- Acompsia Hübner, 1825
- Acrophiletis Meyrick, 1932
- Acutitornus Janse, 1951
- Adelomorpha Snellen, 1885
- Adoxotricha Meyrick, 1938
- Adrasteia Chambers, 1872
- Adullamitis Meyrick, 1932
- Aerotypia Walsingham, 1911
- Afrotelphusa Bidzilya & Mey, 2011
- Agathactis Meyrick, 1929
- Agnippe Chambers, 1872
- Agonochaetia Povolný, 1965
- Allophlebia Janse, 1960
- Allotelphusa Janse, 1958
- Alsodryas Meyrick, 1914
- Altenia Sattler, 1960
- Amblypalpis Ragonot, 1886
- Amblyphylla Janse, 1960
- Amphigenes Meyrick, 1921
- Amplusuncus Cepeda, 2018
- Anacampsis
- Anacampsis Curtis, 1827
- Anapatetris Janse, 1951
- Anarsia
- Anarsia Zeller, 1839
- Anasphaltis Meyrick, 1925
- Anastomopteryx Janse, 1951
- Anastreblotis Meyrick, 1927
- Andusia Walker, 1866
- Angustialata M.M.Omelko, 1988
- Angustiphylla Janse, 1960
- Anicula Omelko & Omelko, 2021
- Anisoplaca Meyrick, 1885
- Anoecisis Walsingham, 1904
- Anomologa Meyrick, 1926
- Anomoxena Meyrick, 1917
- Anthinora Meyrick, 1914
- Anthistarcha Meyrick, 1925
- Antithyra Meyrick, 1906
- Antoniejanse Kemal & Koçak, 2005
- Apatetris Staudinger, 1879
- Aphanostola Meyrick, 1931
- Apocritica Meyrick, 1925
- Apodia Heinemann, 1870
- Apotactis Meyrick, 1918
- Apothetoeca Meyrick, 1922
- Apotistatus Walsingham, 1904
- Aproaerema Durrant, 1897
- Araeophalla Janse, 1960
- Araeophylla Janse, 1954
- Araeovalva Janse, 1960
- Arcutelphusa Lee & Brown, 2008
- Ardozyga Lower, 1902
- Aregha Chrétien, 1915
- Argolamprotes Benander, 1946
- Argophara Janse, 1963
- Argyrolacia Keifer, 1936
- Aristotelia Hübner, 1825
- Arla Clarke, 1942
- Armatophallus Bidzilya, 2015
- Aroga Busck, 1914
- Arogalea Walsingham, 1910
- Asapharcha Meyrick, 1920
- Aspades Vári, 1986
- Athrips Billberg, 1820
- Atremaea Staudinger, 1871
- Aulidiotis Meyrick, 1925
- Aulioditis
- Australiopalpa Povolný, 1974
- Autodectis Meyrick, 1937
- Autoneda Busck, 1903
- Axyrostola Meyrick, 1923
- Bactropaltis Meyrick, 1939
- Bagdadia Amsel, 1949
- Bantuella Bidzilya, 2019
- Barea
- Barticeja Povolný, 1967
- Baryceros
- Batenia Chrétien, 1908
- Battaristis Meyrick, 1914
- Belovalva Janse, 1963
- Beltheca Busck, 1914
- Benguelasa Bidzilya & Mey, 2011
- Besciva Busck, 1914
- Bilobata Vári, 1986
- Borkhausenia
- Brachmia Hübner, 1825
- Bruchiana Jörgensen, 1916
- Bryotropha Heinemann, 1870
- Calliprora Meyrick, 1914
- Canarischema Karsholt, 2017
- Canthonistis Meyrick, 1922
- Carpatolechia Căpuşe, 1964
- Cartericella Fletcher, 1940
- Caryocolum Gregor & Povolný, 1954
- Catalexis Walsingham, 1909
- Catameces Turner, 1919
- Catatinagma Rebel, 1903
- Cathegesis Walsingham, 1910
- Cecidophaga Walsingham, 1911
- Cerofrontia Janse, 1951
- Chalcomima Meyrick, 1929
- Chaliniastis Meyrick, 1904
- Charistica Meyrick, 1925
- Chimericorsa Varenne, Huemer & Nel, 2017
- Chimericorsica Varenne, Huemer & Nel, 2017
- Chionodes Hübner, 1825
- Chlorolychnis Meyrick, 1925
- Chorivalva M.M.Omelko, 1988
- Chretienella Turati, 1919
- Chrysoesthia Hübner, 1825
- Clepsigenes Meyrick, 1930
- Clepsimacha Meyrick, 1934
- Clepsimorpha Janse, 1960
- Clistothyris Zeller, 1877
- Cochlevalva M.M.Omelko, 1986
- Coconympha Meyrick, 1931
- Coleostoma Meyrick, 1922
- Coleotechnites Chambers, 1880
- Colonanthes Meyrick, 1923
- Commatica Meyrick, 1909
- Compsolechia Meyrick, 1918
- Compsosaris Meyrick, 1914
- Concubina N.V.Omelko & M.M.Omelko, 2004
- Coniogyra Meyrick, 1921
- Copidostola
- Copticostola Meyrick, 1929
- Corynaea Turner, 1919
- Cosmardia Povolný, 1965
- Coudia Chrétien, 1915
- Coydalla Walker, 1864
- Crambodoxa Meyrick, 1913
- Crasimorpha Meyrick, 1923
- Craspedotis Meyrick, 1904
- Crypsimaga Meyrick, 1931
- Curvisignella Janse, 1951
- Dactylethrella Fletcher, 1940
- Daltopora Povolný, 1979
- Darlia Clarke, 1950
- Decatopseustis Meyrick, 1925
- Deltophora Janse, 1950
- Dentivalva Omelko, 1986
- Diastaltica Walsingham, 1910
- Dichomeris
- Dichomeris Hübner, 1818
- Dicranucha Janse, 1954
- Diprotochaeta Diakonoff, 1941
- Dirhinosia Rebel, 1905
- Dissoptila Meyrick, 1914
- Distinxia Povolný, 1967
- Dolerotricha Meyrick, 1925
- Dorycnopa Lower, 1901
- Doryphora Illiger, 1807
- Emmetrophysis Diakonoff, 1954
- Empalactis Meyrick, 1925
- Empedaula Meyrick, 1918
- Empista Povolný, 1968
- Encentrotis Meyrick, 1921
- Enchrysa Zeller, 1873
- Encolapta Meyrick, 1913
- Encolpotis Meyrick, 1909
- Ephysteris Meyrick, 1908
- Epidola Staudinger, 1859
- Epilechia Busck, 1939
- Epiphthora Meyrick, 1888
- Eripnura Meyrick, 1914
- Eristhenodes Meyrick, 1935
- Erythriastis Meyrick, 1925
- Ethirostoma Meyrick, 1914
- Ethmiopsis Meyrick, 1935
- Eudactylota Walsingham, 1911
- Eunebristis Meyrick, 1923
- Eunomarcha Meyrick, 1923
- Eurysacca Povolný, 1967
- Eurysaccoides Povolný, 1998
- Eustalodes Meyrick, 1927
- Euzonomacha Meyrick, 1925
- Exceptia Povolný, 1967
- Excommatica Janse, 1951
- Exoteleia Wallengren, 1881
- Faculta Busck, 1939
- Faristenia Ponomarenko, 1991
- Fascista Busck, 1939
- Ficulea Walker, 1864
- Filatima Busck, 1939
- Filisignella Janse, 1951
- Flexiptera Janse, 1958
- Fortinea Busck, 1914
- Friseria Busck, 1939
- Frumenta Busck, 1939
- Furcaphora Janse, 1958
- Galtica Busck, 1914
- Gambrostola Meyrick, 1926
- Gelechia
- Gelechia Hübner, 1825
- Gelechiinae
- Gelechiodeorum Kusnetzov, 1941
- Geniadophora Walsingham, 1897
- Gladiovalva Sattler, 1960
- Glauce Chambers, 1875
- Gnorimoschema Busck, 1900
- Gobipalpa Povolný, 1973
- Grandipalpa Janse, 1951
- Gymnobathra
- Hapalonoma Meyrick, 1914
- Haplochela Meyrick, 1923
- Harmatitis Meyrick, 1910
- Harpagidia Ragonot, 1895
- Helcystogramma Zeller, 1877
- Heliangara Meyrick, 1906
- Hemiarcha
- Hierodoris
- Holcophora Staudinger, 1871
- Holcophoroides Matsumura, 1931
- Holophysis Walsingham, 1910
- Homotima Diakonoff, 1954
- Horridovalva Sattler, 1967
- Huemeria Nel, Varenne & Bassi, 2022
- Hyalochna Meyrick, 1918
- Hyodectis Meyrick, 1904
- Hypatima Hübner, 1825
- Hypodrasia Diakonoff, 1968
- Idiophantis Meyrick, 1904
- Illahsis Gozmány, 1959
- Insuloschema Povolný, 2004
- Irenidora Meyrick, 1938
- Iridesna M.M.Omelko, 1998
- Ischnocraspedus Janse, 1958
- Ischnophenax Meyrick, 1931
- Ischnophylla Janse, 1963
- Isembola Meyrick, 1926
- Isochasta Meyrick, 1885
- Isophrictis Meyrick, 1917
- Istrianis Meyrick, 1918
- Iulota Meyrick, 1904
- Ivanauskiella Ivinskis & Piskunov, 1980
- Iwaruna Gozmány, 1957
- Karwandania Amsel, 1959
- Keiferia Busck, 1939
- Khoisa Bidzilya & Mey, 2011
- Kiwaia Philpott, 1930
- Klimeschiopsis Povolný, 1967
- Lacharissa Meyrick, 1937
- Lachnostola Meyrick, 1918
- Lacistodea
- Lacistodes Meyrick, 1921
- Lanceopenna Janse, 1950
- Lanceoptera Janse, 1960
- Larcophora Meyrick, 1925
- Lasiarchis Meyrick, 1937
- Latrologa Meyrick, 1918
- Leistogenes Meyrick, 1927
- Leptogeneia Meyrick, 1904
- Leucogoniella Fletcher, 1940
- Leuronoma Meyrick, 1918
- Limenarchis Meyrick, 1926
- Lita
- Locharcha Meyrick, 1923
- Logisis Walsingham, 1909
- Longistrebula Metz, 2019
- Lophaeola Meyrick, 1932
- Lutilabria Povolný, 1965
- Lysipatha Meyrick, 1926
- Macracaena Common, 1958
- Macrenches Meyrick, 1904
- Macrobathra
- Macrocalcara Janse, 1951
- Magnifacia Povolný, 1967
- Magonympha Meyrick, 1916
- Megacraspedus Zeller, 1839
- Melitoxestis Meyrick, 1921
- Meridorma Meyrick, 1925
- Merimnetria Walsingham, 1907
- Mesophelps Hübner, 1825
- Mesophleps Hübner, 1825
- Metabolaea Meyrick, 1923
- Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871
- Metaplatyntis Meyrick, 1938
- Metatactis Janse, 1949
- Meteoristis Meyrick, 1923
- Metopios Lucas, 1945
- Metopleura Busck, 1912
- Metzneria Zeller, 1839
- Microlechia Turati, 1924
- Mirificarma Gozmány, 1955
- Mnesistega Meyrick, 1918
- Molopostola Meyrick, 1920
- Mometa Durrant, 1914
- Mondeguina Corley & Rosete, 2020
- 單色麥蛾屬 Monochroa Heinemann, 1870
- Naera Chambers, 1875
- Namatetris Bidzilya & Mey, 2011
- Namlika Omelko & Omelko, 2019
- Narthecoceros Meyrick, 1906
- Nealyda Dietz, 1900
- Neodactylota Busck
- Neofaculta Gozmány, 1955
- Neofriseria Sattler, 1960
- Neolechia Diakonoff, 1948
- Neolechia Kiakonoff, 1948
- Neopalpa Povolný, 1998
- Neopalpa donaldtrumpi Nazari, 2017[2]
- Neopalpa neonata Povolný, 1998
- Neopatetris Janse, 1960
- Neotelphusa Janse, 1958
- Nevadopalpa Povolný, 1998
- Nicanthes Meyrick, 1928
- Nothris
- Nothris Hübner, 1825
- Numata Busck, 1906
- Nuntia Omelko, 1995
- Ochmastis Meyrick, 1908
- Ochrodia Povolný, 1966
- Octonodula Janse, 1951
- Oecocecis Guenée, 1870
- Oestomorpha Walsingham, 1911
- Onebala F.Walker, 1864
- Ophiolechia Sattler, 1996
- Organitis Meyrick, 1906
- 柽麦蛾属 Ornativalva Gozmány, 1955
- Oxylechia Meyrick, 1917
- Oxypteryx Rebel, 1911
- Pachygeneia Meyrick, 1923
- Paltodora
- Paltoloma Ghesquière, 1940
- Palumbina Rondani, 1876
- Pancoenia Meyrick, 1904
- Panicotricha Meyrick, 1913
- Parabola Janse, 1950
- Parachronistis Meyrick, 1925
- Paralida Clarke, 1958
- Paramegacraspedus Gastón & Vives, 2021
- Paranarsia Ragonot, 1895
- Parapodia Joannis, 1912
- Parapsectris Meyrick, 1911
- Paraselotis Janse, 1960
- Parastega Meyrick, 1912
- Parastenolechia Kanazawa, 1985
- Parateleiopsis Ponomarenko, Omelko & Omelko, 2021
- Parathectis Janse, 1958
- Pauroneura Turner, 1919
- Pavolechia Busck, 1914
- Pectinophora Busck, 1917
- Pelocnistis Meyrick, 1932
- Peltasta Bidzilya, 2010
- Percnarcha Meyrick, 1915
- Perioristica Walsingham, 1910
- Pessograptis Meyrick, 1923
- Petalostomella Fletcher, 1940
- Peucoteles Meyrick, 1931
- Pexicopia Common, 1958
- Phanerophalla Janse, 1960
- Pharangitis Meyrick, 1905
- Phloeocecis Chrétien, 1908
- Phobetica Turner, 1944
- 光麦蛾属 Photodotis Meyrick, 1911
- Phricogenes Meyrick, 1931
- Phrixocrita Meyrick, 1935
- Phthoracma Meyrick, 1921
- Phthorimaea
- Phthorimaea Meyrick, 1902
- Phyllocnistis
- Phylopatris Meyrick, 1923
- Physoptila Meyrick, 1914
- Pilocrates Meyrick, 1920
- Piskunovia M.M.Omelko, 1988
- Pithanurga Meyrick, 1921
- Pitycona Clarke, 1969
- Pityocona Meyrick, 1918
- Platyedra Meyrick, 1895
- Platyphalla Janse, 1951
- Pogochaetia Staudinger, 1879
- Polyhymno Chambers, 1874
- Porpodryas Meyrick, 1920
- Pragmatodes Walsingham, 1908
- Primischema Povolny, 1989
- Proadamas Meyrick, 1929
- Prolita Leraut, 1993
- Promolopica Meyrick, 1925
- Proselotis Meyrick, 1914
- Prosodarma Meyrick, 1925
- Prostomeus Busck, 1903
- Proteodoxa Meyrick, 1938
- Protoparachronistis M.M.Omelko, 1986
- Psamathocrita Meyrick, 1925
- Pseudarla Clarke, 1965
- Pseudochelaria Dietz, 1900
- Pseudosophronia Corley, 2001
- Pseudosymmoca Rebel, 1903
- Pseudotelphusa Janse, 1958
- Psoricoptera
- Psoricoptera Stainton, 1854
- Ptilostonychia Walsingham, 1911
- Ptocheuusa Heinemann, 1870
- Ptycerata Ely, 1910
- Ptychovalva Janse, 1958
- Pubitelphusa Lee & Brown, 2013
- Pulchrala Lee, Han, Park, Qi & Li, 2021
- Pycnobathra Lower, 1901
- Pycnodytis Meyrick, 1918
- Pyncostola Meyrick, 1917
- Radionerva Janse, 1951
- Recurvaria Haworth, 1828
- Rhinosia
- Rifseria Hodges, 1966
- Sabaha Omelko & Omelko, 2019
- Sarotorna Meyrick, 1904
- Satrapodoxa Meyrick, 1925
- Sattleria Povolný, 1965
- Schistophila Chrétien, 1899
- Schistovalva Janse, 1960
- Schizovalva Janse, 1951
- Schmidtnielsenia Povolný, 1987
- Schneidereria Weber, 1957
- Scieropepla
- Sclerocecis Chrétien, 1908
- Sclerocopa Meyrick, 1937
- Sclerograptis Meyrick, 1923
- Sclerophantis Meyrick, 1935
- Scodes Hodges, 1986
- Scrobipalpa Janse, 1951
- Scrobipalpoides Povolný, 1985
- Scrobipalpomima Povolný, 1985
- Scrobipalpopsis Povolný, 1967
- Scrobipalpula Povolný, 1964
- Scrobipalpulopsis Povolný, 1987
- Scrobitasta Povolný, 1985
- Semophylax Meyrick, 1932
- Sergeya Ponomarenko, 2008
- Sicera Chrétien, 1908
- Simoneura Walsingham, 1911
- Sinoe Chambers, 1873
- 禾麦蛾属 Sitotroga Heinemann, 1870
- 拟禾麦蛾属 Sitotrogoides Sohn, Ponomarenko & Sakamaki, 2019
- Sophronia Hübner, 1825
- Sorotacta Meyrick, 1914
- Spes Metz, 2019
- Sphagiocrates Meyrick, 1925
- Sphenocrates Meyrick, 1925
- Sphenogrypa Meyrick, 1920
- Spiniductellus Bidzilya & Karsholt, 2008
- Spiniphallellus Bidzilya & Karsholt, 2008
- Spinovalva Bidzilya, 2022
- Sriferia Hodges, 1966
- Stachyostoma Meyrick, 1923
- Stagmaturgis Meyrick, 1923
- Stegasta Meyrick, 1904
- Stenoalata M.M.Omelko, 1998
- Stenolechia Meyrick, 1894
- Stenolechiodes Elsner, 1995
- Stenovalva Amsel, 1955
- Steremniodes Meyrick, 1923
- Stereodmeta Meyrick, 1931
- Stereomita Braun, 1922
- Sterrhostoma Meyrick, 1935
- Stibarenches Meyrick, 1930
- Stomopteryx Heinemann, 1870
- Streniastis Meyrick, 1904
- Strenophila Meyrick, 1913
- Streyella Janse, 1958
- Strobisia Clemens, 1860
- Stryella Janse, 1958
- Symbatica Meyrick, 1910
- Symbolistis Meyrick, 1904
- Symmetrischema Povolný, 1967
- Symmetrischemulum Povolny, 1989
- Symmoca
- Symphanactis Meyrick, 1925
- Synactias Meyrick, 1931
- Syncathedra Meyrick, 1923
- Syncratomorpha Meyrick, 1929
- Syndesmica Turner, 1919
- Syngelechia Janse, 1958
- Syrmadaula Meyrick, 1918
- Tabernillaia Walsingham, 1911
- Tachyptilia
- Tahla Dumont, 1932
- Tawaya Ponomarenko, M.Omelko & N.Omelko, 2021
- Tecia Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Tectosquamae Metz, 2019
- Teleiodes Sattler, 1960
- Teleiopsis Sattler, 1960
- Telephia
- Telphusa Chambers, 1872
- Tenera M.M.Omelko, 1998
- Tentamen Metz, 2019
- Tenupalpa Lee, Han, Park, Qi & Li, 2021
- Thaumaturgis Meyrick, 1934
- Theiosa
- Theisoa Chambers, 1874
- Thiognatha Meyrick, 1920
- Thiotricha Meyrick, 1886
- Thriophora Meyrick, 1911
- Thrypsigenes Meyrick, 1914
- Thymosopha Meyrick, 1914
- Tila Povolný, 1965
- Tiranimia Chrétien, 1915
- Tituacia Walker, 1854
- Tornodoxa Meyrick, 1921
- Tosca Heinrich, 1920
- Toxotacma Meyrick, 1929
- Trachyedra Meyrick, 1929
- Trachyntis
- Tricerophora Janse, 1958
- Trichembola Meyrick, 1918
- Tricyanaula Meyrick, 1925
- Tricyphistis Meyrick, 1934
- Tritadelpha Meyrick, 1904
- Trychnopalpa Janse, 1958
- Trypanisma Clemens, 1860
- Turcopalpa Povolný, 1973
- Untomia Busck, 1906
- Vaguzada
- Vientiana M.Omelko & N.Omelko, 2018
- Vladimirea Povolný, 1967
- Xenolechia Meyrick, 1895
- Xystophora Heinemann, 1876
- Xystophora Wocke, 1876
- Zeempista Povolny, 1974
- Zelosyne Walsingham, 1911
- Zizyphia Chrétien, 1908
- ^ Gelechiidae. GBIF. [2023-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-15).
- ^ Vazrick Nazari. 2017. Review of Neopalpa Povolný, 1998 with Description of A New Species from California and Baja California, Mexico (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). ZooKeys. 646: 79-94. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.646.11411