Auto2000 is the biggest authorized dealer that handles the sustainability of Toyota cars in Indonesia. Auto2000 providing the network of sales, and after sales. On March 2012, Auto2000 opened a new branch located on Jl. Dr. Setiabudi, Bandung. Since its opening, the after sales service from this branch, never achieve its monthly customer unit entry target. The purpose of this study is to increase customer retention at after sales service of Auto2000 Setiabudi. The understanding about the theory of marketing strategy, 7ps of marketing mix, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer lo…
Abstract. People nowadays are familiar with the famous photo-sharing platform called Instagram. Known for its function to share your daily journey in form of photos, Instagram also become famous to create a personâ??s own branding and if someoneâ??s lucky he can become another personâ??s inluencer and inspiration. Not to mention, one of emerging Instagram influencer, @nabilagardena, is currently expanding itself to another next level. With the purpose of inspiring and creating positivity in society, @nabilagardena will firstly aim to reach 1 million followers and increase on profit in a one…
Abstract. The increasing number of hotels in Bandung would lead to the tight competition. To survive the competition, one of the strategies is retaining the customer through loyalty card. However, it is very common to find budget hotel loyalty card which is similar to Luxury hotel. From previous research findings, it is found that offering a single loyalty card to customers that patronize different hotel segments could result in the failure. Therefore, budget hotel need to know what kind of loyalty card is customer really like and prefer that could be measured by calculating customer attitude …
One of the significant way to improve the perfomance of the company is developing corporate entrepreneurship within the employees. An Entrepreneurial mindset is needed in this growing business world. Therefore, for having a good organization performance, a company also has to have entrepreneurial leaders. The author decided to measure and analyze the corporate entrepreneurial in PT. Bank X as this company is one of the biggest bank in Indonesia that very influential to the economic performance of use Entrepreneurial Orientation Survey (EOS) and Entrepreneurial Leadership Quest…
Abstract. Background - Competency is ability, knowledge, and skill of people in some condition. In the agricultural sector, competency can classify in technical skill, managerial skill, and entrepreneurial skill of farmers. The technical skill there are planting, fertilization, irrigation, control pest and diseases, harvesting and also post-harvesting. Other than technical skill, managerial skill also can categorize in planning, networking, and managing finances. Sales strategy also used for main concern in the gap of the crop. On entrepreneurial, there are taking a risk for farmers, opportuni…
Abstract. Culinary industry is one of the strategic sectors for economic development in Indonesia. One of the culinary businesses that has become attractive for businessman and youngsters is coffee shop. Association of Indonesia Coffee Exporters and Industries (AICE) stated that coffee consumption in Indonesia is increasing every year (AICE, 2016). Kopi Encus is one of Bandung's cafe located in Sukajadi Street, Bandung. no clear rules about work distribution so employees faces unclear work while doing their work or unclear job description, because of that employee performance decreasing. To pr…
Competency-based education emphasizes the ability to be possessed by the graduates, Implications of competency-based education is the development of syllabi and competency-based assessment system. Education curriculum Midwifery Studies Program D III STIKES Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto consists of an academic curriculum that covers 60% of the core curriculum and 40% of the curriculum of the institution. The core curriculum reflects the Learning Outcomes (LO) and core competencies, while the institutional curriculum represents the specificity / featured from courses / institutions, each of which co…
Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy will cause a bad influence on the mother, among others, with hidramnion pregnancy, toxemia gravidarum, infection, and ketoacidosis. The effect on the children, is a congenital disorder, respiratory failure syndrome, fetal death in utero, hyperbilirubinemia, macrosomia, hypoglycemia, and hypocalcemia. On labor may occur atonic uterus, uterine inseria, shoulder dystocia, stillbirth, termination of labor with action. This study aims to identify factors that influence maternal whether the occurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus. This study was an observational a…
The main causes of neonatal mortality or neonatal in the world 23% are born with neonatal asphyxia and trauma.Faktor which is known to be the cause of neonatal asphyxia in newborns, including the factor of the mother, the umbilical cord and the baby. According to a survey conducted by researchers at the Hospital Goetheng Tarunadibrata Purbalingga in 2014 there were 477 cases of neonatal asphyxia from 5680 deliveries (8.4%), then in 2015 increased to 848 from 5862 deliveries (14.5%).The purpose of this study to determine the factors maternal age and gestational age with maternal neonatal asphyx…
The physiological changes that occur in neonates heaviest is the transmission of the placenta into the fetal circulation or respiration independently. Factors affecting the normal transmission of this or that increases asphyxia (state hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and acidosis) fetus will affect the adjustment of the fetus to life extrauterine Interference in breathing can occur there is a new baby is born, one of which is caused by a factor mother of them are related with blood pressure is hypotension or preeclampsia (Masyita Dea, 2014) Based on the pre-survey conducted on February 1 until March …
Cervical cancer is the growth of a group of abnormal cells in the cervix (mouth of the womb).According to WHO (2015), an estimated 9 million people who died of cancer. Cervical cancer fromdeveloping countries amounted to 1.064 million cases, incidence rates in developing countries arestill relatively high (MOH 2010). Central Java province in 2012 as many as 2,259 cases (19.92%)of the total number of 11 341 cancer cases. The number of cases of reproductive disorders inpatienthospital treatment Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto in the year 2015 as many as 28 695cases with 757 cases of cervic…
Learning achievement is the main yardstick to determine the success of one's learning. Thelearning achievement can also be used as an indicator of the quality of education. One of theinternal factors that affect the learning achievement is Emotional Intelligence, and one of herexternal factor is the learning environment.The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of emotional intelligence and learningenvironment with students' achievement.This study uses correlation analysis, the population in this study is the fourth semester students ofmidwifery D3 STIKES Harapan Bangsa Purwo…
ow Case Detection Rate (CDR) could be interpreted that there are many cases of pulmonary tuberculosis that has not been detected and given the treatment, so it can be a source ofinfection for people in the neighborhood, so it needs an increase in efforts to find active case(MOH, 2011) , Delays in treatment lead to the transmission, as well as the impact the increasedrisk of disease transmission. So search delays pulmonary TB treatment resulted in increasednumbers of cases of pulmonary TB. Objectives of this study was to analyze the delay of treatment seeking behaviorof Pulmonaru TB patients in…
Concept of caring mentioned much in nursing practice, but rarely defined in the context of nursingeducation. The establishment and maintenance of caring behavior is important to set up the timeof learning in the lecture bench. Caring behavior of students in the learning process is importantbecause it can make the students become confident and caring can apply to their peers, as a basisfor caring for patients when it works. Formation of caring behavior is influenced by many factors,one of which emotional intelligence. The purpose of this study to analyze the relationship between emotional intel…
Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to heart disease, kidney failure and stroke.Various complementary therapies developed to reduce high blood pressure. Joketherapy can cause a relaxation response and lowers blood pressure. The purpose ofthis study was to identify the impact of joke therapy on blood pressure.This study used the research design of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Theamount of samples of this study were 20 patients with hypertension in Mersi. Thesampling technique used purposive sampling.The results of the study showed a significant differences of the blood pressure beforeand a…
Latar Belakang: Angka kejadian Sectio Caesarea di Indonesia menurut data survey nasional pada tahun 2007 adalah 921.000 dari 4.039.000 persalinan (22,8%) dari seluruh persalinan (Riskesdas, 2010). Salah satu metode untuk menangani Nyeri post Sectio C aesarea adalah dengan teknik aroma terapi lavender Tujuan: mengetahui efektifitas teknik aroma terapi lavender terhadap nyeri pada pasien post operasi Sectio Caesarea di RSUD Ajibarang Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment with pretest-posttest design dengan sampel 22 responden terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok, 11 resp…
Indonesia menghadapi masalah dengan jumlah dan kualitas sumber daya manusia dengankelahiran 5.000.000 pertahun. Untuk menurunkan angka kelahiran maka di luncurkanpenggunaan kontrasepsi, salah satu kontrasepsi yang dapat digunakan adalah kontrasepsiimplant. Namun cakupan pemakaian Implant sedikit, pemakaian kontrasepsi implant sebanyak2,7% dengan pengguna implant terendah pada Puskesmas Tahtul Yaman sebanyak 0,6%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Gambaran pengetahuan dan sikap Pasangan Usia Subur(PUS) dengan pemakaian Kontrasepsi Implant di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tahtul yaman KotaJambi ta…
Pertumbuhan penduduk yang relatif tinggi merupakan beban dalam pembangunan nasional.Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi laju pertumbuhan penduduk adalah tingkat kelahiran.Tingginya angka kelahiran erat kaitannya dengan usia pertama kali kawin. Salah satu upayamenurunkan laju pertumbuhan penduduk adalah melalui upaya pengkitan usia perkawinan.Berdasarkan survei diketahui dari 10 orang ada 8 orang WUS yang melakukan perkawinan usiamuda.Penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan case-control. Bertujuan untuk dapat mengujihipotesis tentang perkawinan usia muda dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan de…
Kejadian TB Paru di Kota Jambi khususnya di Puskesmas Putri Ayu terus meningkat, oleh karenaitu perlu perhatian khusus dan mendapat prioritas utama di bidang kesehatan. Puskesmas PutriAyu merupakan salah satu Puskesmas yang ada di Kota Jambi dengan kejadian TB Paru palingtinggi dibandingkan Puskesmas lainnya, dengan jumlah penderita TB Paru BTA (+) sebanyak 59orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan kelembabanudara dengan kejadian TB Paru di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi Tahun 2014.Jenis penelitian bersifat retrospektif dengan desain case con…
Penderita hipertensi di seluruh dunia sebanyak 972 juta atau 26,4% dengan perbandingan lakilaki26,6% dan wanita, 26,1% Penderita hipertensi tersebut 333 juta berada di negara maju dan639 sisanya berada di negara sedang berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Angka ini kemungkinanakan meningkat menjadi 29,2% di tahun 2025. Golongan umur 55-64 tahun lebih banyakmenderita hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dansikap keluarga terhadap diet hipertensi pada masa lansia Tahun 2014.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan desain cross setional, di…