在电子工程中,接地反弹(英語:Ground bounce)是指与晶体管切换状态时,阈值电压呈现比当时接地环路更低电压的现象。接地反弹会造成逻辑门工作不稳定。
- Jeff Barrow, Reducing Ground Bounce (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), (2007), Analog Devices
- Vikas Kumar, Ground Bounce Primer, (2005), TechOnLine (now EETimes).
- Ground Bounce in 8-Bit High-Speed Logic , Pericom.
- AN-640 Understanding and Minimizing Ground Bounce, (2003) Fairchild Semiconductor, Application Note 640.
- Minimizing Ground Bounce & VCC Sag (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), White Paper, (2001) Altera Corporation.
- Ground Bounce part-1 and part-2 by Douglas Brooks (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),Articles, Ultra Cad Design.