韦兹莱隐修院(现已升为宗座圣殿,称韦兹莱的“聖玛利亚·玛达肋纳圣殿”,法语:Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Vézelay)是一座位于法国勃艮第大区约讷省南部韦兹莱的本笃会隐修院。始建于1096年。据称聖玛利亚·玛达肋纳就安葬于此。1146年,在教宗的授意下,圣伯尔纳铎在此为参加第二次十字军东征的信徒进行了布道。韦兹莱隐修院最著名的地方是其勃艮第罗马式的雕刻。
韦兹莱隐修院的歷史相當複雜,[2]其佇立的土地過去曾是晚期一間羅馬別墅的所在地,當這座別墅落入加洛林王朝的手中後則並移交給了來自魯西永的加洛林伯爵吉拉爾·德·魯西永(Girart de Roussillon)。9 世紀,修道院在指導下進行重建,也成為克呂尼改革後本篤會的附屬機構,此外維澤萊作為通往聖地亞哥-德孔波斯特拉朝聖的聖雅各之路四條路線的匯合點之一,並吸引教徒到訪於此。
^Vézelay, Church and Hill. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. [9 October 2021]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-11).
^The primary source for the history of Vézelay is a codex compiled in the twelfth century, containing the abbey's annals, a cartulary, a history of the early counts of Nevers, and much besides, in the Bibliothèque municipale, Auxerre, MS 227; it was edited by R. B. C. Huygens, in his magisterial Monumenta Vizeliacensia: Textes relatifs à l'histoire de l'abbaye de Vézelay (Corpus Christianorum) Turnhout, Belgium, 1976.
^The intervention of Viollet-le-Duc is briefly told in Kevin D. Murphy, Memory and Modernity: Viollet-le-Duc at Vézelay, 2000.
^Hugues Delautre, Solstices à Vézelay, Zodiaque n° 122, Abbaye Sainte-Marie de la Pierre-qui-Vire (Yonne), Les ateliers de la Pierre-qui-Vire, dépôt légal 1240-3-79, October 1979, p. 1 to 6 (Renewed look at the church of La Madeleine) followed by p. 7 to 16 (Interview about the solstices lightings at Vézelay)
^Delautre, Hugues; Gréal, Jacqueline. La Madeleine de Vézelay, Guide et plans. Lescuyer, Lyon: Editions Franciscaines. 1981: 27–29. ISBN 2-85020-001-8. Cosmic architecture and the cult of light), translated in English, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.
^Oursel, Raymond. Lumières de Vézelay. Abbaye Sainte-Marie de la Pierre-qui-Vire (Yonne): Editions Zodiaque. 1993: 21, 105–109. ISBN 2-7369-0203-3. The solar spots.
^Voreux, Damien. Vézelay. Edilarge: Editions Ouest-France. 1994: 15–18. ISBN 2-7373-1608-1. Plays of the stone and the sun.