強制程序條款(英語:Compulsory Process Clause)是美國憲法第六修正案中的一个条款,其中规定刑事案件的被告有权透過法院發行的傳票取得有利於自己的證人。該條款通常會被理解為被告得以在審判过程中设法获得对自己有利的证词,不過自從該規則施行之後,美國聯邦最高法院已經宣佈了幾個特定的限制。
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right...to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor.[1]
在1868年第十四修正案通過後,最高法院處理了一系列有關正當程序條款的案件[6]。對於正當程序條款而言,第一個探討被告在審判中之程序性權利的案件是1897年「霍維訴埃利奧特案」的判決。在「霍維」一案中,最高法院明確地將公平審判的保障適用於正當程序條款上,法院認為正當程序「保障了『被告的固有權利』」[7]。這一學說最終保護了被告「提出辯護證據(英语:exculpatory evidence)和證人證言」的能力[8]。舉例來說,法院在「布雷迪訴馬里蘭州案(英语:Brady v. Maryland)」中,使用正當程序條款以要求檢察機關在刑事案件中必須披露有利於審判中的被告的證據[9]。
法院的正當程序判解在1948年「In re Oliver」一案中獲得擴充,該案修訂了基本公平原則的廣泛性[10]。法院寫道:
A person's right to reasonable notice of a charge against him, and an opportunity to be heard in his defense—a right to his day in court—are basic in our system of jurisprudence; and these rights include, as a minimum, a right to examine the witnesses against him, to offer testimony, and to be represented by counsel.[11]
Heiderscheit, John. Taylor v. Illinois: The New and Not -- so -- New Approach to Defense Witness Preclusion Sanctions for Criminal Discovery Rule Violations. Georgia Law Review. 1989, 23 (1): 479–508.