The current study aims to analyze the supply of raw materials for yankees bakery bread specifically for wheat flour, granulated sugar. This research is done for 2 months, from January to February 2018. Data analysis is used by researchers using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) to carry out orders to determine how many orders. From the results of this study the amount of inventory is optimal, EOQ of wheat flour in the third quarter of 2017 is 4,807.29 kg, dosage is 137.28 kg, done (ROP), the remaining stock is 265.68 kg, the total cost is Rp. 971,420. The fourth quarter of 2017 is 5,217.66 kg frequency 2 times, safety supplies 69 kg, reorder (ROP) stocks in warehouses remaining 198.11 kg, the total cost of inventory is Rp. 1,054,346. Based on the results of the study concluded that EOQ is more efficient. Then the cost of the raw material for Yankees Bakery is used EOQ in the supply of raw materials. Penelitian saat ini bertujuan menganalisis sediaan bahan baku roti yankees bakery khusus bahan tepung terigu, gula pasir. Penelitian yang ini dikerjakan lamanya 2 bulan, dari bulan Januari hingga bulan Februari 2018. Analisis data dipergunakan peneliti menggunakan EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) melaksanakan pesanan menentukan seberapa banyak pesanan. Dari hasil penelitian ini jumlah persediaan menjadi optimal, EOQ tepung terigu triwulan tiga tahun 2017 banyaknya 4.807,29 kg, sediaan 137,28 kg, dilakukan (ROP) sediaan sisa 265,68 kg, total biaya Rp. 971.420. Triwulan keempat tahun 2017 sebanyak 5.217,66 kg frekuensi 2 kali, persediaan pengaman 69 kg, melakukan pemesanan ulang (ROP) sediaan di gudang tersisa 198,11 kg, total biaya persediaan sebesar Rp. 1.054.346. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan EOQ lebih efisien. Maka hematan biaya sedia bahan baku Yankees Bakery gunakan EOQ di sediaan bahan baku.