The implementation of credit card is inseparable from the legal relationshipthat occurs behind it all, the legal relationship between the credit card companyand the credit card holder or the merchant, as well as the legal relationshipbetween the credit card holder and the merchant where the credit card holder isshopping. In the regulations there is no regulation clearly related to surchargeeven in the explanation.This type of research can be classified in the type of sociological legalresearch, because in this study the authors immediately conduct research on thelocation or place under study i…

Law Number 12 Year 2006 Concerning Citizenship is the legal basis for the protection of children withdual nationality. Children with dual nationality are subject to two jurisdictions, and when examined in terms ofinternational law dual citizenship has potential problems, for example in terms of determining personal statusbased on the principle of nationality. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis writing is: First, the knowledge ofjuridical review of children with dual nationality in the perspective of national law. Secondly, the knowledge ofjuridical review of children with dual nationality i…

Ulayat land is communal property which may not and cannot be registered in the name of one orseveral parties. Customary land with the principle of communal ownership, the use and distribution of itsuse is subject to regulation according to customary law. In Pantai Cermin Village, Tapung Subdistrict,Kampar Regency, the ruler of the authorized ulayat land is someone who is a custom called Datuk Ruler ofUlayat Land Rights named Datuk Ajo Panji Alam who issues a letter on ulayat land, known as LandAcquisition Certificate hereinafter referred to as SKPL. SKPL is a basic letter issued by the Ruler o…

Online buying and selling deals are pecianities that bind the need to spend the same amount ofgoods, and other parties acting as buyers tie in to buy something prices and transactions are made using theinternet network. Online shop Monstreation has unique products and jackets in the clothing business offeredon social media. One of them is Instagram. Surely an online shop has several provisions that must be obeyedby the parties so that no loss occurs. Becase of its virtual nature that allows the parties not to face eachother, there will be several disputes.This type of of research is sociologic…

Based on Article 1 of Act Number 1 Concerning Marriage, it is startedthat Marriage is a spiritual bond between a man with a woman as husband andwife with the aim of forming a family (a happy and eternal household based onthe Almighty God). The presence of a child is a gift and a complement to thefamily. But, if a husband and wife do not have children, there is anotheralternative, namely the adoption of children. The purpose of writing this thesisis, first, to find out how the position of adopted children to the inheritance ofadoptive is based on Kampar Customary Law. Second, to find out the pr…

The customary settlement is an alternative which with the accumulation of cases in the Court, this customary settlement effort can be made as a reference to cases of minor criminal acts such as happened in Tanjung Alai Village in accordance with the customary provisions in each region, so customary settlement is also important to anticipate the accumulation of cases in court. The legal consequences that occur when the settlement of criminal theft is done through customary law, while the legal consequences that can be applied to the case of criminal theft ie: Bearing the goods stolen around the…

Transport types of motorcycles or motorcycle called online does not have permissions in the field of public transport. Online motorcycle taxi is public transportation by using a motorcycle as a means to transport it using the app liaison between the riders and their users or based technology. The existence of this online motorcycle is quite prevalent at the present time, but the licenses have not been included in the regulations in Indonesia. As in Law Number 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Transportation motorcycles only included into the personal or individual transport. Not included in the public…

Terrorism is a crime that has been classified as extraordinary crime, or extraordinary crime. It is no stranger to the world because of the ongoing series of terrorism incidents. In Law Number 34 Year 2004 the issue of terrorism is the responsibility of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), with the Terror Countermeasures Unit (Sat-Gultor 81) in it, the role of dealing with the problem of terrorism if needed. Terrorism is the most distressing crime of the world community, because it can happen anytime, anywhere, and sacrifice anyone. Has been taking the world's attention especially in the last fe…

The amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (the 1945 Constitution)has resulted in changes to the constitutional system including changes to Indonesia's legislation practicesand systems. The results of the amendments to the 1945 Constitution put the legislative function only inthe House of Representatives (DPR). As the second chamber of the parliament, the RegionalRepresentative Council (DPD) does not have a legislative function like the DPR. The absence of thelegislative function in the DPD made the DPD not optimal in fighting for regional interests at thenational leve…

Timbal merupakan logam berat yang memiliki sifat toksiknya yang akumulatif dan biomagnifikasi bagi kesehatan manusia. Salah satu efek paparan timbal adalah dapat mempengaruhi sistem hematologi dengan cara menganggu sintesis heme, kemudian memperpendek umur sel darah merah (eritrosit) serta menyebabkan anemia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar timbal dalam darah dengan jumlah eritrosit, MCV dan MCH pada ibu hamil.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan jumlah sampel 49 ibu hamil yang di ambil secara pur…

Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia yang jumlah penderitanya cenderung meningkat dan penyebarannya semakin luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari hubungan perilaku mengurus, menutup, dan mengubur (3M) dengan kejadian DBD di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lingkar Barat Kota Bengkulu. Jenis penelitin ini adalah Survei Analitik dengan menggunakan desain penelitian Case Control. Populasi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah 52 Kepala Keluarga (KK) yang memiliki anggota kepala keluarga yang menderita DBD. Populasi kontrol dalam penelit…

Vektor penular DBD adalah nyamuk Aedes Aegypti yang berkembang biak pada tempat penampungan air berupa genangan air yang tertampung di suatu tempat atau bejana di dalam atau di sekitar rumah atau tempat-tempat umum. Berdasarkan data dari Puskesmas Pancana, jumlah kasus penderita DBD Tahun 2014 = 12 kasus, Tahun 2015 = 77 kasus, dan pada Tahun 2016 = 97 kasus. Desa yang paling tinggi kejadian DBDnya adalah Desa Pancana dengan kejadian DBD pada Tahun 2016 yaitu 30 kasus dengan kejadian DBD tertinggi di Dusun Cenrapole dengan 13 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara mengur…

Laundering clothes and household appliances (laundry) is one of the bussiness engaged in services that are mounting. The small businessman laundering clothes (laundry) started in the big cities, many people who do not have time to wash his clothes himself because of his work. At first it was very helpful, but it will eventually arise environmental problems caused by waste. The waste that produced by the rest of the laundry process have the potential  to cause pollution to the environment, especially on water bodies. The purpose of this research is to reduce levels of COD with a method filtr…

Limbah cair rumah sakit merupakan salah satu sumber pencemaran air yang sangat potensial karena mengandung senyawa organik dan anorganik yang cukup tinggi.Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui kemampuan Aplikasi Teknologi Saringan Pasir silika dan karbon aktif dalam menurunkan Kadar BOD dan COD Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit Mitra Husada MakassarJenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen kuasi dengan desain Pre-Pos test. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah air limbah cair rumah sakit dengan pemeriksaan BOD dan COD. Data yang telah olah secara manual dengan menggunakan alat perhitungan dan disajikan da…

Saat ini pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia masih menghadapi reemerging diseases seperti demam berdarah dengue (DBD). Meningkatnya kasus DBD di Bengkulu disebabkan oleh tiga hal, yaitu pola hidup bersih dan sehat warga, perubahan iklim, dan pertukaran penduduk dari suatu daerah ke Kota Bengkulu yang membawa penyakit. Upaya penanggulangan DBD tidak hanya pada aspek kuratif dan rehabilitatif saja, melainkan dari aspek promotif dan preventif juga menjadi penting. Di Kota Bengkulu upaya ini belum dilakukan secara optimal. Program-program kesehatan perlu selalu disosialisasikan secara terus-menerus…

Makanan berpotensi sebagai perantara penularan penyakit dan keracunan makanan. Pengelolaan makanan di rumah sakit (RS) bagian dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan rumah sakit untuk upaya penyembuhan dan pemulihan pasien melalui penyelenggaraan makanan higiene dan sehat. Kegiatan higiene sanitasi makanan adalah upaya menjamin kualitas makanan dari pencemaran selama proses pengolahannya. Persyaratan higiene sanitasi makanan harus dipenuhi baik secara fisik, kimia dan mikrobiologi.Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan cross sectional design, jenis penelitian observasional dari data sekunder. Tujuan pen…

Infeksi nosokomial atau yang disebut juga Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) adalah infeksi yang didapat di rumah sakit atau difasilitas kesehatan lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pencegahan dan pengendalian Infeksi Nosokomial di Intensive Care Unit RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode penentuan informan menggunakan purposive selected, serta Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 7 informan. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan kewaspadaan universal dilakukan den…

Pneumonia  is  a  major  cause of morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases in the world. In 2010 the incidence of pneumonia in Bengkulu was 5 per 1000 children under 5 years old and in 2011 the incidence increased to 6 per 1000 children under 5 years old. The objective of the study was to analyze the correlation of environmental risk factors related to the incidence of pneumonia in children.The design  was a case-control study and  indepth interview done in  Sukamerindu  health center, Jembatan Kecil health center,  Beringin Raya health center, and Lingkar Bara…

Infeksi malaria pada kehamilan sangat merugikan baik bagi ibu dan janin yang dikandungnya, karena infeksi ini dapat meningkatkan kejadian morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu maupun janin. Untuk menganalisis faktor risiko kejadian malaria pada ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Manganitu Kecamatan Manganitu Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Penelitian ini termasuk studi observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional study. Variabel dependen yaitu kejadian malaria pada ibu hamil dan variabel independen yaitu penggunaan kelambu, breading place, keberadaan semak-semak, penggunaan kawat …

AbstrakBeauveria spp. merupakan salah satu jamur entomopatogen yang dapat digunakan sebagai agen biokontrol terhadap berbagai serangga hama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji patogenitas Beauveria spp. terhadap serangga wereng coklat (Nilaparvata lugens StÃ¥l). Isolat-isolat Beauveria spp. diisolasi dari serangga walang sangit dari Situ Gede, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Identifikasi jamur dilakukan berdasarkan analisis data sekuen dari daerah Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) rDNA. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa patogenisitas isolat Stgd 5(14)2 dan Stgd 7(14)2 menghasilkan tingkat mortalitas 10…