了解睡眠时大脑不同部位的活动可以为睡眠的功能提供线索。 已经观察到,在睡眠的各个阶段都存在心理活动,尽管这些活动来自大脑的不同区域。 因此,与普遍的理解相反,大脑在睡眠期间从未完全关闭。 此外,睡眠强度的特定区域是自我平衡的相应数量的活动之前,睡眠。[59][60] 使用像 PET,fMRI 和 MEG 这样的成像方式,结合脑电图记录,提供了一个线索,哪些大脑区域参与创建特征波信号,以及它们的功能可能是什么。[61]
1937年,阿尔弗莱德·李·卢米斯和他的同事首次描述了睡眠的各个阶段,他们将睡眠的不同脑电图(EEG)特征分为五个层次(a 到 E) ,代表了从清醒到深度睡眠的范围。[62] 1953年,人们发现快速眼动睡眠是截然不同的,因此威廉·德门特和纳瑟尼尔·克莱特曼将睡眠重新分为非快速眼动睡眠和快速眼动睡眠。[21] 分期标准在1968年由 Allan Rechtschaffen 和 Anthony Kales 在“ R & K 睡眠评分手册”中标准化[63][64]
在 R & K 标准中,非快速眼动睡眠分为四个阶段,慢波睡眠包括第三和第四阶段。 在第三阶段,三角洲波占总波型的比例不到50% ,而在第四阶段,三角洲波占总波型的比例超过50% 。 此外,REM 睡眠有时被称为阶段5。 2004年,AASM 委托 AASM 视觉评分工作组审查 R & K 评分系统。 审查导致了几个变化,最重要的是阶段3和4进入阶段 N3的组合。 修订后的评分在2007年作为睡眠和相关事件评分的 AASM 手册出版。[65] 唤醒,呼吸,心脏和运动事件也被添加。[66][67]
非快速眼动睡眠拥有属性全球和区域脑血流量减少。 它占成年人所有睡眠的80% 。[68] 最初,人们认为与觉醒有关的脑干是不活跃的,但后来发现这是由于 PET 研究的低分辨率造成的,结果显示脑干中也有一些慢波活动。 然而,大脑的其他部分,包括楔前叶、基底前脑和基底神经节在睡眠期间是失活的。 大脑皮层的许多区域也是不活跃的,但是活跃程度不同。 例如,腹内侧脑前额叶外皮被认为是最不活跃的区域,而初级皮质是最不活跃的。[25][69]
这一阶段的拥有属性是至少存在20% 的 δ 波,频率范围为0.5 -2 Hz,峰值到峰值的振幅 > 75μV。 (脑电图标准将 δ 波定义为0至4赫兹,但原始 R & K 模型中的睡眠标准(Allan Rechtschaffen 和 Anthony Kales 在“ R & K 睡眠评分手册”中),以及新的2007年 AASM 指南有0.5-2赫兹的范围。[63][64])这个阶段会出现睡眠异常,例如夜惊、夜遗尿、梦游和梦言。 许多插图和描述仍然显示阶段 N3与20-50% 的三角洲波和阶段 N4与大于50% 的三角洲波,这些已被合并为阶段 N3。[74]
REM 睡眠活动
REM 睡眠阶段(REM 睡眠-占成年人总睡眠的20-25%) : REM 睡眠是大多数肌肉瘫痪的地方,心率、呼吸和体温变得不受控制。[77] REM 睡眠被乙酰胆碱的分泌打开,并被分泌单胺(包括5-羟色胺)的神经元所抑制。 REM 也被称为反常睡眠,因为睡眠者虽然表现出类似于清醒状态的高频脑电波,但比其他睡眠阶段更难唤醒。[75] 生命体征表明,大脑的觉醒和耗氧量高于睡眠者清醒时的水平。[78] 快速眼动睡眠的拥有属性是大脑的高血流量,与清醒状态相当。[79] 事实上,在快速眼动睡眠期间,大脑皮层的许多区域的血流量甚至比清醒时还要多——这包括海马体、颞枕区域、皮层的某些部分和基底前脑。 包括杏仁核在内的边缘和边缘系统是 REM 睡眠期间的其他活跃区域。[79][80] 虽然 REM 睡眠期间的大脑活动与觉醒非常相似,但 REM 睡眠和觉醒的主要区别在于,REM 睡眠期间的觉醒被更有效地抑制了。 这一点,加上大脑中单胺能神经元的实际沉默,可以说是 REM 的特征。[81]
自 20 世纪 00 年代初以来,已经进行了许多研究来记录睡眠不足的影响。 William C. Dement于 1960 年左右开始对 REM 剥夺的研究。他对八个受试者进行了睡眠和梦境研究项目,所有受试者都是男性。在长达 7 天的时间里,他会在参与者每次开始上台时叫醒他们,从而剥夺他们的快速眼动睡眠。他用连接在他们头皮和太阳穴上的小电极来监测这一情况。随着研究的进行,他注意到,他越是剥夺男性的快速眼动睡眠,他就越需要频繁地叫醒他们。之后,他们表现出比平时更多的快速眼动睡眠,后来被称为快速眼动睡眠反弹。 [147][148]
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^Malenka RC, Nestler EJ, Hyman SE. Chapter 12: Sleep and Arousal 2nd. New York, USA: McGraw-Hill Medical. 2009: 295. ISBN 9780071481274. The RAS is a complex structure consisting of several different circuits including the four monoaminergic pathways ... The norepinephrine pathway originates from the locus ceruleus (LC) and related brainstem nuclei; the serotonergic neurons originate from the raphe nuclei within the brainstem as well; the dopaminergic neurons originate in ventral tegmental area (VTA); and the histaminergic pathway originates from neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) of the posterior hypothalamus. As discussed in Chapter 6, these neurons project widely throughout the brain from restricted collections of cell bodies. Norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and histamine have complex modulatory functions and, in general, promote wakefulness. The PT in the brain stem is also an important component of the ARAS. Activity of PT cholinergic neurons (REM-on cells) promotes REM sleep. During waking, REM-on cells are inhibited by a subset of ARAS norepinephrine and serotonin neurons called REM-off cells.
^Brudzynski SM. The ascending mesolimbic cholinergic system--a specific division of the reticular activating system involved in the initiation of negative emotional states. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. July 2014, 53 (3): 436–45. PMID 24272957. S2CID 14615039. doi:10.1007/s12031-013-0179-1. Understanding of arousing and wakefulness-maintaining functions of the ARAS has been further complicated by neurochemical discoveries of numerous groups of neurons with the ascending pathways originating within the brainstem reticular core, including pontomesencephalic nuclei, which synthesize different transmitters and release them in vast areas of the brain and in the entire neocortex (for review, see Jones 2003; Lin et al. 2011). They included glutamatergic, cholinergic, noradrenergic, dopaminergic, serotonergic, histaminergic, and orexinergic systems (for review, see Lin et al. 2011). ... The ARAS represented diffuse, nonspecific pathways that, working through the midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei, could change activity of the entire neocortex, and thus, this system was suggested initially as a general arousal system to natural stimuli and the critical system underlying wakefulness (Moruzzi and Magoun 1949; Lindsley et al. 1949; Starzl et al. 1951, see stippled area in Fig. 1). ... It was found in a recent study in the rat that the state of wakefulness is mostly maintained by the ascending glutamatergic projection from the parabrachial nucleus and precoeruleus regions to the basal forebrain and then relayed to the cerebral cortex (Fuller et al. 2011). ... Anatomical studies have shown two main pathways involved in arousal and originating from the areas with cholinergic cell groups, one through the thalamus and the other, traveling ventrally through the hypothalamus and preoptic area, and reciprocally connected with the limbic system (Nauta and Kuypers 1958; Siegel 2004). ... As counted in the cholinergic connections to the thalamic reticular nucleus ...
^Schwartz MD, Kilduff TS. The Neurobiology of Sleep and Wakefulness. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America. December 2015, 38 (4): 615–44. PMC 4660253. PMID 26600100. doi:10.1016/j.psc.2015.07.002. This ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) is comprised of cholinergic laterodorsal and pedunculopontine tegmentum (LDT/PPT), noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC), serotonergic (5-HT) Raphe nuclei and dopaminergic ventral tegmental area (VTA), substantia nigra (SN) and periaqueductal gray projections that stimulate the cortex directly and indirectly via the thalamus, hypothalamus and BF.6, 12-18 These aminergic and catecholaminergic populations have numerous interconnections and parallel projections which likely impart functional redundancy and resilience to the system.6, 13, 19 ... More recently, the medullary parafacial zone (PZ) adjacent to the facial nerve was identified as a sleep-promoting center on the basis of anatomical, electrophysiological and chemo- and optogenetic studies.23, 24 GABAergic PZ neurons inhibit glutamatergic parabrachial (PB) neurons that project to the BF,25 thereby promoting NREM sleep at the expense of wakefulness and REM sleep. ... The Hcrt neurons project widely throughout the brain and spinal cord92, 96, 99, 100 including major projections to wake-promoting cell groups such as the HA cells of the TM,101 the 5-HT cells of the dorsal Raphe nuclei (DRN),101 the noradrenergic cells of the LC,102 and cholinergic cells in the LDT, PPT, and BF.101, 103 ... Hcrt directly excites cellular systems involved in waking and arousal including the LC,102, 106, 107 DRN,108, 109 TM,110-112 LDT,113, 114 cholinergic BF,115 and both dopamine (DA) and non-DA neurons in the VTA.116, 117
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