Lowell Jackson Thomas (6 April 1892 – 29 Agustus 1981) adalah seorang penulis, penyiar dan penjelajah Amerika, yang dikenal sebagai orang yang membuat Lawrence dari Arabia menjadi terkenal.
Kehidupan awal dan karier
Thomas lahir di Woodington , Darke County, Ohio , dari pasangan Harry dan Harriet Thomas. Ayahnya adalah seorang dokter dan ibunya adalah seorang guru. Pada 1900, keluarganya pindah ke kota pertambangan Victor, Colorado . Thomas bekerja disana sebagai penambang emas, tukang masak, dan wartawan surat kabar .[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4]
Untuk menghormatinya, sejak 1980, the Explorers Club di mana Lowell Thomas merupakan anggotanya dahulu, secara tahunan mengadakan Lowell Thomas Awards. Salah satu yang mendapatkan penghargaan ini adalah Rosaly Lopes .
Beberapa buku Thomas adalah:
With Lawrence in Arabia , 1924
The First World Flight , 1925
Beyond Khyber Pass , 1925
Count Luckner , The Sea Devil, 1927
European Skyways , 1927
The Boy's Life of Colonel Lawrence , 1927
Adventures in Afghanistan for Boys , 1928
Raiders of the Deep , 1928
The Sea Devil's Fo'c'sle , 1929
Woodfill of the Regulars , 1929
The Hero of Vincennes: the Story of George Rogers Clark , 1929
The Wreck of the Dumaru , 1930
Lauterbach of the China Sea , 1930
India --Land of the Black Pagoda , 1930
Rolling Stone: The Life and Adventures of Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore. , 1931 See Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore
Tall Stories , 1931
Kabluk of the Eskimo , 1932
This Side of Hell , 1932
Old Gimlet Eye: The Adventures of General Smedley Butler , 1933
Born to Raise Hell , 1933
The Untold Story of Exploration , 1935
Fan Mail , 1935
A Trip to New York With Bobby and Betty , 1936
Men of Danger , 1936
Kipling Stories and a Life of Kipling , 1936
Seeing Canada With Lowell Thomas , 1936
Seeing India With Lowell Thomas , 1936
Seeing Japan With Lowell Thomas , 1937
Seeing Mexico With Lowell Thomas , 1937
Adventures Among the Immortals , 1937
Hungry Waters , 1937
Wings Over Asia , 1937
Magic Dials , 1939
In New Brunswick We'll Find It , 1939
Soft Ball! So What? , 1940
How To Keep Mentally Fit , 1940
Stand Fast for Freedom , 1940
Pageant of Adventure , 1940
Pageant of Life , 1941
Pageant of Romance , 1943
These Men Shall Never Die , 1943
Out of this World: Across the Himalayas to Tibet (1951)
Back to Mandalay , 1951
Great True Adventures , 1955
The Story of the New York Thruway , 1955
Seven Wonders of the World , 1956
History As You Heard It 1957
The Story of the St. Lawrence Seaway , 1957
The Vital Spark , 1959
Sir Hubert Wilkins , A Biography , 1961
More Great True Adventures , 1963
Book of the High Mountains , 1964 (ISBN 978-0671202392 )
Famous First Flights That Changed History , 1968 (ISBN 1-59228-536-8 )
Burma Jack , 1971 (ISBN 0-393-08647-X )
Doolittle : A Biography , 1976 (ISBN 0-385-06495-0 )
Good Evening Everybody: From Cripple Creek to Samarkand , 1976 (ISBN 0-688-03068-8 )
So Long Until Tomorrow , 1977 (ISBN 0-688-03236-2 )
Lowell Thomas dengan FDR pada 1936
Bowen, Norman (ed) (1968) The Stranger Everyone Knows Doubleday
Hamilton, John Maxwell (2011) Journalism's Roving Eye: A History of American Foreign Reporting LSU Press ISBN 9780807144862 pg 248
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