陳榮凱 (數學家)陳榮凱(英語:Jungkai Alfred Chen),現代數學家、現任國立臺灣大學數學系教授[1]。陳榮凱1992年畢業於國立臺灣大學數學系,並於1997年取得加州大學洛杉磯分校數學博士[2]。2010年因研究三维代数流形的显双有理分类獲晨興數學銀獎[3],並於2014年主持國家講座。[4][5] 研究領域學術著作I. Journal Articles and Preprints 1. J. A. Chen, On genera of smooth curves in higher dimensional varieties, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 125,(1997) 2221-2225. 2. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, Characterization of abelian varieties, Inventiones Mathematicae, 143, (2001), 435-447. 3. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, Pluricanonical maps of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension, Math. Ann. 320, (2001), 367-380. 4. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, On algebraic fiber spaces over varieties of maximal Albanese dimension, Duke Math. Jour., 111, (2002), 159-175. 5. J.X. Cai, J.A.Chen, A note on characterizations of Abelian varieties by topological invariants, Manu. Math., 112, (2003), 15-19. 6. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, On the irregularity of the image of the Iitaka fibration, Comm. Alg., 32, (2004), 203-215. 7. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, Varieties with P3=4 and q=dim X, Ann. Sc. norm. super. Pisa, V, vol. III. (2004), 399-425. 8. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, D.Q. Zhang, A nonvanishing theorem for Q-divisors on surfaces, J. Algebra.,293 (2005), 363-384 9. J.A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, An example of a surface of general type with pg=q=2 and KX2=5, Pacific Jour. Math., 223, (2006), 219-228. 10. J. A. Chen, M. Chen, D.Q. Zhang, The 5-canonical system on 3-folds of general type, J. Reine Angew. Math., 603, (2007), 165-181. 11. J.A. Chen, C.D. Hacon, Pluricanonical systems on irregular 3-folds of general type, Math. Zeit, 255, (2007),343-355. 12 J. A. Chen, M. Chen, On projective threefolds of general type. Elec. Res. Announc. Math. Sci., 14, (2007), 69-73. 13. F. Campana, J. A. Chen, T. Peternell, On strictly nef divisors, Math. Ann., 342, (2008), 565-585. 14. J. A. Chen, M. Chen, An optimal boundedness on weak Q-Fano threefolds, Adv. Math., 219, (2008), 2086-2104. 15. J.A. Chen, M. Chen, The canonical volume of threefolds of general type with X<1, J. London Math. Soc., 78, (2008), 693-706. arXiv 0704.1702 16. J. A. Chen, C. D. Hacon, On the geography of threefolds of general type, J. Alg., 321, (2009), 2500-2507. arXiv 0802.0884. 參見參考資料
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