In this final assignment, the writer brings up the art in the Indramayu region since the myths and values contained in the art aroused the writer’s interest to present the Berokan art in a drawing. From the studies, the writer has learned that Berokan is considered a medium to ward off misfortune. Strong beliefs held by Indramayu community in the power governing the world have encouraged them to create a kind of art that is not only entertaining, but also spiritual which functions as an intermediary between men and God to convey men’s prayer for protection from calamities, illnes, and disasters. Therefore, in this work which departed from the meaning of “ward off misfortunes”, the writer aims to include and communicate that meaning through the drawing by elaborating symbols, colors, contrasts between light and dark, and composition.Keywords: Berokan, Warding off misfortune, Drawing, Symbols________________________________________________________________ Pada pengkaryaan tugas akhir kali ini penulis mengangkat tentang kesenian yang ada di daerah Indramayu, mitos dan juga nila-nilai yang terkandung dalam kesenian ini menggugah minat penulis untuk mengangkat kesenian Berokan kedalam karya drawing. Dari apa yang sudah penulis dapat tentang Berokan, yang mana Berokan dianggap sebagai media penolak bala. Keyakinan masyarakat di Indramayu yang kuat terhadap kekuatan yang mengatur dunia membuat mereka menciptakan suatu kesenian yang tak hanya sebagai kesenian hiburan semata, kesenian sebagai perantara doa kepada yang Maha Kuasa agar dihindarkan dari segala macam musibah, penyakit, bencana. Oleh karena itu pada pengkaryaan ini berangkat dari makna “tolak bala” tersebut penulis mencoba memasukan dan mengkomunikasikan makna itu melalui media karya drawing dengan simbol-simbol, warna, gelap terang, komposisi.Kata Kunci: Berokan, Tolak Bala, Drawing, Simbol

Published by Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung
Journal Name ATRAT
Contact Phone+6281222979930
Contact Name Muhammad Shidiq
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Location Kota bandung, Jawa barat INDONESIA
Website atrat||
ISSN ISSN : 23391642, EISSN : 27227200, DOI :,
Core Subject Humanities, Education, Art, Social,
Meta Subject Arts, Humanities, Education, Social Sciences,
Meta DescAtrat is a Journal of Visual Arts containing scientific papers which includes Fine Art and Design, publisher by Jurusan Seni Rupa STSI Bandung (p-ISSN 2339-1642 & e-issn 2722-7200). Jurnal Atrat also embodies the results of various forms of scientific research as well as the creation of artworks, which can become new knowledge published in scientific articles, so it is worthy to be read and understood by readers. Atrat aims to give land to Artists, Designers, Art Students, Teachers/ Lecturers, and Fine Arts Society to exchange insights.
PenulisHartono, Hartono , Supriatna, Supriatna , Gumelar, Nandang
Publisher ArticleJurusan Seni Rupa STSI Bandung
Subtitle Article ATRAT: Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 8, No 1 (2020): REPRESENTASI, PARTISIPASI, DAN GERAKAN SENI
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