维诺那计划开始于1943年,在军方情报部门(G-2)领导卡特·克拉克(Carter W. Clarke)命令下成立。[7] 克拉克并不信任斯大林,认为斯大林很可能会秘密的和第三帝国签订和平协议,这样德国人就可以放出手来对付西边的美国和英国联军。美国军方的情报机构(即阿灵顿厅)的人分析了已经破译出来的由英、美、澳大利亚监听机构所截获的二战中和二战刚刚结束后的大量苏联高层外交情报信息。[8]
根据莫伊尼汉保密委员会(Moynihan Commission on Government Secrecy)的资料,希斯和怀特的同谋间谍行为是由维诺那计划所揭示的情报确定的。[26][27]丹尼尔·帕特里克·莫伊尼汉在其1998年的书中,他表达了希斯是一名苏联间谍的非常确定的观点,他写道“希斯毫无疑问的是一名苏联间谍,莫斯科把他当作一名非常重要的宝贵的财产”。[28]但同时也有一些作家认为维诺那对希斯的证据还是不够充分。[29]
Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. A Brief Account of the American Experience(PDF). Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. VI; Appendix A. U.S. Government Printing Office: A–27. [2006-06-26]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2011年5月4日). "Thanks to successful espionage, the Russians tested their first atom bomb in August 1949, just four years after the first American test. As will be discussed, we had learned of the Los Alamos spies in December 1946—December 20, to be precise. The U.S. Army Security Agency, in the person of Meredith Knox Gardner, a genius in his own right, had broken one of what it termed the Venona messages—the transmissions that Soviet agents in the United States sent to and received from Moscow."
Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. A Brief Account of the American Experience(PDF). Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. VI; Appendix A. U.S. Government Printing Office: A–7. [2006-06-26]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2011年5月4日). "KGB cables indicated that the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in World War II had been thoroughly infiltrated with Soviet agents."
Benson, Robert L. The Venona Story. National Security Agency. [2006-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2004-04-30).
^Eavesdropping on Hell(PDF). National Security Agency. [2006-06-26]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2014-06-19). "Currie, known as PAZh (Page) and White, whose cover names were YuRIST (Jurist) and changed later to LAJER (Lawyer), had been Soviet agents since the 1930s. They had been identified as Soviet agents in Venona translations and by other agents turned witnesses or informants for the FBI and Justice Department. From the Venona translations, both were known to pass intelligence to their handlers, notably the Silvermaster network."
Warner, Michael. The Office of Strategic Services: America's First Intelligence Agency; Chapter: X-2. Central Intelligence Agency Publications. 2000 [2006-06-27]. (原始内容存档于2006-06-29). "Duncan C. Lee, Research & Analysis labor economist Donald Wheeler, Morale Operations Indonesia expert Jane Foster Zlatowski, and Research & Analysis Latin America specialist Maurice Halperin, nevertheless passed information to Moscow." For title page to book, see here[永久失效連結]
^Moynihan, Daniel Patrick. Secrecy : The American Experience. Yale University Press. 1998: 54. ISBN 0-300-08079-4. "In these coded messages the spies' identities were concealed beneath aliases, but by comparing the known movements of the agents with the corresponding activities described in the intercepts, the FBI and the code-breakers were able to match the aliases with the actual spies."
Haynes, John Earl and Klehr, Harvey. Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America. Yale University Press. 2000: 12. ISBN 0-300-08462-5.
Peake, Hayden B. The Venona Progeny. Naval War College Review, Summer 2000, Vol. LIII, No. 3. [2006-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2006-06-18). "Venona makes absolutely clear that they had active agents in the U.S. State Department, Treasury Department, Justice Department, Senate committee staffs, the military services, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the Manhattan Project, and the White House, as well as wartime agencies. No modern government was more thoroughly penetrated."
^Nigel West, Venona, największa tajemnica zimnej wojny, Warszawa 2006, p.138.
Eduard Mark. "Venona's Source 19 and the Trident Conference of May 1943: Diplomacy or Espionage?". Intelligence and National Security. London, Summer 1998, pp. 1-31