The research aimed to describe the cooperative learning script that can improve student mathematic learning out comes.The research was conducted in sorong, the subyek of this research was X grade at SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Amin Sorong, in academic 2013 / 2014. The student consist of 9 males and 20 female. The research was classroom action research (PTK). The procedure and implemantion at the study site was divided into two cycles. In the first cycles performed three times of implementation by using cooperative learning script. The second cycles took three times with the same model.Cooperative lear…

This research is aimed to conduct research about using Group Investigation Method to improve students’ speaking ability. Therefore, the researcher observed in English Department of Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The researcher uses quantitative method and the design of this research used pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of this research was taken from third semester of class C in Teacher and Trainning Education Faculty in English Department of Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The sample was taken with randomized sampling and consisted of 30 stu…

The object of this research is describing the students’ perception and to investigate how the students their perception about their teacher in learning process among second grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Amin Sorong. The method of this research was descriptive quantitative, the collect data is analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 17. The survey study was conducted to gather data from respondents. There were   31 students as respondents in this study. The instrument is questionnaire. The students’ perception about their teacher acade…

This research tried to find out how is students’ speaking ability at University Muhammadiyah Sorong. This research used qualitative method and descriptive design. The population is students of English department at University of Muhammadiyah Sorong in 2013/2014 academic year. The writer took only 30 students randomly of fifth semester as the sample of this research. The writer also prepared some topics that chosen by the students and used voice recorder as the research instruments to measure students’ speaking ability.The result of this research revealed that the students’ speaking abili…

  Zakiyah Anwar, RuslanPM FKIP UMS, PBI FKIP,, AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Model Pembelajaran Somatic Auditory Visualization  Intellectually Kinesthetic (SAVIK) yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Metode dalam penelitian ini  adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development), design penelitian ini menggunakan desing menurut Richey and Klein yaitu Planning (Perancangan), Production (memproduksi), Evaluation (evaluasi). Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas VII A yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Penelitian ini memil…

AbstrakBerdasarkan hasil observasi dilapangan penulis menemukan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dalam proses belajar mengajar yaitu siswa menganggap bahwa pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sulit dipahami dan membosankan, sehingga kurang menarik minat untuk mempelajarinya, serta kebiasaan para guru yang selalu monoton dalam ruangan sehingga para siswa kurang aktif dan kurang komunikatif dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris.Metode TPR (Total Physical Response) sebagai sebuah metode pengajaran bahasa yang dibangun di sekitar koordinasi ucapan dan tindakan telah dipilih sebagai metode pembelajaran yan…

 The objective of this study was trying to analyze the impact of using video game in developing student’s vocabulary mastery. The method of this study was quantitative. The design of the research was based on the experimental study. Pre-test and post-test was given to 37 students of class H fifth semester of Sorong Muhammadiyah University. Score of the test was divided into five categories, they were very good, good, fairly, poor and very poor. The mean score of pre-test was 6, 51 in fairly category and the mean score of post-test was 8, 5 in very good category. It showed that the mean…

 Di Inggris istilah investigasi (penyelidikan) mulai muncul di kancah pembicaraan para guru sejak diterbitkannya laporan Cockcroft pada tahun 1982 yang menyatakan bahwa pengajaran matematika harus melibatkan aktivitas-aktivitas berikut: Eksposisi atau pemaparan guru (exsposition); Diskusi di antara siswa sendiri, ataupun antara siswa dengan guru (discussion); Kerja praktek (practical work); Pemantapan dan latihan pengerjaan soal (consolidation); Pemecahan masalah (problem solving); Penyelidikan (investigation). pemecahan masalah merupakan kegiatan memusat (convergent activity) dimana para s…

ABSTRAK                 Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Eksperimen (quasi eksperimen) yang dilaksanakan di SMP Al Amin Kota Sorong.  Masalah penelitian ini adalah : (1) Seberapa besar hasilbelajar siswa pada pokok bahsan pecahan melalui metode pembelajaran terbalik (Reciprocal Teaching)? (2) Seberapa besar hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan pecahan melalui metode konvensional? (3) Apakah hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan pecahan dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran terbalik (reciprocal teaching) lebih baik dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional?. Popul…

 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi evektivitas Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD integrasi teori belajar Van hiele pada materi geometri di kelas V SD Inpres 109 Perumnas Kota Sorong. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain “One Group Pretest-postest Design” yang merupakan salah satu bentuk desain dari pre-eksperimental. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas V SD Inpres 109 Perumnas Kota Sorong yang berjumlah 120 orang yang tersebar dalam 3 kelas yaitu kelas VA, VB, dan VC. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, …

Background: The elderly phase is the last stage of development over every human life span. The process starts as infant phase followed by children, adults, old and elderly. Thorough out the elderly phase, there are significant decreases of tissue functions, yet it hampers the ability for body to repair any possible body damages. The decreasing functions in the elders, especially the cognitive functions would affect their functional independence in the long run. Method: A quantitative pre-experimental design with type one-group pre test-post test that compared the average scores between pre and…

Abstract: Sauropus Androgynus, Breast Milk. Mother breat Milk is good nutrition for baby. Mother breast Milk important for growing baby. To increasing mother breast milk very good consumption food this like : leaf Katu (Sauropus androgynous), leaf Ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas), leaf kelor (Moringa oleifera), fried corn at all, Composition of leaf katuk is proteins, fats, calcium, phosphor, iron, vitamins A, B, and C. pyrrolidinone, metil pyroglutamate and p-dodesilfenol component minor. Goal research to known relationship consumption leaf katuk with breast milk sufficient, at midwife practice In…

Abstract: Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN), Moringa Oleifera, Hemoglobin. Pregnant women are one of the vulnerable groups that may have anemia because hemodelusi events that occur during pregnancy. Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN) is a supplement that contains multivitamins, iron and folate were given to pregnant women as one of the programs of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia in its efforts to prevent anemia during pregnancy. A survey found that 70% of pregnant women do not like the taste of Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN) and in addition also the mother complain nausea, dizziness, palpitations, s…

Abstract: The Balance, Arch Of The Foot. Clinic Orthotic Prosthetic Kuspito Karanganyar is a business organization engaged in health services facilities provided are of service in the manufacture of fake hands and feet (Orthotic Prosthetic). Orthotic clinic Prosthetik Kuspito is one of the few clinics in Indonesia. Large number of consumers who come to get service at the clinic Orthotic Prosthetic Kuspito, and its growing number of competitors particular region of Surakarta, the research is expected to know an idea of the quality of service making a false hand, artificial limbs and other mobil…

Abstract: PHBS, Resident Of Elementary School. Life Behavior to Clean of Healthy Life (PHBS) will be done to improve the health community. PHBS at school is a group on which was put into practice by the students, teachers and schools community on the basis awareness as learning outcomes so independently to be able to prevent disease, improve their health and play an active role in providing a healthy environment. (Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2007).The aim of the Research is knowing the difference between Elementary School PHBS residents in the City and in the village in 2015. This research …

Backgound: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) exercise therapy is a focused therapy to maintain deep relaxation conditions. Empirical evidence has supported the use of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) in reducing headaches, insomnia, hypertension, and additional treatment in cancer patients and management of chronic pain. This article analyzes the effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) in reducing anxiety and by reviewing the results of the current study. Method: This study explores quantitative evidence published in electronic database, such as Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Pr…

Background: Acute Myocard Infarction (AMI) is the death of cardiac muscle cells due to long-lasting ischemia due to grafting in the coronary arteries. One of the nursing interventions is giving proper oxygen because it affects the condition of the patient who is short of breath. The aim of this study was to describe nursing care in patients with Acute Myocard Infarction (AMI) with impaired breathing disorder. Methods: This research uses data analysis method that is comparing the result criteria achieved from two patients of Acute Myocard Infarction (AMI) who experienced ineffective breathing d…

Abstract: Dysmenorrhea, Adolescents, Reproductive Health Module. Dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecological problems experienced by women. Based on the research background mentioned above, can be formulated research question "Are gymnastics with reproductive health module is effective in reducing dysmenorrhea in adolescents with dysmenorrhea in Surakarta?". While the purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the exercise with the reproductive health module in reducing dysmenorrhea in adolescent high school in Surakarta. This research is quantitative research with quasi-expe…

Abstract: Fat Thickness, Flexibility Trunks. The purpose of this study to determine the thickness of fat on the trunk flexibility in adolescent girls. The flexibility of the body is a person's ability to perform activities with the widest stretch especially the muscles and ligaments around the joints of the body. The ability of flexibility in the lumbar region known to affect the working system of the human body, especially in conducting activities related to body curvature. Individuals who have a lot of folds of fat in various segments of the body will affect the ability of the flexibility of…

Backgound: The incidence and severity levels of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) can be reduced through life style modification. The nurses’ ability in complementary modalities can help the patients to modify their life style by managing the stress levels; doing standard medical cares to help reducing and controlling blood sugar levels. One form of complementary modalities is SEFT. SEFT is one relaxation technique that can reduce anxiety and optimally reduce blood sugar level. Relaxation can affect hypothalamus to regulate and decrease the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The purpose o…