(англ.)Excavations at Kerma. Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Harvard University. 1923. (reprint ISBN 0-527-01028-6)
(англ.)Harvard excavations at Samaria, 1908—1910. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1924. (with Clarence Stanley Fisher and David Gordon Lyon)
(англ.)Mycerinus, the temples of the third pyramid at Giza,. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1931.
(англ.)The development of the Egyptian tomb down to the accession of Cheops. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1936.
(англ.)A history of Giza necropolis, I, Haward university press, Cambridge, Mass., 1942.
(англ.)A History of the Giza Necropolis. II: The Tomb of Hetep-Heres, the Mother of Cheops (1942—1955)
(англ.)Avec W.S. Smith, A history of Giza necropolis, II, The tomb of Hetep-Heres, The mother of Cheops, Haward university press, Cambridge, Mass., 1955.
(англ.)Canopics. Cairo: Impr. de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale. 1967. (completed by Mohammad Hassan Abd-ul-Rahman)