國際商業海洋公司並沒有因為鐵達尼號沉沒事故而倒閉。雖然理論上來說該公司仍然很強大,因為它繼續影響著一些美國、英國和德國的頂尖航運公司,但該公司從未設法解決自己的財務問題,也無法壟斷北大西洋的航運貿易,因此沒有達到創立時的目標[8]。該公司於1915年進入申請破產保護,並由於約翰·皮爾龐特·摩根逝世[23],由菲利普·富蘭克林接替主席[24],他設法挽救了這間公司。在1920年代後期,他獲得美國政府的資金補助(條件是在美國建造船舶或懸掛國旗),並於1926年將白星航運以700萬英鎊出售給皇家郵政蒸汽船運公司(英语:Royal Mail Steam Packet Company),其中又拖欠了235萬英鎊,因為過度槓桿化和資金不足的皇家郵政蒸汽船運公司在1932年遭英國政府清算重組[25]。1930年,國際商業海洋公司擁有30艘船,1933年有19艘船,到1935年只剩11艘船。
1940年,羅斯福航運併入合眾國航運,使該公司成為羅斯福國際商船公司唯一剩下的子公司。1943年,羅斯福國際商船公司更名為合眾國航運公司(英语:United States Lines Inc.),重新塑造為一家專注於跨大西洋航線的小型公司,並以單一品牌為重點。現代航運業的一些公司仍然認為國際商業海洋公司是商業信託公司的先驅,這類大型控股公司今天主宰著大部分航運業。
^The New York Times, 4 April 1915; IMM 1916 Annual Report.
^John J. Clark, and Margaret T. Clark, "The International Mercantile Marine Company: A Financial Analysis," American Neptune 1997 57(2): 137–154
^and presenting Morgan with the "Hobson's choice" of proceeding with the formation of a probably unprofitable holding company (by consummating the acquisition of White Star as its "crown jewel," but having to probably go without the subsidy envisaged under the Frye-Payne bill), or backing away at the last minute and absorbing considerable losses on the prior purchase of Leyland. Morgan ultimately chose to go ahead and continue putting together his "trust." Navin and Sears, pp. 316-19, Vale, pp. 94-97
^Central planks of the agreement included dividend-sharing, route-allocation, and joint committee to oversee the agreement, and suspension in the event of war. A contemporaneous side deal authorized the subsequent acquisition by HAPAG, NDL and IMM of a controlling interest in the Holland-America line (but without the direct advance knowledge of Holland-America's management). The German Accession," chapter 3 in Vale, pp. 63-101, Annual Report of the Commissioner of Navigation [U.S.], 1902, pp. 395-99, Navin and Sears, pp. 308-12
^Green and Moss: "A Business of National Importance"
Boyce, Gordon. The Growth and Dissolution of a Large-Scale Business Enterprise (Research in Maritime History 49, 2012), chapter 4: "Trouble on the Transatlantic Route."
Chirnside, Mark: The Olympic-class ships. Tempus, 2004 (ISBN0-7524-2868-3)
Gittelman, Steven H.: J.P. Morgan and the Transportation Kings — The Titanic and Other Disasters. University Press of America, Inc., 2012 (ISBN978-0-7618-5850-8)
(法文) Piouffre, Gérard: Le Titanic ne répond plus. Larousse, 2009 (ISBN2-263-02799-8)
(法文) Beau Riffenburgh, Toute l'histoire du Titanic, Sélection du Reader's Digest, 2008 (ISBN2709819821)
Navin, Thomas R. and Sears, Marian V. "A Study In Merger: Formation Of The International Mercantile Marine Company," Business History Review 1954 28(4): 291-328