan. (1992). 177–193.
  • Hennesey, James. American Catholics: A History of the Roman Catholic Community in the United States (1981),
  • Higham; John. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860–1925 1955
  • Hinckley, Ted C. "American Anti-Catholicism During the Mexican War" Pacific Historical Review 1962 31(2): 121–137. ISSN 0030-8684
  • Hostetler; Michael J. "Gov. Al Smith Confronts the Catholic Question: The Rhetorical Legacy of the 1928 Campaign" Communication Quarterly. Volume: 46. Issue: 1. 1998. Page Number: 12+.
  • Philip Jenkins, The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice (Oxford University Press, New ed. 2004). ISBN 0-19-517604-9
  • Jensen, Richard. The Winning of the Midwest: Social and Political Conflict, 1888–1896 (1971)
  • Jensen, Richard. "'No Irish Need Apply': A Myth of Victimization," Journal of Social History 36.2 (2002) 405–429 Diarsipkan 2005-02-08 di Wayback Machine., with illustrations
  • Jorgenson, Lloyd P. The State and the Non-Public School 1825–1925 (1987), esp. pp. 146–204;
  • Keating, Karl. Catholicism and Fundamentalism – The Attack on "Romanism" by "Bible Christians" (Ignatius Press, 1988). ISBN 0-89870-177-5
  • Kenny; Stephen. "Prejudice That Rarely Utters Its Name: A Historiographical and Historical Reflection upon North American Anti-Catholicism." American Review of Canadian Studies. Volume: 32. Issue: 4. 2002. pp: 639+.
  • Kinzer, Donald. An Episode in Anti-Catholicism: The American Protective Association (1964), on 1890s
  • Lessner, Richard Edward. "The Imagined Enemy: American Nativism and the Disciples of Christ, 1830–1925," (PhD diss., Baylor University, 1981).
  • Lichtman, Allan J. Prejudice and the Old Politics: The Presidential Election of 1928 (1979)
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  • Moore; Leonard J. Citizen Klansmen: The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana, 1921–1928 University of North Carolina Press, 1991
  • Moore; Leonard J. "Historical Interpretations of the 1920s's Klan: The Traditional View and the Populist Revision," Journal of Social History, 24 (Fall 1990): 341–358.
  • Page, David P. "Bishop Michael J. Curley and Anti-Catholic Nativism in Florida," Florida Historical Quarterly 45 (October 1966): 101–117
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  • Waldman, Steven (2009). Founding Faith. Random House. ISBN 978-0812974744. 
  • Wills, Garry. Under God 1990.
  • White, Theodore H. The Making of the President 1960 1961.

Sumber primer melawan Gereja Katolik

  • Blanshard, Paul. American Freedom and Catholic Power Beacon Press, 1949, an influential attack on the Catholic Church
  • Samuel W. Barnum. Romanism as It Is (1872), an anti-Catholic compendium online
  • Rev. Isaac J. Lansing, M.A. Romanism and the Republic: A Discussion of the Purposes, Assumptions, Principles and Methods of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy (1890) Online
  • Alma White (1928). Heroes of the Fiery Cross. The Good Citizen. 
  • Zacchello, Joseph. Secrets of Romanism. Neptune, N.J.: Loiseaux Brothers, 1948. viii, 222, [2] p. ISBN 0-87213-981-6 (added to later printings). N.B.: Polemical work by a former priest who became a celebrated radio-evangelist.


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