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醫學聲明 。
毛霉菌病 (英語:Mucormycosis ),部分媒體稱之為黑真菌症 (black fungus)[ 3] ,是毛霉門 真菌感染造成的疾病 [ 4] ,其中以毛黴屬 、根黴屬 、犁头霉属 與小克銀漢黴屬 真菌的感染為大宗[ 5] [ 6] 。此感染過去稱為接合菌病 (Zygomycosis),但接合菌門 的分類因爲複系群 而已不再使用,且接合菌門除毛霉外還有些蟲黴目 (蛙糞霉 與耳霉 )的真菌也可感染人類,現多以毛霉菌病、耳霉病 [ 7] 和蛙粪霉病 [ 8] 等具體病名稱呼。
一名感染毛霉菌病的男子臉部出現紅腫的病徵,右方為其皮膚樣本在電子顯微鏡下發現毛霉菌的孢子囊 [ 9]
毛霉菌多感染鼻竇 、腦部 與肺部 等部位,還可感染消化道 、皮膚 以及其他器官[ 10] 。病原進入血管後可能導致血栓 ,造成周圍組織因缺血 而壞死 ,若侵染腦部與臉面則會造成單側頭痛、發燒、臉面疼痛、鼻腔阻塞並出現黑色黏液、鼻竇炎 以及結膜水腫 等症狀[ 11] 。感染初期被侵染的部位表面外觀正常,隨後迅速轉為紅腫甚至因壞死而呈黑色[ 12] ;感染肺部者則會造成呼吸困難、持續咳嗽、咳血 、腹痛 、噁心 與嘔吐 等症狀[ 10] 。
愛滋病 、糖尿病 、淋巴瘤 等癌症、肝硬化 與腎功能衰竭 病患、接受器官移植 者以及長期使用皮質類固醇 者被毛霉菌感染的風險較高。兩性黴素B 為治療此感染的第一線藥物,另外艾沙康唑 也可用於治療此症[ 13] 。藥物治療一段時間後還需開刀移除被感染的組織[ 10] [ 14] ,另外高壓氧治療 因可能促進嗜中性球 的活性而作為此病的輔助療法。此病的癒後情況一般不佳[ 12] 。
本病往往进展迅速,并且对于大约一半的鼻窦型病例、三分之二的肺部型病例和几乎所有广泛型病例致命[ 15] 。皮肤受累的死亡率最低,但也约为15%[ 16] 。
毛霉菌的感染相當罕見[ 10] 。2008年美國的一家醫院曾爆發毛霉菌病的院內感染 ,於2014年才被媒體披露[ 17] [ 18] 。2011年密蘇里州受喬普林龍捲風 侵襲後當地爆發毛霉菌病的疫情,有十數人被感染,其中5人死亡[ 19] 。
2020年COVID-19 疫情期間,印度多個城市爆發毛霉菌病感染[ 20] ,2021年印度各地又爆發數起感染,可能與COVID-19重症病患接受類固醇治療後免疫力降低有關[ 3] 。
^ RESERVED, INSERM US14-- ALL RIGHTS. Orphanet: Zygomycosis . www.orpha.net. [28 June 2019] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-13).
^ Hernández, J. L.; Buckley, C. J. Mucormycosis. January 2021. PMID 31335084 .
^ 3.0 3.1 Soutik Biswas. Mucormycosis: The 'black fungus' maiming Covid patients in India . BBC. 2021-05-09 [2021-05-11 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-21).
^ James, William D.; Berger, Timothy G.; et al. Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: clinical Dermatology . Saunders Elsevier. 2006: 328 . ISBN 0-7216-2921-0 .
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^ Lee, Francis Y. W.; Mossad, Sherif B.; Adal, Karim A. Pulmonary Mucormycosis: The Last 30 Years . Archives of Internal Medicine. 1999-06-28, 159 (12). ISSN 0003-9926 . doi:10.1001/archinte.159.12.1301 (英语) .
^ Sharma, N. L.; Mahajan, V. K.; Singh, P. Orofacial Conidiobolomycosis due to Conidiobolus incongruus. Fallbericht. Orofaziale Conodiobolomykose durch Conidiobolus incongruus . Mycoses. 2003-03-04, 46 (3-4). ISSN 0933-7407 . doi:10.1046/j.1439-0507.2003.00851.x (英语) .
^ van den Berk, Guido EL; Noorduyn, L Arnold; van Ketel, Ruud J; van Leeuwen, Jeannouel; Bemelman, Willem A; Prins, Jan M. A fatal pseudo-tumour: disseminated basidiobolomycosis . BMC Infectious Diseases. 2006-12, 6 (1) [2022-07-28 ] . ISSN 1471-2334 . PMC 1574330 . PMID 16978407 . doi:10.1186/1471-2334-6-140 . (原始内容存档 于2022-10-23) (英语) .
^ Yuping, Ran; Kaiwen, Zhuang; Wenying, Hu; Jinghong, Huang; Xiaowei, Feng; Shuang, Chen; Jiaoqing, Tang; Xiaoxi, Xu; Daoxian, Kang. Observation of Fungi, Bacteria, and Parasites in Clinical Skin Samples Using Scanning Electron Microscopy. Janecek, Milos (编). Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences . InTech. 2016-02-18. ISBN 978-953-51-2252-4 . doi:10.5772/61850 (英语) .
^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Mucormycosis (Zygomycosis): Background, Etiology and Pathophysiology, Epidemiology . 2021-08-23 [2022-07-28 ] . (原始内容存档 于2008-12-02).
^ MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Mucormycosis . [May 19, 2008] . (原始内容存档 于2008-05-20).
^ 12.0 12.1 Spellberg, Brad; Edwards, John; Ibrahim, Ashraf. Novel Perspectives on Mucormycosis: Pathophysiology, Presentation, and Management . Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2005-07, 18 (3) [2022-07-28 ] . ISSN 0893-8512 . PMC 1195964 . PMID 16020690 . doi:10.1128/CMR.18.3.556-569.2005 . (原始内容存档 于2022-07-28) (英语) .
^ Lyndsay Mayer. Mucormycosis . Food and Drug Administration. [2017-04-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2018-01-26).
^ Rebecca J. Frey. Mucormycosis . Health A to Z. [May 19, 2008] . (原始内容 存档于May 18, 2008).
^ Mucormycosis Statistics | Mucormycosis | Fungal Diseases | CDC . www.cdc.gov. 5 May 2020 [25 May 2021] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-21) (美国英语) .
^ McDonald PJ. Mucormycosis (Zygomycosis): Background, Etiology and Pathophysiology, Epidemiology . Medscape. 10 September 2018 [2023-04-27 ] . (原始内容存档 于2008-12-02).
^ Catalanello, Rebecca. Mother believes her newborn was the first to die from fungus at Children's Hospital in 2008 . NOLA.com. 2014-04-16 [2021-05-11 ] . (原始内容存档 于2018-04-01).
^ 5 Children's Hospital patients died in 2008, 2009 after contact with deadly fungus . [2021-05-11 ] . (原始内容存档 于2019-01-06). We acknowledge that Children's Hospital is Hospital A in an upcoming article in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. The safety and well-being of our patients are our top priorities, so as soon as a problem was suspected, the State Health Department and CDC were notified and invited to assist in the investigation. The hospital was extremely aggressive in trying to isolate and then eliminate the source of the fungus.
^ Weinhold, Bob. Rare Fungal Illness Follows Tornado . Environmental Health Perspectives. 2013-04, 121 (4) [2022-07-28 ] . ISSN 0091-6765 . PMC 3620763 . PMID 23548439 . doi:10.1289/ehp.121-a116 . (原始内容存档 于2022-03-02) (英语) .
^ 'Black' Fungal Disease that Causes Blindness, Death Strikes Guj after Covid-19; Kills 9 in Ahmedabad . News18. 2020-12-18 [2020-12-18 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-11).