克勞德和其法國公司長久以來一直被指透過出售兩幅霓虹燈招牌予舊金山及洛杉磯的豪車生產商帕卡德擁有人厄爾·C·安東尼(英语:Earle C. Anthony)的方式,來打進美國市場,但未有確鑿的證據證明此說法。與之相反的是,1923–25年的照片顯示洛杉磯要到25年才出現霓虹燈;1924年安東尼在舊金山的經銷店照片中可見一霓虹燈招牌,但不能妄下定論為出自克勞德之手[18]。即使面臨這些指控,「克勞德霓虹燈」到了1924年已在美國各地開設多間子公司或專利許可性關聯企業,其中一個例子有位處美國西岸的「電氣產品公司」(Electrical Products, Company)。儘管霓虹燈招牌未如想像中到處可見,但它到了1930年代已成為美國各地常見的風景線之一,並最終在數十年內成為該國標誌照明的主要形式[19]。
^ 1.01.1Acte de naissance no 11/3988/1870 portant mention marginale « décédé à Saint-Cloud le 21 mai 1960 », registres d'état civil 1860-1902. Archives numérisées de Paris. [2013-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-07)..
^There is, as yet, no satisfactory primary source to the actual date on which Claude unveiled his neon lights at the 1910 Paris Motor Show. Many references give 3 December 1910, which was the starting date for the show. See Robertson, Patrick. The Book of Firsts. C. N. Potter. 1974. and also the Motor show poster. Others give 11 December; see Bloom, Ken. Broadway: Its History, People, and Places: An Encyclopedia. Taylor & Francis. 2004. ISBN 978-0-415-93704-7..
^Testelin, Xavier. Reportage – Il était une fois le néon No. 402. [6 December 2010]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03) (法语). Claude's 1910 demonstration of neon lighting lit the peristyle of the Grand Palais in Paris; this webpage includes a recent photograph that gives an impression of it. It is part of an extensive selection of images of neon lighting; see Reportage – Il était une fois le néon. [2023-09-10]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
^FR patent 424190,Georges Claude,「Perfectionnements dans l'eclairage par tubes luminescents」,发行于1911-03-08
^US 1125476,Georges Claude,「Systems of Illuminating by Luminescent Tubes」,发行于1915-01-19
^Claude Neon Lights Wins Injunction Suit: Also Gets Rights to Recover Profits and Damages Resulting From Patent Infringement. The New York Times. 28 November 1928. Paid access.
Baillot, Rémy. Georges Claude : Le génie fourvoyé. EDP Sciences. 2010. ISBN 978-2-7598-0396-5. The French title translates loosely as Genius Gone Astray; Baillot's appears to be the only book-length biography of Claude.
美國專利第1,125,476号, Improvements in Systems of Illuminating by Luminescent Tubes. 19 January 1915.