John Urry (; lahir 1946) FAcSS , adalah sosiolog Britania Raya dan dosen di Universitas Lancaster . Ia dikenal atas karya-karyanya di bidang sosiologi pariwisata dan mobilitas.
Ia telah menulis buku tentang berbagai aspek masyarakat modern, termasuk transisi dari 'kapitalisme terorganisasi', sosiologi alam dan lingkungan, dan teori sosial secara umum.
Urry merupakan anggota Royal Society of Arts , akademisi pendiri Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences , dan dosen tamu di Departemen Geografi Universitas Bristol dan Roskilde.
Berikut adalah buku-buku karya John Urry:
Reference Groups and the Theory of Revolution , Routledge and Kegan Paul
Power in Britain, Heinemann Education (disunting bersama John Wakeford)
1975 Social Theory as Science , Routledge and Kegan Paul (bersama Russell Keat)
1981 The Anatomy of Capitalist Societies , Macmillan
1982 Social Theory as Science , Second Edition, Routledge and Kegan Paul (bersama Russell Keat)
1983 Capital, Labour and the Middle Classes , Allen and Unwin (bersama Nick Abercrombie)
Social Relations and Spatial Structures , Macmillan (disunting bersama Derek Gregory)
Localities, Class, and Gender , Pion (bersama Lancaster Regionalism Group)
1987 The End of Organized Capitalism, Polity (bersama Scott Lash)
1988 Contemporary British Society, Polity (bersama Nick Abercrombie, Alan Warde, Keith Soothill, Sylvia Walby).
1989–96 Schools of Thought in Sociology , General Editor of 18 vols, Edward Elgar.
Localities, Policies, Politics. Do Localities Matter? , Hutchinson (disunting bersama Michael Harloe, Chris Pickvance).
Restructuring. Place, Class and Gender , Sage (bersama anggota Lancaster Regionalism Group).
The Tourist Gaze , Sage.
Economies of Signs and Space , Sage (bersama Scott Lash)
Contemporary British Society , Second Edition, Polity (bersama Nick Abercrombie, Alan Warde, Keith Soothill, Sylvia Walby )
Leisure Landscapes, Main Report and Background Papers , CPRE (bersama Gordon Clark, Jan Darrall, Robin Grove-White, Phil Macnaghten)
1995 Consuming Places , Routledge
1997 Touring Cultures , Routledge (disunting bersama Chris Rojek)
1998 Contested Natures , Sage (bersama Phil Macnaghten)
"Sociology for the New Millennium." Special issue of the British Journal of Sociology (kontributor: Castells, Wallerstein, Beck, Sassen, Therborn)
Sociology beyond Societies , Routledge
Contemporary British Society , Third Edition, Polity (bersama Nick Abercrombie, Alan Warde et al.)
"Bodies of Nature". Special issue of Body and Society 6 (disunting bersama Phil Macnaghten)
2001 Bodies of Nature . Sage (disunting bersama Phil Macnaghten)
2002 The Tourist Gaze . Second Edition, London: Sage
2003 Global Complexity , Cambridge: Polity
"Presence-Absence." Special issue of Environment and Planning A: Society and Space 22 (disunting bersama Michel Callon dan John Law)
"Automobilities." Special issue of Theory, Culture and Society 21 (disunting bersama Mike Featherstone dan Nigel Thrift)
Tourism Mobilities. Places to Play, Places in Play , Routledge (disunting bersama Mimi Sheller)
Performing Tourist Places , Ashgate (bersama Bærenholdt, J. O., Haldrup, M., Larsen, J.)
"Complexity." Special Issue of Theory, Culture and Society 22 1- 270
Automobilities . London: Sage (disunting bersama Featherstone, M., Thrift, N.) 285 pp.
Sociologie de Mobilités: Une nouvelle frontiére pour la sociologie? , Paris, Armand Colin, 251pp.
"Mobilities and Materialities." Special issue of Environment and Planning A (disunting bersama M. Sheller)
Mobile Technologies of the City , London: Routledge (disunting bersama M. Sheller)
Mobilities, Geographies, Networks , London: Ashgate (bersama J. Larsen, K.Axhausen)
2007 Mobilities , Cambridge: Polity
2010 Mobile Lives , London: Routledge (bersama Anthony Elliott)
2011 Climate Change and Society , Cambridge: Polity
2013 Societies Beyond Oil , London: Zed
2014 Offshoring , Cambridge: Polity
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