《九评共产党》简称《九评》 (英語:Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party),是法轮功学员创办的媒体《大纪元时报》於2004年11月19日發表的系列评论性文章,主要是对共产主义和共产党(尤其是中国共产党)的政治观及宇宙观的评价。《九評共產黨》獲得2005年美國亞裔記者協會頒發网络报导类最佳奖之一[1]。
^ 2.02.1美國國會參議院. 【S. RES. 232】美國參議院232號決議--要求中共停止對法輪功已12年鎮壓運動&支持中國公民聲明拋棄與中共黨相關組織的關係(Recognizing the continued persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China on the 12th anniversary of the campaign by the Chinese Communist Party to suppress the Falun Gong movement, recognizing the Tuidang movement whereby Chinese citizens renounce their ties to the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliates, and calling for an immediate end to the campaign to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.). GOVTrack.US. 2011-07-13 (英语).缺少或|url=为空 (帮助)
Whereas the publication of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in November 2004 by the United States-based newspaper, the Epoch Times, led to the creation of the Tuidang movement; Whereas the Tuidang movement, which translates literally as withdraw from the communist party, has encouraged as many as 90,000,000 people to publicly renounce their membership in the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliates since 2004;......That the Senate—...(5)expresses support for volunteers and participants of the Tuidang movement for their peaceful efforts to reclaim Chinese history and culture, and for their pursuit of a fair and open government, a free people, and a society rooted in the practice of virtue.
Whereas in November 2004, the publication of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party by the United States-based newspaper, the Epoch Times, led to the creation of the Tuidang movement; Whereas the Tuidang movement, which means withdraw from the communist party, has encouraged as many as 100,000,000 people to publicly renounce their membership in the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliates; and.......(7)expresses support for the Tuidang movement and its members for their peaceful efforts in pursuit of religious freedom and a free and democratic government in China.
Но я бы назвал еще два события - это начало глубокого масштабного европейского кризиса, и возможно, кризиса самой европейской модели, экономической, политической и общественной, а также факт достижения количеством участников движения «Тойданг», или «Исход», в переводе с китайского, - стомиллионной отметки. Семь лет тому назад, в 2004 г., была опубликована книга «Девять фактов о Компартии Китая», которая привела к началу движения массового выхода из компартии Китая, а также из организаций, подчиненных КПК, аффилированных с КПК, их членов. И за эти 7 лет, по оценкам, - понятно, что точной цифры нет, - но в августе ушедшего года газета «Эпок Таймс» опубликовала, что более ста миллионов человек заявили письменно в интернете о своем решении покинуть организации, так или иначе связанные с Компартией Китая.部分中譯參考
Perhaps that explains the extraordinary appeal of the Tuidang movement, which organizers say has more than 60 million participants. It began in late 2004, when New York-based Chinese dissident newspaper
DaJiYuan (Epoch Times, affiliated with the spiritual movement Falun Gong) ran a series of polemic editorials detailing the history of the Communist Party in China.They also proclaimed that the country would not truly be free or prosperous until it was rid of the party, which, it argued was at odds with China's cultural and spiritual values.
Millions of copies of the articles found their way into mainland China through e-mails, faxes, and underground printing houses. Some Chinese readers say the articles finally confirmed what they suspected all along – about the Great Leap Forward, the Tiananmen massacre, the Cultural Revolution. This offered recognition that their memories were real and their suffering was shared.
But despite appearances, this is not a political movement in the conventional sense. Unlike the student movement of 1989 or the more recent Charter 2008 manifesto – both of which embraced the language of Western democracy – the Tuidang movement employs distinctly Chinese language and meaning. More Confucian than humanist, it often makes its points by drawing on Buddhist and Daoist spirituality.The Communist Party has reacted to the phenomenon with predictable disdain. Terms related to the movement are among the most vigorously censored on the Chinese Internet, and at least 71 people have been imprisoned for possessing movement literature or propagating its spread.
【A fugitive Chinese security agent hiding in Melbourne has been inspired by the recent defection of Chinese diplomat Mr Chen Yonglin and The Epoch Times' Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, to reveal information about the massive human rights abuses inside China, especially those against Falun Gong practitioners, and Chinese spy activities in Australia.】