鲁夜蛾属 (学名 :Xestia )为夜蛾科 的一个属 。[ 1]
Square-spot rustic (X. xanthographa ), sometimes split off in Segetia with its presumed relatives, seems too close to X. ochreago to warrant such a treatment.
Junior synonym s and other obsolete generic names for Xestia moths are:[ 1]
Agrotimorpha Barnes & BenjaminTemplate:Check , 1929
Agrotiphila Grote, 1876Template:Check
Amathes Hübner, [1821]
Anomogyna Staudinger, 1871
Archanarta Barnes & Benjamin, 1929
Ashworthia Beck, 1996
Asworthia (lapsus )
Barrovia Barnes & McDunnoughTemplate:Check , 1916
Calamogyna (lapsus )
Calanomogyna Beck, 1996
Calocestia (lapsus )
Caloxestia Beck, 1996
Castanasta Beck, 1996
Cenigria Beck, 1996
Epipsiliamorpha Barnes & BenjaminTemplate:Check , 1929
Ericathia Beck, 1996
Hiptelia Guenée, 1852
Hypoxestia Hampson, 1903Template:Check
Hyptioxesta Rebel, 1901
Knappia Nye, 1975
Lankialaia Beck, 1996
Lena Herz, 1903 (non Casey, 1886 preoccupied )
Litaea (lapsus )
Lorezea (lapsus )
Lorezia Beck, 1996
Lytaea Stephens, 1829
Megarhomba Beck, 1996
Megasema Hübner, [1821]
Monticollia Beck, 1996
Pachnobia Guenée, 1852
Palaeamathes Boursin, 1964
Paramathes Boursin, 1964
Palkermes Beck, 1996
Palkkermes (lapsus )
Peranomogyna Beck, 1996
Platagrotis Smith, 1890
Pteroscia Morrison, 1875
Schoyenia Aurivillius, 1883
Segetia Stephens, 1829
Synanomogyna Beck, 1996
Xenopachnobia Beck, 1996
亚属 Anomogyna
X. (Anomogyna ) caelebs , adult male
X. (Megasema ) kollari kollari , adult male
Xestia albuncula (Eversmann, 1851)
Xestia alpicola – northern dart (type of Xenopachnobia )
Xestia badicollis – northern variable dart, northern conifer dart, white pine cutworm (possibly belongs in X. elimata )
Xestia borealis (Nordström, 1933)
Xestia brunneopicta (Matsumura, 1925)
Xestia caelebs
Xestia dilucida – dull reddish dart, reddish heath dart
Xestia distensa (Eversmann, 1851) (sometimes in X. laetabilis )
Xestia elimata – southern variable dart, variable climbing caterpillar
Xestia fabulosa (Ferguson, 1965)
Xestia fennica (Brandt, 1936)
Xestia gelida (Sparre-Schneider, 1883) (type of Peranomogyna )
Xestia imperita (Hübner, [1831]Template:Check )
Xestia infimatis Grote, 1880Template:Check (tentatively placed here, may belong in subgenus Xestia )
Xestia laetabilis (Zetterstedt, [1839]Template:Check ) (type of Anomogyna )
Xestia mustelina Smith, 1900Template:Check
Xestia perquiritata – boomerang dart
Xestia praevia (possibly belongs in X. elimata )
Xestia rhaetica (type of Synanomogyna )
Xestia sincera (type of Calanomogyna )
Xestia speciosa (type of Platagrotis )
Xestia vernilis Grote, 1879
Xestia viridiscens (Turati, 1919) (sometimes in X. speciosa )
Xestia yatsugadakeana (Matsumura, 1926)
亚属 Megasema
X. (Megasema ) c-nigrum deraiota , adult male
ashworthii /"Ashworthia " 组
Xestia ashworthii – Ashworth's rustic (type of Ashworthia )
Xestia okakensis Packard, 1867Template:Check
Xestia okakensis okakensis Packard, 1867Template:Check
Xestia okakensis morandi (Benjamin, 1934) (sometimes considered distinct species)
Xestia scropulana Morrison, 1874Template:Check (formerly in X. wockei )
Xestia wockei
kollari group
八字地老虎(c-nigrum ) group
八字地老虎 Xestia c-nigrum – setaceous Hebrew character, "spotted cutworm" (type of Cenigria )
Xestia ditrapezium – triple-spotted clay
Xestia dolosa – greater black-letter dart, woodland spotted cutworm, "spotted cutworm"
Xestia praetermissa WarrenTemplate:Check (possibly belongs in X. c-nigrum )
Xestia triangulum – double square-spot (type of Megasema )
Species group unknown
Xestia inuitica Lafontaine & Hensel, 1998
亚属 Pachnobia
X. (Pachnobia ) lorezi lorezi , 雄性成虫
Xestia alaskae (type of Epipsiliamorpha ; tentatively placed here, may belong in subgenus Schoyenia )
Xestia atrata (Morrison, 1875) (type of Pteroscia )
Xestia atrata atrata (Morrison, 1874)
Xestia atrata filipjevi (Shljuzhko, 1926)
Xestia atrata haraldi Fibiger, 1997
Xestia atrata ursae (McDunnough, 1940)
Xestia atrata yukona (McDunnough, 1921)
Xestia kolymae (Herz, 1903)
Xestia kruegeri Kononenko & Schmitz, 2004
Xestia laxa Lafontaine & Mikkola, 1998
Xestia lorezi (type of Lorezia )
Xestia lupa Lafontaine & Mikkola, 1998
Xestia penthima (Erschoff, 1870) (type of Hyptioxesta )
Xestia tecta (Hübner, [1808]) (type of Pachnobia )
Xestia tecta tecta (Hübner, [1808])
Xestia tecta tectoides (Corti, 1926)
亚属 Schoyenia
X. (Schoyenia ) quieta , 成虫
Xestia aequaeva (Benjamin, 1934)
Xestia aequaeva aequaeva (Benjamin, 1934)
Xestia aequaeva glaucina Lafontaine & Mikkola, 1996
Xestia brachiptera (Kononenko, 1981)
Xestia bryanti (Benjamin, 1933) (= X. acraea )
Xestia fergusoni Lafontaine, 1983
Xestia intermedia Template:Check (Kononenko, 1981)
Xestia liquidaria (Eversmann, 1848) (= X. arctica Aurivillius, 1883 (non Zetterstedt, 1839: Xestia speciosa|preoccupied) , X. fasciata, X. unifasciata ; type of Schoyenia )
Xestia lyngei (Rebel, 1923) (type of Lankialaia )
Xestia lyngei lyngei (Rebel, 1923)
Xestia lyngei aborigenea Kononenko, 1983
Xestia lyngei lankialai (Grönblom, 1962))
Xestia magadanensis Kononenko & Lafontaine, 1983
Xestia quieta (type of Archanarta )
Xestia similis Kononenko 1981
Xestia thula Lafontaine & Kononenko, 1983
Xestia woodi Lafontaine & Kononenko, 1983
X. (Xestia ) palaestinensis , adult female
亚属 Xestia
X. (Xestia ) bolteri , 雌性成虫
X. (Xestia ) conchis , 雌性成虫
baja /"Amathes " 组
Xestia baja – dotted clay (type of Amathes )
Xestia smithii – Smith's dart (possibly belongs in X. baja )
castanea /"Castanasta /Ericathia " 组
Xestia agathina – heath rustic (type of Ericathia )
Xestia castanea – grey rustic, The Neglected (type of Castanasta )
Xestia jordani (Turati, 1912)
collina /"Monticollia " 组
Xestia collina (type of Monticollia )
ochreago 组
sexstrigata /"Lytaea " 组
Xestia sexstrigata – six-striped rustic (type of Lytaea )
stigmatica /"Megarhomba " group (= "rhomboidea group", misidentification)
Xestia sareptana
Xestia stigmatica – square-spotted clay (type of Megarhomba )
trifida /"Caloxestia " 组
Xestia trifida (type of Caloxestia )
xanthographa /"Segetia " 组
Xestia cohaesa
Xestia kermesina (Mabille, 1869)Template:Check (type of Palkermes )
Xestia palaestinensis
Xestia xanthographa – square-spot rustic (type of Segetia )
Xestia badinosis (Grote, 1874)
Xestia bolteri
Xestia cinerascens (Smith, 1891)
Xestia conchis
Xestia dyris (Zerny, 1934)Template:Check (tentatively placed here)
Xestia finatimis Lafontaine, 1998
Xestia fuscostigma (Bremer, 1861)
Xestia lithoplana Hreblay & Ronkay 1998
Xestia mejiasi Pinker, 1961
Xestia normaniana – Norman's dart
Xestia oblata (Morrison, 1875)Template:Check
Xestia substrigata (Smith, 1895)
Xestia verniloides Lafontaine, 1998
Xestia staudingeri , 雄性成虫
Xestia retracta ,雄性成虫
Xestia efflorescens , 成虫
Xestia renalis , 雄性成虫
"Agrotiphila " 组
Xestia colorado (Smith, 1891) (type of Agrotiphila )
Xestia maculata (Smith, 1893)
Xestia staudingeri (type of Agrotimorpha )
"Hypoxestia " 组
ornata 组
Xestia hypographa
Xestia ornata (formerly in Eugraphe )
"Palaeamathes " 组
"Paramathes " 组
Xestia perigrapha (Püngeler, 1899) (type of Paramathes )
retracta /tenuis group
Xestia basistriga Yoshimoto, 1995
Xestia bifurcata Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998
Xestia coronata Hacker & Peks, 1999
Xestia destituta (Leech, 1900)
Xestia forsteri Boursin, 1964Template:Check
Xestia hemitragidia (Boursin 1964)Template:Check
Xestia nyei Plante, 1979 (= X. longijuxta )
Xestia retracta
Xestia schaeferi Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998
Xestia semiretracta Yoshimoto, 1995
Xestia subforsteri Hreblay, & Ronkay 1998
Xestia tenuis (Butler 1889)
Xestia trifurcata Hacker & Peks, 1999
"Yellow hindwings" 组
Xestia bryocharis Boursin, 1948Template:Check
Xestia draesekei Boursin, 1948
Xestia efflorescens
Xestia flavilinea Wileman, 1912
Xestia pseudoaccipiter Boursin, 1948
Xestia semiherbida (Walker, 1857)Template:Check
Xestia sternecki Boursin, 1948
Xestia triphaenoides Boursin, 1948
Xestia agalma (Püngeler, 1900)
Xestia albifurca (Erschoff, [1877])
Xestia cervina (Moore, 1867)
Xestia consanguinea (Moore, 1881)
Xestia costaestriga (Staudinger, 1895)
Xestia crassipuncta (Wileman & WestTemplate:Check , 1928)
Xestia homochroma (Hampson 1903)
Xestia isochroma (Hampson 1903)
Xestia isolata
Xestia junctura (Moore, 1881)Template:Check
Xestia kecskerago Gyulai & L.Ronkay, 2006
Xestia latinigra (Prout, 1928)
Xestia mandarina (Leech, 1900)Template:Check
Xestia olivascens (Hampson, 1894)Template:Check
Xestia renalis
Xestia rosifunda (Dyar, 1916)Template:Check
Xestia senescens (Staudinger, 1881)Template:Check (formerly in Eugraphe )
Xestia tamsi (Wileman & West, 1929)
匹鲁夜蛾 Xestia vidua (Staudinger, 1892)
Xestia yamanei Chang, 1991
^ 1.0 1.1 Pitkin & Jenkins (2004), Beck (2006), and see references in Savela (2009)
Beck, H. (1996): Systematische Liste der Noctuidae Europas. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) ["Systematic list of European Noctuidae"]. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten 36 : 1-122.
Pitkin, Brian & Jenkins, Paul (2004): Butterflies and Moths of the World, Generic Names and their Type-species – Xestia (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ). Version of 5 November 2004. Retrieved 18 January 2011.
Savela, Markku (2009): Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms – Xestia (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ). Version of 31 December 2009. Retrieved 18 January 2011.
Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L. (2003): ([//web.archive.org/web/20110721112441/http://actazool.nhmus.hu/48/4/ronkay.pdf 页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ) A revision of the Palaearctic species of the Eugraphe Hübner, [1821] 1816 generic complex. Part I. The genera Eugraphe and Goniographa (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)]. (PDF) Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4): 333–374.