Abstract: The aims of this research were to know: (1) which one is providing bettermathematics learning achievement, students taught using cooperative learning peer tutoring, selfdirectedlearning by e-learning or direct learning, (2) which one is having better mathematicslearning achievement, students with interpersonal intelligence, students with intrapersonalintelligence or students with linguistic intelligence, (3) at each learning model, are there anydifference mathematics learning achievement between students with interpersonal intelligence,students with intrapersonal intelligence or students with linguistic intelligence, (4) at each type ofintelligence, are there any difference mathematics learning achievement between students taughtusing cooperative learning peer tutoring, self-directed learning by e-learning or direct learning.This was a quasi experimental research using 3x3 factorial designs. The hypotheses testing usedtwo ways ANOVA with unbalance cell. This research concludes that: (1) students who weretaught using cooperative learning peer tutoring have better mathematics learning achievementthan the students who were taught using self-directed learning by e-learning and students who aretaught using direct instruction, as well as students who were taught using self-directed learningby e-learning have better mathematics learning achievement than the group of students who weretaught using direct instruction, (2) students achievement with the type of interpersonalintelligence are better than the students with the type of intrapersonal intelligence and linguisticintelligence type while the students with the type of linguistic intelligence have bettermathematics learning achievement than the students with the type of intrapersonal intelligence,(3) in the cooperative learning peer tutoring, students with interpersonal intelligence have bettermathematic learning achievement than students with interpersonal and linguistik intelligence,students with linguistic intelligence have better learning achievement than student withintrapersonal intelligence, in the self-directed learning by e-learning, there was no difference inlearning achievement in each type of intelligence, in the direct instruction, students withinterpersonal and linguistic intelligence have better mathematic learning achievement thanstudents with intrapersonal intelligence, (4) for the students who have interpersonal intelligence,cooperative learning peer tutoring produce better mathematics achievement than self-directedlearning by e-learning and direct instruction, for the students who have intrapersonal intelligence,self-directed learning by e-learning produce better mathematics achievement than directinstruction, for the students who have linguistic intelligence, there was no difference in learningachievement in each learning models.Keywords: E-Learning, Peer Tutoring, Intelligence, mathematics learning achievement

Published by Universitas Sebelas Maret
Journal Name Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika
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Location Kota surakarta, Jawa tengah INDONESIA
Website | https://jurnal.uns.ac.id/index.php/jpm|
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Core Subject Education,
Meta Subject Mathematics,
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PenulisSafitri, Dian N , Kusmayadi, Tri Atmojo , Usodo, Budi
Publisher ArticleJurnal Pembelajaran Matematika
Subtitle Article Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Pembelajaran Matematika
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